- Head-related transfer function
The head-related transfer function "HRTF", also called the anatomical transfer function "ATF", describes how a given sound wave input (parameterized as frequency and source location) is filtered by the
diffraction and reflection properties of the head, pinna, andtorso , before the sound reaches the transduction machinery of theeardrum and innerear (seeauditory system ). Biologically, the source-location-specific prefiltering effects of these external structures aid in the neural determination of source location, particularly the determination of sourceelevation .Linear systems analysis defines the
transfer function as the complex ratio between the output signal spectrum and the input signal spectrum as a function of frequency. Blauert (1974; cited in Blauert, 1981) initially defined the transfer function as the free-field transfer function "FFTF". Other terms include free-field toeardrum transfer function and the pressure transformation from the free-field to the eardrum. Less specific descriptions include the pinna transfer function, the outerear transfer function, the pinna response, directional transfer function "DTF" or what is commonly termed the head-related transfer function "HRTF".The transfer function "H"("f") of any linear
time-invariant system at frequency "f" is::"H"("f") = Output ("f") / Input ("f")
One method used to obtain the HRTF from a given source location is therefore to measure the head-related impulse response "HRIR" , "h"("t"), at the ear drum for the impulse "Δ"("t") placed at the source. The "HRTF" "H"("f") is the
Fourier transform of the "HRIR" "h"("t").Even when measured for a dummy head of idealized geometry, head-related transfer functions are complicated functions of
frequency and the three spatial variables. For distances greater than 1m from the head, however, the "HRTF" can be said to attenuate inversely with range. It is thisfar field "HRTF", "H"("f", "θ", "φ"), that has most often been measured. At closer range, the difference in level observed between the ears can grow quite large, even in the low-frequency region within which negligible level differences are observed in the far field.HRTFs are typically measured in an
anechoic chamber to minimize the influence of early reflections andreverberation on the measured response. "HRTF"s are measured at small increments of "θ" such as 15° or 30° in the horizontal plane, withinterpolation used to synthesize "HRTF"s for arbitrary positions of "θ". Even with small increments, however, interpolation can lead to front-back confusion, and optimizing the interpolation procedure is an active area of research. Humans are less sensitive to changes in the azimuth, "φ", and "HRTF"s are often measured only on the horizontal plane or with 45° increments in themedian plane .In order to maximize the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in a measured "HRTF", it is important that the impulse being generated be of high volume. In practice, however, it can be difficult to generate impulses at high volumes and, if generated, they can be damaging to human ears, so it is more common for "HRTF"s to be directly calculated in thefrequency domain using a frequency-swept sine wave or by usingmaximum length sequence s. User fatigue is still a problem, however, highlighting the need for the ability to interpolate based on fewer measurements.Head related transfer functions have to do with a person's ability to localize sound. The ability to localize sound is not something that people are born with. A baby has to train its auditory system to recognize where certain sounds are located.
The head related transfer function is involved in resolving the
cone of confusion , a series of points where ITD and IID are identical for sound sources from many locations around the "0" part of the cone. When a sound is received by the ear it can either go straight down the ear into the ear canal or it can be reflected off the pinnae of the ear, into the ear canal a fraction of a second later. The sound will contain many frequencies, so therefore many copies of this signal will go down the ear all at different times depending on their frequency (according to reflection, diffraction, and their interaction with high and low frequencies and the size of the structures of the ear.) These copies overlap each other, and during this, certain signals are enhanced (where the phases of the signals match) while other copies are canceled out(where the phases of the signal do not match). Essentially, the brain is looking for frequency notches in the signal that correspond to particular known directions of sound. fact|date=January 2008If another person's ears were substituted, the individual would not immediately be able to localize sound, as the patterns of enhancement and cancellation would be different from those patterns the person's auditory system is used to. However, after some weeks, the auditory system would adapt to the new head-related transfer function. [Cite journal | url = http://web.mit.edu/hst.723/www/ThemePapers/Plasticity/Hofman98.pdf | journal = Nature Neuroscience | date = September 1998 | title = Relearning sound localization with new ears | volume = 1 | issue = 5 | pages = pp. 417–421 | doi = 10.1038/1633 | author = Hofman, Paul M. | format = dead link|date=June 2008 – [http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3ARelearning+sound+localization+with+new+ears&as_publication=Nature+Neuroscience&as_ylo=1998&as_yhi=1998&btnG=Search Scholar search] ]References
ee also
Binaural recording
*Environmental audio extensions
*Dummy head recording
*Sound Retrieval System External links
* [http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/salles/listen/index.html Listen HRTF Database]
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