- DevExpress Reporting
Infobox Software
name =Developer Express Reporting - [http://www.devexpress.com/xtrareports XtraReports]
caption =
developer =Developer Express
platform =Windows Forms /ASP.NET /.NET /Microsoft SQL Server
genre =Business Intelligence ,Reporting
license = [http://www.devexpress.com/Support/LicensingFAQ.xml] [http://www.devexpress.com/Support/EULA.xml]
website = http://www.devexpress.com/xtrareports[http://www.devexpress.com/XtraReports XtraReports Suite] , a .Net
Reporting product is fromDeveloper Express . This product works both inWindows Forms andASP.NET platforms. XtraReports features an End User Report Designer to support the development of custom reports for end users.[http://www.devexpress.com/XtraReports XtraReports] competes with
Crystal Reports ,SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and otherbusiness intelligence tools , and it works within the Express, Workgroup, Standard, and Enterprise editions ofMicrosoft Visual Studio . XtraReports was first released in 2003.In XtraReports, report classes persist the same way as Windows .Net classes. Reports defined by XtraReports can be exported to a variety of formats [2] including
Excel ,PDF ,CSV ,TXT ,MHT ,RTF ,BMP ,TIFF (and other image formats [3] ), andHTML Web Archive. It uses the same code editor (C#,VB.NET or J#), as well as the same Property Grid, component Toolbox, alignment toolbar, and all available Visual Studio IDE resources.Full
source code is available. A [http://www.devexpress.com/Home/60DayMoneyBack.xml 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee] is also available.Uses
Developer Express Reporting can be used to create reports, such as monthly sales, inventory, orders, and invoices. The product supports charts, sub-reports, parameters, grouping and summaries for better data presentation and analysis. The tool can also be used to create labels, mailing lists and company letter templates.
upported data sources
The reports can be databound to:
* AnyADO.NET datasource. Most of the common databases, such asSQL Server ,MySQL , Oracle,Microsoft Access ,OLE DB , etc.
*XML (IList or IListSource)
*Business Objects
*Web Services .upported export formats
Adobe Portable Document Format (*.pdf);
*HTML Web Page (*.html);
*MHTML Single-File Web Page (*.mht);
*Rich Text Format (*.rtf);
* MicrosoftExcel Workbook (*.xls);
*Plain Text (*.txt);
*Comma-Separated Values (*.csv);
* Mutilple Image formats: (*.bmp , *.jpeg , *.gif , *.tiff , *.png , *.emf ).upported report items
* SubReport
* Chart (based on DevExpress [http://www.DevExpress.com/xtracharts XtraCharts] )
* Label
* Line
* Picture Box
* Check Box
* Page Break
* Page Information
* Rich Text Box
* Table
* Shape
* Chart
* Bar Code
* ZIP Code
* Any 3-rd party controls (charts, grids, calendars, etc.)Features
* Advanced Styles and Style Sheets
* Background and Watermarks
* Bookmarks and a Document Map
* Cross-References and Hyperlinks
* Import from MS Access
* Import from Crystal Reports
* Import from Active Reports
* Rich Report Preview Capabilities in WinForms Applications
* Built-in Preview Form
* Custom Preview Forms
* Ribbon in Print Preview
* ASP.NET Controls to Publish Your Reports to the Web
* Complete AJAX Callback Support
* Medium Trust Support
* Report Caching
* Document Map Support (Bookmarks)
* Custom Report Toolbars
* Multiple Band Types
* Master-Detail Reports Detail Report Band
* Full Subreports Support
* Report Merging
* Wizard for Mailing Labels
* Multi-Column Reports
* Drill-Down and Roll-Up Reports
* Rich Data Representation
* Chart Support Built-In
* Table Control (Align Report Controls)
* Cross-Band Controls (Line and Box)
* Flexible Data Source Support
* Mail Merging / Embedded Fields
* Export To Most Popular File Formats
* Data Sorting
* Data Grouping
* Summary Support
* End-User Report Designer
* Create a Custom End-User Designer
* Advanced support for WinForms XtraGrid and XtraPivotGrid
* Support for Skins
* Create Reports from Scratch, Save and Restore Your Report
* Scripting for Advanced Event Handling
* No COM, All .NETAbout DevExpress
Developer Express Corporation was founded in 1998. One of the first 3rd party vendors for Microsoft tools, they have toolsBorland Delphi ,ActiveX , and.NET framework . [http://www.devexpress.com/Home/Mission.xml Mission statement] lists the following goals:
* Research and Development
* Technical Support
* Commitment to Innovation
* Customer SuccessExternal Links
* [http://www.DevExpress.com/xtrareports DevExpress Reporting Overview]
* [http://demos.devexpress.com/XtraReportsDemos/ DevExpress Reporting Online Demos]
* [http://aspalliance.com/devexpress ASP Alliance]
* [http://www.componentsource.com/products/xtrareports/reviews.html Reviews on ComponentSource]
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