- Effective mass
solid state physics , a particle's effective mass is themass it seems to carry in the "semiclassical model" of transport in acrystal . It can be shown that, under most conditions,electron s and holes in acrystal respond to electric andmagnetic field s almost as if they were free particles in a vacuum, but with a different mass. This mass is usually stated in units of the ordinary mass of an electron "me" (9.11×10-31 kg).Definition
When an electron is moving inside a solid material, the force between other atoms will affect its movement and it will not be described by Newton's law. So we introduce the concept of effective mass to describe the movement of electron in Newton's law. The effective mass can be negative or different due to circumstances. Generally, in the absence of electric and magnetic field, the concept of effective mass does not apply.
Effective mass is defined by analogy with Newton's second law vec{F}=mvec{a} . Using
quantum mechanics it can be shown that for an electron in an external electric field "E"::a = 1} over {hbar^2 cdot d^2 varepsilon} over {d k^2 qE
where a is acceleration, hbar = h/2pi is reduced
Planck's constant , k is thewave number (often loosely calledmomentum since k = p/hbar for free electrons), epsilon(k) is the energy as a function of k, or thedispersion relation as it is often called. From the external electric field alone, the electron would experience a force of vec{F}=qvec{E}, where q is the charge. Hence under the model that only the external electric field acts, effective mass m^* becomes::m^{*} = hbar^2 cdot left [ d^2 varepsilon} over {d k^2 ight] ^{-1}
For a free particle, the dispersion relation is a quadratic, and so the effective mass would be constant (and equal to the real mass). In a crystal, the situation is far more complex. The dispersion relation is not even approximately quadratic, in the large scale. However, wherever a minimum occurs in the dispersion relation, the minimum can be approximated by a quadratic curve in the small region around that minimum. Hence, for electrons which have energy close to a minimum, effective mass is a useful concept.
In energy regions far away from a minimum, effective mass can be negative or even approach
infinity . Effective mass, being generally dependent on direction (with respect to the crystal axes), is atensor . However, for most calculations the various directions can be averaged out.Effective mass should not be confused with
reduced mass , which is a concept from Newtonianmechanics . Effective mass can only be understood with quantum mechanics.Derivation
In the free electron model, the electronic wave function is given by e^{i k cdot z}. For a wave packet the group velocity is given by:
v = d omega} over {d k = 1} over {hbar cdot d varepsilon} over {d k
In presence of an electric field E, the energy change is:
d varepsilon = d varepsilon} over {d k {d k} = -eE{d x} = -eEv{d t} = {-eE over {hbar d varepsilon} over {d k{dt}Now we can say:
hbar cdot d k} over {d t = d p} over {d t = m cdot d v} over {d twhere p is the electron's momentum. Substitute the expression for the group velocity into this last equation and we get:
hbar} over {m cdot d k} over {d t = 1} over {hbar cdot d} over {d td varepsilon} over {d k =1} over {hbar cdot d^{2} varepsilon} over {dk^{2}d k}over {d t
From this follows the definition of effective mass:1} over {m = 1} over {hbar^{2} cdot d^{2} varepsilon} over {d k^2
An alternative derivation can be given by considering the Hamiltonian of a free particle and using the de Broglie relation:
H=p^{2 over {2m = hbar^2 k^2} over {2m}
The same result is obtained, identifying the Hamiltonian with the total energy:
1} over {m = 1} over {hbar^{2} cdot d^{2} varepsilon} over {d k^2
Effective mass for some common semiconductors (for density of states calculations)
Material Electron effective mass Hole effective mass Group IV Si (4.2K) 1.08 "me" 0.56 "me" Ge 0.55 "me" 0.37 "me" III-V GaAs 0.067 "me" 0.45 "me" InSb 0.013 "me" 0.6 "me" II-VI ZnO 0.19 "me" 1.21 "me" ZnSe 0.17"me" 1.44 "me" Sources:
S.Z. Sze, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices," ISBN 0-471-05661-8.
W.A. Harrison, "Electronic Structure and the Properties of Solids," ISBN 0-486-66021-4.
[http://www.semiconductors.co.uk/propiviv5431.htm This site] gives the effective masses of Silicon at different temperatures.Experimental determination
Traditionally effective masses were measured using cyclotron resonance, a method in which microwave absorption of a semiconductor immersed in a magnetic field goes through a sharp peak when the microwave frequency equals the cyclotron frequency omega_c = frac{eB}{m^* c}. In recent years effective masses have more commonly been determined through measurement of
band structure s using techniques such as angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) or, most directly, thede Haas-van Alphen effect . Effective masses can also be estimated using the coefficient γ of the linear term in the low-temperature electronicspecific heat at constant volume c_v. The specific heat depends on the effective mass through the density of states at the Fermi level and as such is a measure of degeneracy as well as band curvature. Very large estimates of carrier mass from specific heat measurements have given rise to the concept ofheavy fermion materials. Since carrier mobility depends on the ratio of carrier collision lifetime au to effective mass, masses can in principle be determined from transport measurements, but this method is not practical since carrier collision probabilities are typically not known a priori.ignificance
As the table shows, III-V compounds based on GaAs and InSb have far smaller effective masses than tetrahedral group IV materials like Si and Ge. In the simplest Drude picture of electronic transport, the maximum obtainable charge carrier velocity is inversely proportional to the effective mass: vec{v} = egin{Vmatrix}muend{Vmatrix} cdot vec{E} where egin{Vmatrix}muend{Vmatrix} = frac{e au}{egin{Vmatrix}m^*end{Vmatrix with e being the electronic charge. The ultimate speed of
integrated circuit s depends on the carrier velocity, so the low effective mass is the fundamental reason that GaAs and its derivatives are used instead of Si in high-bandwidth applications likecellular telephony .ee also
Band structure
*k·p perturbation theory External links
* [http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/SVA/NSM/Semicond/ NSM archive]
*cite book | Author=Bassani, F. |author= Pastori Parravicini, G. | title=Electronic States and Optical Transitions in Solids | publisher=Pergamon Press | year=1975 | id=ISBN 0-08-016846-9 This book contains an exhaustive but accessible discussion of the topic with extensive comparison between calculations and experiment.
*S. Pekar, The method of effective electron mass in crystals, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 16, 933 (1946).
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