- Science Fiction Monthly
Science Fiction Monthly (as the name suggests) had 12 issues per year.
The characteristic feature of the magazine was its extremely large page size and the fact that it was published as a loose leaf magazine. This format enabled poster-size reproductions of science fiction book jacket illustrations to be a major part of the magazine. Science Fiction Monthly was primarily designed to appeal to a teenaged readership, and this, combined with the attractive posters, ensure that very few complete copies of the magazine survive. Most issues were taken to pieces and used as posters.
As well as stories, the magazine contained series such as "Modern masters of science fiction" by Walter Gillings [2] .
The publisher, New English Library (NEL), also issued binders for the magazine. These were an attractive dark purple in colour. A complete set of the magazine (as published), occupies slightly less than the available space in three of the binders.
The magazine sales were disappointing and in 1976, after only 28 issues, the magazine metamorphosed into "Science Fiction Digest", which had a smaller format, but was essentially the same magazine, intended now to become a quarterly publication. After one issue of Science Fiction Digest was published, NEL made a decision to leave the science fiction magazine market.
[1] webpage: scififantasyfiction.suite101.com/article.cfm/british_science_fiction - visited 3rd September 2008
[2] Social Critique in the Major Novels of John Wyndham: Civilization's Secrets and Nature's TruthsMike Green, MA thesis, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2000.
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