List of First Nations governments

List of First Nations governments

The following is a list of First Nations governments in Canada:


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* Alexander First Nation
* Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation
* Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
* Beaver First Nation
* Beaver Lake Cree Nation
* Bigstone Cree Nation
* Chipewyan Prairie First Nation
* Cold Lake First Nations
* Dene Tha' First Nation
* Driftpile First Nation
* Duncan's First Nation
* Enoch Cree Nation
* Ermineskin Cree Nation
* Fort McKay First Nation
* Fort McMurray First Nation
* Frog Lake First Nation
* Heart Lake First Nation
* Horse Lake First Nation
* Kainai Nation
* Kapawe'no First Nation
* Kehewin Cree Nation
* Little Red River Cree Nation
* Loon River First Nation
* Louis Bull Tribe
* Lubicon Lake Indian Nation
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* Mikisew Cree First Nation
* Montana First Nation
* O'Chiese First Nation
* Paul First Nation
* Piikani Nation
* Saddle Lake First Nation
* Samson Cree Nation
* Sawridge Band
* Siksika Nation
* Smith's Landing First Nation
* Stoney Tribe
* Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation
* Sucker Creek First Nation
* Sunchild First Nation
* Swan River First Nation
* Tallcree First Nation
* Tsuu T'ina Nation
* Whitefish Lake First Nation (Atikameg)
* Whitefish Lake First Nation (Goodfish)
* Woodland Cree First Nation

British Columbia

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* Ahousaht First Nation
* Aitchelitz Band
* Beecher Bay First Nation
* Bridge River Indian Band
* Campbell River Indian Band
* Cape Mudge Band
* Cayoose Creek Band
* Chawathil First Nation
* Cheam Indian Band
* Chemainus First Nation
* Cowichan Tribes
* Ehattesaht First Nation
* Esquimault Nation
* Fountain Indian Band
* Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Nation
* Halalt First Nation
* Hesquiaht First Nation
* Hupacasath First Nation
* Huu-ay-aht First Nation
* Kómoks Nation
* Kwantlen First Nation
* Kwaw-kwaw-a-pilt First Nation
* Kwicksutaineuk First Nation
* Lakahahmen First Nation
* Lake Cowichan First Nation
* Lil'wat First Nation
* Lyackson First Nations
* Malahat Indian Band
* Matsqui First Nation
* Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations
* 'Namgis First Nation
* Nanoose First Nation
* Nuchatlaht First Nation
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* Pacheedaht First Nation
* Pauquachin First Nation
* Penelakut Indian Band
* Popkum Band
* Qualicum First Nation
* Quatsino First Nation
* Scia'new First Nation
* Scowlitz First Nation
* Seabird Island Band
*Semiahmoo First Nation
* Seton Lake Indian Band
* Shxw'ow'hamel First Nation
* Sinixt First Nation
* Skawahlook First Nation
* Skowkale First Nation
* Skway First Nation
* Snuneymuxw First Nation
* Songhees First Nation
* Soowahlie First Nation
* Squiala First Nation
* Sumas First Nation
* T'it'q'et First Nation
* Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations
* Toquaht First Nation
* Tsartlip First Nation
* Tsawout First Nation
* Tseshaht First Nation
* Tseycum First Nation
* Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nation
* T'sou-ke Nation
* Tzeachten First Nation
* Uchucklesaht Tribe
* Ucuelet First Nation
* Westbank First Nation
* Yakweakwioosse


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* Barren Lands First Nation
* Berens River First Nation
* Birdtail Sioux First Nation
* Bloodvein First Nation
* Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
* Buffalo Point First Nation
* Bunibonibee Cree Nation
* Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation
* Chemawawin Cree Nation
* Crane River First Nation
* Cross Lake First Nation
* Dakota Plains First Nation
* Dakota Tipi First Nation
* Dauphin River First Nation
* Ebb and Flow First Nation
* Fairford First Nation
* Fisher River First Nation
* Fox Lake First Nation
* Gamblers First Nation
* Garden Hill First Nations
* God's Lake First Nation
* Grand Rapids First Nation
* Hollow Water First Nation
* Keeseekoowenin First Nation
* Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation
* Lake Manitoba First Nation
* Lake St. Martin First Nation
* Little Black River First Nation
* Little Grand Rapids First Nation
* Little Saskatchewan First Nation
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* Manto Sipi Cree Nation
* Marcel Colomb First Nation
* Mathias Colomb First Nation
* Mosakahiken Cree Nation
* Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
* Northlands First Nation
* Norway House Cree Nation
* O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation
* Opaskwayak Cree Nation
* Pauingassi First Nation
* Peguis First Nation
* Pinaymootang First Nation
* Pine Creek First Nation
* Poplar River First Nation
* Red Sucker Lake First Nation
* Rolling River First Nation
* Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation
* Sagkeeng First Nation
* Sandy Bay First Nation
* Sapotaweyak Cree Nation
* Sayisi Dene First Nation
* Shamattawa First Nation
* Sioux Valley Dakota Nation
* Skownan First Nation
* St. Theresa Point First Nation
* Swan Lake First Nation
* Tataskweyak Cree Nation
* Tootinaowaziibeeng First Nation
* War Lake First Nation
* Wasagamack First Nation
* Waterhen Lake First Nation
* Waywayseecappo First Nation

Newfoundland and Labrador

* Miawpukek First Nation
* Mushuau Innu First Nation
* Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation

New Brunswick

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* Burnt Church First Nation
* Eel Ground First Nation
* Eel River Bar First Nation
* Elsipogtog First Nation
* Fort Folly First Nation
* Indian Island First Nation
* Kingsclear First Nation
* Listuguj Mi'gmaq First Nation
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* Madawaska Maliseet First Nation
* Oromocto First Nation
* Pabineau First Nation
* Red Bank First Nation
* Saint Mary's First Nation
* Tobique First Nation
* Woodstock First Nation


Northwest Territories

columns |width=280px
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* Acho Dene Koe
* Aklavik First Nation
* Behdzi Ahda First Nation
* Dechi Laot'i First Nations
* Deline First Nation
* Deninu K'ue First Nation
* Dog Rib Rae First Nation
* Fort Good Hope First Nation
* Gameti First Nation
* Gwichya Gwich'in First Nation
* Jean Marie River First Nation
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* K'atlodeeche First Nation
* Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation
* Liidlii Kue First Nation
* Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation
* Pehdzeh Ki First Nation
* Salt River First Nation
* Sambaa K'e Dene First Nation
* Tetlit Gwich'in First Nation
* Tulita Dene First Nation
* West Point First Nation
* Wha Ti First Nation
* Yellowknives Dene First Nation

Nova Scotia

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* Acadia First Nation
* Annapolis Valley First Nation
* Bear River First Nation
* Chapel Island First Nation
* Eskasoni First Nation
* Glooscap First Nation
* Indian Brook First Nation
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* Membertou First Nation
* Millbrook First Nation
* Paq'tnkek First Nation
* Pictou Landing First Nation
* Wagmatcook First Nation
* We'koqma'q First Nation


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* Animbiigoo Zaagiigan Anishinaabek First Nation
* Aamjiwnaang First Nation
* Alderville First Nation
* Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation
* Anishinaabeg of Naongashiing
* Aroland First Nation
* Attawapiskat First Nation
* Bearskin Lake First Nation
* Beausoleil First Nation
* Beaverhouse First Nation
* Big Grassy First Nation
* Biinjitiwabik Zaaging Anishnabek First Nation
* Bkejwanong Territory
* Brunswick House First Nation
* Caldwell First Nation
* Cat Lake First Nation
* Chapleau Cree First Nation
* Chippewa of the Thames First Nation
* Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation
* Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point
* Chippewas of Mnjikaning First Nation (Rama)
* Chippewas of Nawash
* Chippewas of Saugeen
* Constance Lake First Nation
* Couchiching First Nation
* Curve Lake First Nation
* Deer Lake First Nation
* Delaware First Nation
* Dokis First Nation
* Eabametoong First Nation
* Eagle Lake First Nation
* Flying Post First Nation
* Fort Albany First Nation
* Fort Severn First Nation
* Fort William First Nation
* Ginoogaming First Nation
* Grassy Narrows First Nation
* Gull Bay First Nation
* Henvey Inlet First Nation
* Hiawatha First Nation
* Hornepayne First Nation
* Iskutewizaagegan
* Kasabonika Lake First Nation
* Kashechewan First Nation
* Kee Way Win First Nation
* Kingfisher First Nation
* Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
* Koocheching First Nation
* Lac Des Mille Lacs First Nation
* Lac La Croix First Nation
* Lac Seul First Nation
* Long Lake First Nation
* Magnetawan First Nation
* Marten Falls First Nation
* Matachewan First Nation
* Mattagami First Nation
* McDowell Lake First Nation
* M'Chigeeng First Nation
* Michipicoten First Nation
* Mishkeegogamang First Nation
* Missanabie Cree First Nation
* Mississauga First Nation
* Mississaugas of New Credit
* Mississaugas of Scugog Island
* Mocreebec Indian Government
* Mohawks of Akwesasne
* Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
* Moose Cree First Nation
* Moose Deer Point First Nation
* Munsee-Delaware Nation
* Muskrat Dam Lake First Nation
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* Naicatchewenin First Nation
* Namaygoosisagagun First Nation
* Naotkamegwanning First Nation
* Neskantaga First Nation
* Nibinamik First Nation
* Nicickousemenecaning First Nation
* Nipissing First Nation
* North Caribou Lake First Nation
* North Spirit Lake First Nation
* Northwest Angle 33 First Nation
* Northwest Angle 37 First Nation
* Ochiichagwe'Babigo'ining First Nation
* Ojibways of Batchewana
* Ojibways of Garden River
* Ojibways of Onegaming
* Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation
* Ojibways of Sucker Creek
* Oneida Nation of the Thames
* Pays Plat First Nation
* Pic Mobert First Nation
* Pikangikum First Nation
* Poplar Hill First Nation
* Poplar Point First Nation
* Rainy River First Nation
* Red Rock Band
* Sachigo Lake First Nation
* Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation
* Sand Point First Nation
* Sandy Lake First Nation
* Saugeen First Nation
* Seine River First Nation
* Serpent River First Nation
* Shawanaga First Nation
* Sheguiandah First Nation
* Sheshegwaning First Nation
* Shoal Lake First Nation
* Six Nations of the Grand River
* Slate Falls First Nation
* Stanjikoming First Nation
* Taykwa Tagamou
* Temagami First Nation
* Thessalon First Nation
* Wabaseemoong Independent Nation
* Wabauskang First Nation
* Wabigoon First Nation
* Wahgoshing First Nation
* Wahnapitae First Nation
* Wahta Mohawks
* Wapekeka First Nation
* Wasauksing First Nation
* Washagamis Bay First Nation
* Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation
* Wawakapewin First Nation
* Webequie First Nation
* Weenusk First Nation
* Whitefish Lake First Nation
* Whitesand First Nation
* Whitewater Lake First Nation
* Wikwemikong Unceded First Nation
* Wunnumin Lake First Nation
* Zhiibaahaasing First Nation

Prince Edward Island

* Abegweit First Nation
* Lennox Island First Nation


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* Abitibiwinni First Nation
* Algonquins of Barriere Lake
* Atikamekw d'Opitciwan
* Atikamekw de Manawan
* Betsiamites First Nation
* Cree Nation of Chisasibi
* Conseil de la Nation Innu Matimekush - Lac-John
* Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci
* Eagle Village First Nation - Kipawa
* Eastmain First Nation
* Essipit First Nation
* Gaspe First Nation
* Gesgapegiag First Nation
* Huron-Wendat Nation
* Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam
* Kahnawake First Nation
* Kanesatake First Nation
* Kitcisakik First Nation
* Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation
* Les Innus de Ekuanitshit
* Listuguj Mi'gmaq First Nation
* Long Point First Nation
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* Mistissini First Nation
* Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne
* Montagnais du Lac St.-Jean
* Montagnais de Natashquan
* Montagnais de Pakua Shipi
* Montagnais de Unamen Shipu
* Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach
* Nation Anishinabe du Lac Simon
* Nemaska First Nation
* Odanak First Nation
* Ouje-Bougoumou First Nation
* Première Nation Malecite de Viger
* Timiskaming First Nation
* Waskaganish First Nation
* Waswanipi First Nation
* Wemindji First Nation
* Weymontachie First Nation
* Whapmagoostui First Nation
* Wolf Lake First Nation
* Wolinak First Nation


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* Ahtahkakoop First Nation
* Beardy's & Okemasis First Nation
* Big Bear Band
* Big Island Lake Cree Nation
* Big River First Nation
* Birch Narrows First Nation
* Black Lake Denesuline Nation
* Buffalo River First Nation
* Canoe Lake Cree Nation
* Carry the Kettle First Nation
* Chacachas First Nation
* Chakastapaysin Band of the Cree Nation
* Clearwater River Dene Nation
* Cote First Nation
* Cowessess First Nation
* Cumberland House Cree Nation
* Day Star First Nation
* English River First Nation
* Fishing Lake First Nation
* Flying Dust First Nation
* Fond Du Lac Denesuline Nation
* Gordon First Nation
* Hatchet Lake Denesuline Nation
* Island Lake First Nation
* James Smith Cree Nation
* Joseph Bighead First Nation
* Kahkewistahaw First Nation
* Kawacatoose First Nation
* Keeseekoose First Nation
* Key First Nation
* Kinistin First Nation
* Lac La Ronge First Nation
* Little Black Bear First Nation
* Little Pine First Nation
* Lucky Man Cree Nation
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* Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation
* Mistawasis First Nation
* Montreal Lake Cree Nation
* Moosomin First Nation
* Mosquito, Grizzly Bear's Head, Lean Man First Nation
* Muscowpetung First Nation
* Muskeg Lake First Nation
* Muskoday First Nation
* Muskowekwan First Nation
* Nekaneet First Nation
* Ocean Man First Nation
* Ochapowace First Nation
* Okanese First Nation
* One Arrow First Nation
* Onion Lake First Nation
* Pasqua First Nation
* Peepeekisis First Nation
* Pelican Lake First Nation
* Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation
* Peter Chapman First Nation
* Pheasant Rump Nakota Nation
* Piapot First Nation
* Poundmaker Cree Nation
* Red Earth First Nation
* Red Pheasant First Nation
* Sakimay First Nation
* Saulteaux First Nation
* Shoal Lake Cree Nation
* Standing Buffalo First Nation
* Star Blanket Cree Nation
* Sturgeon Lake First Nation
* Sweetgrass First Nation
* Thunderchild First Nation
* Wahpeton Dakota Nation
* Waterhen Lake First Nation
* White Bear First Nation
* Whitecap Dakota/Sioux First Nation
* Witchekan Lake First Nation
* Wood Mountain First Nation
* Yellow Quill First Nation
* Young Chippewayan First Nation


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* Carcross/Tagish First Nation
* Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
* First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun
* Kluane First Nation
* Kwanlin Dün First Nation
* Liard River First Nation
* Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation
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* Ross River Dena Council
* Selkirk First Nation
* Ta'an Kwach'an Council
* Teslin Tlingit Council
* Trondëk Hwëchin First Nation
* Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
* White River First Nation

ee also

* List of First Nations peoples

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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