American Economic Association

American Economic Association

The American Economic Association, or AEA, is the oldest and most important professional organization in the field of economics.Fact|date=August 2008 It was established in 1885 by religious and social reformer Richard T. Ely and others who had been trained in Germany under Gustav Schmoller and other members of the "younger" German Historical School. The purposes of the Association are: 1) The encouragement of economic research, especially the historical and statistical study of the actual conditions of industrial life; 2) The issue of publications on economic subjects; 3) The encouragement of perfect freedom of economic discussion. The Association as such will take no partisan attitude, nor will it commit its members to any position on practical economic questions. Its current president is Avinash Dixit of Princeton University. [cite web |url= |title=AEA Officers |accessdate=2007-05-17 ]


The AEA publishes three economics journals: the "American Economic Review", the "Journal of Economic Literature", and the "Journal of Economic Perspectives". It also publishes "EconLit", which is a database of economics articles from many different sources.

Every year, the Association holds a meeting at which members present papers. It is also an important event in the economics job market, because universities looking to hire new faculty members will often interview candidates at that time.

The AEA awards the John Bates Clark Medal, given biennially to the economist under 40 who has made the most significant contribution to the field. The most recent winner is Susan Athey.

Past, Present, and Future Presidents

2010 Robert E. Hall

2009 Angus Deaton

2008 Avinash K. Dixit

2007 Thomas J. Sargent

2006 George A. Akerlof

2005 Daniel McFadden

2004 Martin Feldstein

2003 Peter A. Diamond

2002 Robert E. Lucas, Jr.

2001 Sherwin Rosen

2000 Dale W. Jorgenson

1999 D. Gale Johnson

1998 Robert W. Fogel

1997 Arnold C. Harberger

1996 Anne O. Krueger (second female president)

1995 Victor R. Fuchs

1994 Amartya Sen

1993 Zvi Griliches

1992 William Vickrey

1991 Thomas C. Schelling

1990 Gerard Debreu

1989 Joseph A. Pechman

1988 Robert Eisner

1987 Gary S. Becker

1986 Alice M. Rivlin (first female president)

1985 Charles P. Kindleberger

1984 Charles L. Schultze

1983 W. Arthur Lewis

1982 Gardner Ackley

1981 William J. Baumol

1980 Moses Abramovitz

1979 Robert M. Solow

1978 Tjalling C. Koopmans (Jacob Marschak died before taking office.)

1977 Lawrence R. Klein

1976 Franco Modigliani

1975 Robert Aaron Gordon

1974 Walter W. Heller

1973 Kenneth J. Arrow

1972 John Kenneth Galbraith

1971 James Tobin

1970 Wassily Leontief

1969 William J. Fellner

1968 Kenneth E. Boulding

1967 Milton Friedman

1966 Fritz Machlup

1965 Joseph J. Spengler

1964 George J. Stigler

1963 Gottfried Haberler

1962 Edward S. Mason

1961 Paul A. Samuelson

1960 Theodore W. Schultz

1959 Arthur F. Burns

1958 George W. Stocking

1957 Morris A. Copeland

1956 Edwin E. Witte

1955 John D. Black

1954 Simon Kuznets

1953 Calvin B. Hoover

1952 Harold A. Innis

1951 John H. Williams

1950 Frank H. Knight

Distinguished Fellows

2008 W. Erwin Diewert / Dale T. Mortensen / Charles R. Plott

2007 Orley C. Ashenfelter / Lloyd S. Shapley / Oliver E. Williamson

2006 Donald J. Brown / Richard A. Easterlin / Robert B. Wilson

2005 Stanley L. Engerman / Michael Rothschild / Hugo F. Sonnenschein

2004 William D. Nordhaus / George P. Shultz / William A. Brock

2003 Irma Adelman / Jagdish Bhagwati / T.N. Srinivasan

2002 Clive Granger / Arnold Zellner

2001 Rudiger Dornbusch / Allan H. Meltzer

2000 Jack Hirshleifer / Edmund S. Phelps

1999 David Cass / John Chipman

1998 Alan Heston / Robert Summers

1997 Martin Bronfenbrenner / Gordon Tullock

1996 Armen A. Alchian / Robert A. Mundell

1995 Geoffrey H. Moore / Walter Y. Oi

1994 John C. Harsanyi / Kelvin J. Lancaster

1993 Lionel W. McKenzie / Anna J. Schwartz

1992 Robert Dorfman / Vernon L. Smith

1991 Irving B. Kravis / Herbert E. Scarf

1990 Victor R. Fuchs / Merton H. Miller

1989 Jacob Mincer / Guy H. Orcutt

1988 Hendrik S. Houthakker / Roy Radner

1987 Arthur S. Goldberger / Thomas C. Schelling

1985 Joseph Pechman / Paul Rosenstein-Rodan

1984 Evsey D. Domar / Albert O. Hirschman

1983 Abram Bergson / James M. Buchanan

1982 Joe S. Bain / Gerard Debreu

1981 Edward F. Denison / H. Gregg Lewis

1980 Charles P. Kindleberger / Solomon Fabricant

1979 Margaret G. Reid / Ronald H. Coase

1978 Richard A. Musgrave / William S. Vickrey

1977 Harry G. Johnson / Leonid Hurwicz

1976 Oskar Morgenstern / Herbert A. Simon

1975 Moses Abramovitz

1973 Tibor Scitovsky

1972 Robert Aaron Gordon / Carl S. Shoup

1971 Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen / Tjalling C. Koopmans

1970 William Arthur Lewis

1969 Ludwig E. von Mises / Alexander Gerschenkron

1968 Lloyd A. Metzler

1967 Jacob Marschak

1966 Abba P. Lerner

1965 Edward H. Chamberlin / Harold Hotelling


External links

* [ The American Economic Association]

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