Mushuau Innu First Nation

Mushuau Innu First Nation

The Mushuau Innu First Nation is located in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The First Nation has one reserve, it has an area of roughly 43 square kilometres, centred around the community of Natuashish since 2002, when they moved from the prior community of Davis Inlet.

The Mushaua Innu and the Naskapi tribe were once the same people, speaking the same dialect and writing in syllabics, but split off and headed to Eastern Labrador, probably for sustainability reasons. Very few (if any) Mushuau Innu are able to write in syllabics any more. The majority of the tribe is Catholic, which use the Montagnais Bible (which does not use syllabics).

The chief of this First Nation is Simon Pokue. The First Nation has a registered population of 650 people, of whom 606 live on-reserve.

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