Max Schede

Max Schede
Max Schede (1844-1902)

Max Schede (January 7, 1844 – December 31, 1902) was a German surgeon who was a native of Arnsberg.

Schede studied medicine at the Universities of Halle, Heidelberg and Zurich, and earned his medical doctorate in 1866. After serving as a doctor in the Austro-Prussian War, he became an assistant to Richard von Volkmann (1830-1889) at Halle, and during the Franco-Prussian War was head of a Feldlazaretts. In 1875 he was in charge of the surgical department at the Friedrichshain Hospital in Berlin, and in 1880 practiced surgery at St. Georg Hospital in Hamburg.

At Hamburg he was a catalyst concerning the construction of Eppendorf Hospital, and in 1888 became head of its surgical department. In 1895 he became a professor of surgery at the University of Bonn.

Schede was a pioneer of antisepsis in Germany, and in 1890 introduced a surgical procedure called thoracoplasty, which involved resection of the thorax for treatment of chronic empyema. His name is associated with the "Schede method", also known as "Schede's clot", which is a procedure that involves scraping off dead tissue in bone necrosis, allowing the cavity to fill with blood, then covering it with gauze and rubber.[1] [2]

In 1874 he was a co-founder of the journal Zentralblatt für Chirurgie.


  1. ^ The American illustrated medical dictionary by William Alexander Newman Dorland
  2. ^ Mondofacto Definition (definition of eponym)

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