- Alexander Tarasov
region = Western Philosophy
era =20th-century philosophy
color = #B0C4DE
image_caption = Alexander Tarasovname = Alexander Tarasov
birth =March 8 ,1958 (Moscow ,Russian SFSR ,Soviet Union )
death =
school_tradition =Existentialism ,Post-Marxism
main_interests =Politics ,Sociology ,Culture
influences =Karl Marx ,Jean-Paul Sartre ,Georg Lukács ,István Mészáros ,Antonio Gramsci
influenced =
notable_ideas =Alexander Nikolaevich Tarasov ( _ru. Алекса́ндр Никола́евич Тарасо́в, born
March 8 ,1958 inMoscow ) is a Russian post-marxist theoretician and sociologist who has been a left-wingpolitical dissident in theSoviet Union .Biography
In the December 1972 - January 1973 period, together with Vasili Tarasov, he founded an underground left radical group called the "Party of New Communists" (PNK), and became the groups informal leader in the summer of 1973. In 1974 the PNK merged with "Left School" ( _ru. Левая школа) to form the "New Communist Party of the Soviet Union" (NKPSS). Tarasov was one of the NKPSS leaders and theorists, writing the party program "Principles of Neocommunism" ( _ru. Принципы неокоммунизма) in 1974. He was arrested by the KGB in 1975, but was not brought to trial. Instead, Tarasov was sent to a special psychiatric hospital. After his release, he headed the NKPSS until its dissolution in January 1985.
In 1988 he founded an independent sociological archive called "Phoenix". In the 1980s he published sociological tracts under pseudonyms in the foreign press and samizdat.
In 2002 he was a founding editor of the book series "H-Hour: Contemporary Global Anti-Bourgeois Thought" ( _ru. Час "Ч" - Современная мировая антибуржуазная мысль). He followed this with two additional book series: "Class Struggle" ( _de. Klassenkampf)in 2005, and "After the Revolution" ( _ru. роЗА РЕВОлюций) in 2006.
* The provocation. A Version of the October 3-4, 1993 events in Moscow. — M.: Center of new sociology and a close-up on the practical politics, "Феникс", 1993
* The truth about Yugoslavia. — Perm': ОПОР, 1993 (coauthor)
* The provocation. A Version of the October 3-4, 1993 events in Moscow. — Post scriptum from 1994 — M.: Center of new sociology and a close-up on the practical politics, "Феникс", 1993
* Political extremism in Russia. — M.: Information-expert group "Панорама", 1996 (coauthor)
* Political extremism in Russia. — M.: Institute of Experimental Sociology, 1996 (coauthor). ISBN 5-87637-043-6.
* The Left in Russia: from moderate to the extremists. — M: Institute of Experimental Sociology, 1997 (coauthor). ISBN 5-87637-006-1.
* Very timely history. A feminist like a stripper: culturological analysis. — M.: Publishing of the Academy of Art and Science of 21st century "Норма", 1999. ISBN 5-85302-194-X
* Revolution is not serious. Study of theory and history of quasirevolutionary movements. — M.: Ekaterinburg: "Ультра.Культура", 2005. ISBN 5-9681-0067-2.
* Country X. — M.: AST; Adaptek, 2006. ISBN 5-17-032525-8; 2nd edition: 2007, ISBN 5-17-040213-9
* Le rouge et le noir. Extrême droite et nationalisme en Russie. (The Red and the Black: The Extreme Right and Nationalism in Russia) — P.: CNRS Editions, 2007 (coauthor). ISBN 978-2-271-06505-6.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.