Gerard Moultrie

Gerard Moultrie

Gerald Moultrie was a Victorian public schoolmaster and Anglican hymnographer born in England Sep­tem­ber 16, 1829, at Rug­by Rec­to­ry, Eng­land. His father, John Moultrie was also a hymn writer. He was educated at Rugby and Exeter College. He received his BA in 1851 and his MA in 1856 from Oxford.

Taking Holy Orders, he held a number of positions, including chaplain of Shrewsbury School, curate of Brightwaltham, vicar of Southleigh and warden of St. James College of Southleigh. He wrote multiple hymns, along with some hymn translations, including Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. His published works include The Primer Set Forth at Large for the Use of the Faithful [Stulken, Mar­i­lyn Kay. "Hymn­al Com­pan­ion to the Lu­ther­an Book of Wor­ship". Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: For­tress Press, 1981.] , 1864, Hymns from the Post Reformation Editions, 1864,The De­vout Com­mun­i­cant, 1867, [Ju­li­an, John. "Dic­tion­ary of Hymn­ol­o­gy," se­cond edi­tion. Lon­don: J. Mur­ray, 1907.] Hymns and Lyrics for the Seasons and Saints' Days of the Church, 1867, Cantica Sanctorum, or Hymns for the Black Letter Saints Days in the English and Scottish Calendars, 1850, among others.

He died Ap­ril 25, 1885, South­leigh, Eng­land.

Hymn lyrics

Moultrie composed hymns [ [ CyberHymnal list of Gerard Moultrie's hymns Accessed August 21 2008] ] of traditional Christian piety based on devotion to Mary the mother of Jesus, the Angelic Hosts and the Communion of Saints at the Eschaton in the vein of High Church reverence for the transcendent prevalent in the celebration of liturgy in his time. A sampling includes

* Bishop of the Souls of Men
* Jesus, Tender Shep­herd
* Lo, the Sac­ri­fice Aton­ing
* Marriage Feast Is Rea­dy, The
* Mary, Maid­en Un­de­filed
* Mother, from Whose Bo­soms Veil
* There Is a Sound of Re­joic­ing Around the Great Throne
* Virgin Born the King of Hea­ven

The lyrics for which he is most renowned are his translation from the Greek of the Offertory chant of the Cherubic Hymn taken from the 4th century AD Byzantine Divine Liturgy of St. James, popularly known by the first line of the first verse "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" arranged by Ralph Vaughn Williams to the tune Picardy.


ee also

* Wikipedia page describing development of the Liturgy of St. James to present day
* Wikimedia page of an English transcription of the liturgical prayers of
* Hymn tune Picardy (hymn) commonly used in Christian worship today
* British Edwardian composer Ralph Vaughan Williams harmonizer of the French Picardy folk melody
* Affiliation of High Church Anglicans known as the Oxford Movement including later converts to Roman Catholicism such as Augustus Pugin, Gothic architect father of Edward Pugin who designed Shrewsbury Cathedral constructed upon the emancipation in 1850 of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in England
* List of Old Salopians alumni of Shrewsbury School, including Frederick William Faber (18141863) Church of England clergyman and Roman Catholic priest, naturalist Charles Darwin and Monty Python troupe member Michael Palin

External links

* Center for Church Music [ Gerard Moultrie]
* Preview image of " [|"Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence"] " from "Gather Comprehensive", a Roman Catholic hymnal published by online by GIA Hymnprint.Net

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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