
Temporal range: Devonian - Carboniferous
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Sarcopterygii
Order: Actinistia
Genus: Diplocercides
Stensio, 1922

Diplocercides is a genus of prehistoric lobe-finned fishbelonging to the coelacanth group (Actinistia or Coelacanthiformes) which lived during the Late Devonian period (between 370 and 397 million years BCE). Fossils of Diplocercides have been found in Germany, Iran, Ireland, Australia and Poland (and possibly in South Africa in 1937).Recently three-dimensional fossils of Diplocercides were uncovered from the Gogo Formation of Western Australia[1]

Species of Diplocercides

  • Diplocercides davisi Moy-Thomas, 1937
  • Diplocercides heiligenstockiensis Jessen, 1966
  • Diplocercides kayseri von Koenen, 1895
  • Diplocercides jaekeli Stensio, 1922


  1. ^ Long & Trinajstic 2010
    • 1, LONG, J.A. & TRINAJSTIC, K. 2010. The Late Devonian Gogo Formation LagerstatteExceptional preservation and Diversity in early Vertrebrates. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences 38: 665-680

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