- LesserEvil
LesserEvil Brand Snack Co. is a new
snack food company, based inTuckahoe, Westchester County, New York .Rosman, Janie. (2008-04-03 ), "Healthy snacks are the LesserEvil for Tuckahoe food company". "Review Press".] LesserEvil prides itself on making snack foods that are great-tasting, all-natural, lower in fat, andgluten-free , boasting them as healthier alternatives to other snacks on the market. LesserEvil was founded in2004 by a few individuals, including Michael Sands, the CEO. The company has two snack lines, their sweet Kettle Corns and their savory Krinkle Sticks.In
2007 , LesserEvil became one of the top-selling popcorn lines in the Natural Retail Channel. [cite journal|date=April 2007|title=LesserEvil finds good with TNT Marketing|journal=National Petroleum News]LesserEvil's brand slogan is "Two smiles to every snack."
LesserEvil was first founded in
March ,2004 by a few individuals, including Michael Sands inBronxville, New York Thompson, Stephanie. (2005-01-03 ), "LesserEvil offers up deliverance from fat". "Advertising Age".] Rosman, Janie. (2008-04-03 ), "Healthy snacks are the LesserEvil for Tuckahoe food company". "Review Press".] . Previously the CMO atSnapple Kenneth Hein, (2007-03-09 ), [http://www.brandweek.com/bw/esearch/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003568787 Cadbury's Objective: Make Gatorade Sweat] , "BRANDWEEK".] and Ben & Jerry's [Overfelt, Maggie. (2005-03-01 ), [http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fsb/fsb_archive/2005/03/01/8253837/index.htm Best New Tastes] . "Fortune Small Business Magazine".] , Sands was unprepared to move to Dallas when Cadbury Schweppes consolidated its three U.S. beverage companies. [Toth, David. (2006-02-20 ), "Takin' it to the streets". "Westchester County Business Journal", Vol 45, No 8. Pgs. 1, 8.] Instead, hooking up with 2 investors seeing a "'real, unmet need' among baby boomers"Thompson, Stephanie. (2005-01-03 ), "LesserEvil offers up deliverance from fat". "Advertising Age".] looking for convenient healthy snacks, Sands began developing the idea of a LesserEvil snack line. LesserEvil first released a line of four Kettle Corns, touting them as being low in carbohydrates, free of trans fats, preservatives, and high-fructose corn syrup. ["Professional Candy Buyer". November-December, 2004.]In early
2005 , however, anticipating of the end of the low-carb fad, LesserEvil shifted from a low-carb line to an all-natural line.Becky Ebenkamp, [http://www.brandweek.com/bw/esearch/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003679900 Snack Brand Offers A Lesser Touch Of Evil] , "BRANDWEEK", December 3, 2007.] This Kettle Corn line, like its predecessor, is low in calories and fat, and free of trans fats, preservatives, gluten, and high-fructose corn syrup.In early
2007 , LesserEvil entered the potato snack market and launched Krinkle Sticks, a new line of baked, all-natural, reduced-fat potato snacks made with real potatoes, gourmet ingredients and nothing artificial. [cite journal|date=April 2007|title=LesserEvil finds good with TNT Marketing|journal=National Petroleum News]The company, a 12-person operation, sells not only within the United States, but also in Canada and Asia.Rosman, Janie. (
2008-04-03 ), "Healthy snacks are the LesserEvil for Tuckahoe food company". "Review Press".]Marketing
nackcident Prevention Campaign
LesserEvil's marketing strategy was spurred by their realization that people sometimes make bad snacking decisions. "If you're hungry in the middle of the day,,,, you'll eat whatever's in your path, even if it's bad for you," said Snackmaster Tom Brown. [Toth, David. (
2006-02-20 ), "Takin' it to the streets". "Westchester County Business Journal", Vol 45, No 8. Pgs. 1, 8.] In response, inOctober 2005 , LesserEvil launched their Snackcident Prevention Team marketing campaign. LesserEvil defines a 'snackcident' as a snack that "leave [s] you feeling sick about yourself," or "leave [s] you feeling hungry again," such as "the leftover donut. The cardboard rice cakes. The cheesy fried chips." [cite web|url=http://www.lesserevil.com/category/27|title=Snackcident Prevention Team - On a Mission|language=English|accessdate=2008-07-29] The company sends out recent college graduates "dressed in uniforms resemblingparamedics with a logo that reads Emergency Snacking Technician, prowl [ing] the streets... looking to prevent snackcidents and raise awareness of LesserEvil by handing out the product." [Toth, David. (2006-02-20 ), "Takin' it to the streets". "Westchester County Business Journal", Vol 45, No 8. Pgs. 1, 8.] "When a person is caught eating a sugary or fat-laden edible, he or she is stopped, and a team member exchanges that goodie for a LesserEvil snack."Rosman, Janie. (2008-04-03 ), "Healthy snacks are the LesserEvil for Tuckahoe food company". "Review Press".]They have branded Snackcident Prevention Vehicles, complete with megaphone, sirens, lights, and free samples. [Biehl, Kathy. (
2005-07-15 ), [http://www.llrx.com/columns/afterhours21.htm After Hours: The 2005 Summer Fancy Food Show] . Retrieved on 11 July 2008.] The Emergency Snacking Technicians hand out not only samples of LesserEvil snacks, but also "Snackident Violations" to those engaged or about to engage in a snackcident. [Biehl, Kathy. (2006-08-15 ), [http://www.llrx.com/columns/afterhours31.htm Highlights of the 2006 New York Fancy Food Show] . Retrieved on 11 July 2008.]Vote the LesserEvil Campaign - "Official Snack Food of the 2008 Election"
In both the
2004 and2008 election seasons, LesserEvil has also launched a marketing campaign called "Vote the LesserEvil", which according to Sands, "goes for both snacks and candidates."Rosman, Janie. (2008-04-03 ), "Healthy snacks are the LesserEvil for Tuckahoe food company". "Review Press".]Flavors
Current Flavors
*MaplePecanKrinkle Sticks
*Classic SeaSalt
*Old School Bar-B-Que
*Cajun KaBOOM!
*Zesty Pizzaeasonal Flavors
LesserEvil has a few varieties that are only offered seasonally, particularly from October to January, around the
Christmas and holiday season . ["try it - Make Someone Happy" "Living Without". Winter, 2007.]
*GingerBreadDiscontinued Flavors
Rachael Ray chose LesserEvil's Classic SeaSalt Krinkle Sticks for her "Snack of the Day" on October 5th, 2007. [cite web|url=http://www.rachaelrayshow.com/show/view/292/|title=Rachel Ray Show|date=2007-10-05|accessdate=2008-07-15]*CSP chose LesserEvil's Classic SeaSalt Krinkle Sticks as a finalist for their 2007 Retailers' Choice Best New Products in the 'Salty Snacks' category. [cite web|url=http://www.cspdigitals.com/bestproducts/07winnersplash.html|title=2007 Retailers' Choice Best New Products|accessdate=2008-07-15]
*Hungry Girl chose LesserEvil's Classic SeaSalt Krinkle Sticks for her "Top Ate Food Finds of 2007". [cite web|url=http://www.hungry-girl.com/news/newsdetails.php?isid=1295|title=TOP ATE Food Finds of 2007|first=Hungry Girl|date=2007-12-31|accessdate=2008-07-15]
*"Shape" magazine awarded LesserEvil's Classic SeaSalt Krinkle Sticks 'Best Snack of 2008' in the 'salty' category. [cite journal|last=Pressner|first=Amanda|date=July 2008|title=Shape's 2nd Annual Best Snack Awards|journal=Shape Magazine|volume=27|issue=11|pages=166|url=http://www.shape.com/healthy_eating/8044?page=6]
External links
* [http://www.lesserevil.com/ LesserEvil Official Website]
* [http://www.votethelesserevil.com/ 'Vote the LesserEvil' '08 Campaign Blog]
* [http://www.snackcident.com/ The Snackcident Files]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.