- German Peruvian
Infobox Ethnic group
group = flagicon|Germany German Peruvian flagicon|Peru
caption = Notable German PeruviansMartha Hildebrandt Antonio Brack Egg Isaac Mekler Christian Meier Efrain Goldenberg flagicon|Germany flagicon|Peru
poptime = 600,000 [ [http://actualidaddelperu.blogspot.com/2007/03/problemtica-de-los-descendientes-de.html Perú al Día: Problemática de los Descendientes de Alemanes en Perú ] ]
popplace =Lima , Oxapampa, Pozuzo, Villa Rica,Arequipa
langs = Spanish, German,Austrian German
rels = Roman Catholicism,Protestantism ,Judaism
related =A German Peruvian is a
Peruvian citizen of German descent. The phrase may refer to someone born inPeru of German descent or to someone who has immigrated to Peru fromGermany . Among European Peruvians, Germans were one of the largest groups of immigrants to settle in the country.History
Since independence Germans had been immigrating to
Lima on a small scale. The first wave of immigration occurred in1853 , organized by then-presidentRamon Castilla . These immigrants established themselves in the cities ofTingo Maria ,Tarapoto ,Moyobamba , and in the department of Amazonas. Barón Cosme Damián Freiherr Schutz von Holzhausen, the leader of the immigration movement, consulted with the then Peruvian Minister of Foreign Relations, Manuel Tirado. The meeting's purpose was to colonize the central jungle to better link the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. The colonists would end up colonizing Pozuzo. In1854 , the first immigration contract was signed between the Baron and then-presidentJosé Rufino Echenique . The next year, in1855 , this contract was nullified as Echenique had been ousted andRamon Castilla had assumed the presidency again. The Baron signed a new contract with the new president onDecember 6 ,1855 . According to the contract each colonist would be reimbursed by the government for the cost of the voyage from Europe to Pozuzo, the construction of a new highway fromCerro de Pasco to Pozuzo, each colonist 15 years old or older would receive 15 pesos, the distribution of 140 square miles land between the colonists of which they would have legal ownership, exemption for the first six months of taxes, and the responsibility to build schools, churches, and other basic needs. The government, however, required that the colonists beCatholic and workers skilled at a trade. To make this project possible the Baron was hired by the Peruvian government to oversee the colonization, paying him a salary of 2,400 pesos annually. The first wave of colonists departedAntwerp in1857 and arrived in the Peruvian port ofCallao two months later. The third wave of immigrants to the jungle occurred in1868 , taking the same route as the second wave of immigrants did. In later years, the descendants of the German immigrants would go on to found new cities throughout the central jungle such asOxapampa and Villa Rica.Throughout the history of
Peru , particularly in the 19th and 20th centuries, a substantial number of German immigrants have settled in other parts ofPeru , primarily inLima . Also, many of these German immigrants haveJewish heritage. A large part of Jewish Peruvians are of German descent.Most known German - Peruvians:
[Carla Saskia (Sanchez Obregon)]
HSSO (Horacio Salvador)(Sanchez -ObregonRoger and Rosario Blaschek
Robert and Romina Blaschek
Patrick Hernandez Nora and Olaf
Alix Saphn
Winfred and Edith S.PS.O
German Peruvian institutions and associations
* [http://www.ipal.edu.pe Instituto Superior Tecnologico Privado Peruano]
* [http://www.colegio-humboldt.edu.pe Colegio Peruano Alemán - Alexander von Humboldt]
* [http://www.waldorf-lima.edu.pe Colegio Waldorf Lima]
* [http://www.espejodelperu.com.pe/ca/per-ale/LKrause/index.htm Asociación Peruano Alemán Leopoldo Krause]
* [http://www.cbi.edu.pe Colegio Peruano Alemán "Beata Imelda"]
* [http://www.icpa.org.pe Instituto Cultural Peruano Aleman]
* [http://www.maxuhle.edu.pe Colegio Peruano-Alemán "Max Uhle"]
* [http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/7513/?200821 Colegio Peruano Alemán Augusto Weberbauer]
* [http://www.clubperuanoaleman-nrw.de Club Peruano Aleman]
* [http://www.capaperu.org CAPA - Centro de Amistad Peruano Alemán ]
* [http://www.peruano-aleman.com/AB/P/CamComer/index.htm Cámara de Comercio e Industria Peruano-Alemana]
* [http://www.peruano-aleman.com/AB/P/Cultura/index.htm Archivo de la Inmigración Alemana en el Perú]
* [http://www.peruano-aleman.com/AB/P/Cultura/index.htm Asociación Cultural Johannes Gutenberg]
* [http://www.peruano-aleman.com/AB/P/Cultura/index.htm Asociación Médica Peruana-Alemán]
* [http://www.espejodelperu.com.pe/ca/per-ale/Beneficencia/index.htm Beneficencia peruano-alemana / Deutsch-peruanischer Hilfsverein ]
* [http://www.centromallqui.org.pe Centro Mallqui]
* [http://www.fundacionbrandt.com Fundación Brandt]
* [http://www.peruano-aleman.com/AB/P/Cultura/index.htm Humboldt Club del Perú]
* [http://www.peruano-aleman.com/AB/P/Cultura/index.htm Instituto Cultural Peruano Alemán de Arequipa]
* [http://www.acupari.deAsociación Cultural Acupari]
* [http://www.peruano-aleman.com/AB/P/Ayuda/DesAsoc.htm Agro Acción Alemana / Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (DWHH)]
* [http://www.comisionbrandt.com Comisión Brandt]
* [http://www.goethe.de/ins/pe/lim/deindex.htm Instituto Goethe]References
* [http://ap.concytec.gob.pe/ferias/b2-Rese%C3%B1a_Hist%C3%B3rica%20Pozuzo.htm]
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