- RealTime Speaking
"being, existing, acting, or happening now, in the actual present time; being and reflecting one’s essential, genuine character"
"expressing oneself by verbal and nonverbal means;to declare, indicate, or disclose by any means of communication"
[http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RealTime Speaking (RTS)] is a profound and uniquely powerful way of public speaking and authentic self-expression based on authenticity, vulnerability, and connection developed by [http://www.robertrabbin.com/ Robert Rabbin] .
[http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RTS] is an exhilarating and liberating intensive learning experience which radically improves your ability to speak and spread your message in a compelling and believable manner — whether you are a leader, manager, professional, entrepreneur, teacher, student, healer, cleric, or fund-raiser! You will learn easy-to-use principles and practices to help you speak with clarity and confidence in all situations, and how to use your words, tone, gestures, and spirit to reveal, rather than conceal, your self, your message, and your purpose.
[http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RTS] teaches you to speak from your innate, inexhaustible reservoir of creative and expressive power, to connect deeply with yourself and your audience, and to speak with:
* power and poise * clarity and credibility * comfort and confidence * ease and self-assurance * authenticity and integrity
In [http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RTS] , you are the message! You command respect and attention; you impart power to your words; you inspire others; you make the impact. In all speaking situations — whether a conference keynote, high-stakes business meeting, sales presentation, or intimate one-on-one social encounter — you are the message.
With [http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RTS] , you inspire others with who you are and what you stand for; you are able to promote your self, your ideas, and your business with clarity, courage, and confidence. RTS is a force that comes from within you and depends upon your clear, grounded, and present-centered awareness, the quality of your connection with others, your clarity of point and purpose, your passion for your work, your confidence, your humanity.
[http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RealTime Speaking] can help, if you feel inhibited about public speaking and
* withhold your point of view * feel afraid of being criticized or judged * are misunderstood or not taken seriously * miss opportunities to promote your business * avoid situations because of poor speaking skills.
[http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RealTime Speaking] can help, if you want to connect with others and express yourself with
* ease, enthusiasm, and joy * freedom, passion, and power * clarity, credibility, and confidence.
[http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RealTime Speaking] can help, if you want to develop a truthful and powerful presence, and
* maximize your leadership potential * learn to say what you mean and mean what you say * positively impact and influence everyone you meet * effectively express your values, ideas, and point of view * have others experience you as memorable, credible, and authentic.
[http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RealTime Speaking] can help, if you are a
* leader, manager, business owner, entrepreneur * coach, healer, teacher, facilitator, fundraiser * publicist, producer, director, performance artist.
[http://www.realtimespeaking.com/ RealTime Speaking....where YOU are the message]
[http://realtimespeaking.wordpress.com/ RealTime Speaking Blog]
() 02:38, 10 July 2008 (UTC)
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