Fanny Fischer

Fanny Fischer

Fanny Fischer (born September 7, 1986 in Potsdam) is a German flatwater kayaker who has been competing since 1996 and on the senior circuit since 2006. [ Website biography.] - accessed August 22, 2008.] [ [;_ylt=Ai7iE9wNdQl6Sis8pnRcyKgSv5V4 Yahoo! profile.] - accessed August 22, 2008.] She won a gold in the women's K-4 500 m event at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing [ [;_ylt=As.ZrVm6iFfIHtZjy6dsI7sSv5V4?is_medal= Yahoo! August 22, 2008 women's flatwater K-4 500 m final results.] - accessed August 23, 2008.] and finished fourth in the K-2 500 m event at those same games. [ [ Yahoo! August 23, 2008 women's flatwater K-2 500m final results.] - accessed August 23, 2008]

At the ICF Flatwater Racing World Championships, Fischer has won four medals with two golds (K-2 200 m and K-2 500 m: both in 2007, one silver (K-2 200 m: 2006), and one bronze (K-2 500 m: 2006). [ International Canoe Federation historical results to 2006 (Olympic and world for all disciplines).] ] [ [ 2007 ICF Flatwater Racing World Championships official website] ]

Personal life

Fischer's mother, Sarina Hülsenbeck-Fischer, won two gold medals in women's swimming at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, earning them in the 4 x 100 m freestyle relay (anchor leg) and the 4 x 100 m medley relay (in qualifying round, but not final). [;_ylt=AkS1LzVQCme2uTQrSbUAgamde5p4?slug=reu-canoeingfischer_interview&prov=reuters&type=lgns Yahoo! August 19, 2008 article on Fanny Fischer's relationship to her aunt Birgit.] - accessed August 22, 2008.] [Wallechinsky, David and Jaime Loucky (2008). "Swimming (Women)". In "The Complete Book of the Olympics: 2008 Edition". London: Aurum Press Limited. pp. 996, 1000.] Her father, Frank, won three ICF Flatwater Racing World Championships medals in the early 1980s (Gold: K-2 500 m and K-2 1000 m (both 1983), Bronze: K-2 500 m (1981). Her aunt, Birgit Fischer, won twelve medals in canoeing at the Summer Olympics between 1980 and 2004.When not competing, she serves in the Bundeswehr as a soldier. [ [ Official website] en icon & de icon - accessed August 22, 2008.] Fischer's brother, Falco, is also a canoer.


External link

* [ Official website] en icon & de icon

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