List of legal doctrines

List of legal doctrines

The following is a list of legal concepts and principles, most of which apply under common law jurisdictions.
*Attractive nuisance
*Business purpose
*Calculus of negligence
*Caveat venditor
*Caveat emptor
*Continuing tort
*Contra proferentem
*Duty of care
*Economic loss
*Eggshell skull
*Fair use
*Fruit of the poisonous tree
*Good-faith exception
*Ignorantia juris non excusat
*Implied powers
*Implied terms of a contract
*Living tree doctrine
*Loss of chance
*Non-delegable duty
*Odious debt
*Plain view doctrine
*Proximate cause
*Res ipsa loquitur
*Sovereign immunity
* Springboard
*Standard of care
*Stare decisis or Precedence rule
*Substance over form
*Unclean hands
*Vicarious liability
*Doctrine of Tenure
*Doctrine of Terra Nullius
*Acquisition of Land

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