Norberto Ramírez

Norberto Ramírez

Norberto Ramírez Áreas (late 18th century, León, Nicaragua — 11 July 1856, León, Nicaragua) was a Nicaraguan lawyer and politician. From 20/23 September 1840 to 7 January 1841 he was the 13th President (called Chief) of El Salvador, still technically a state in the Federal Republic of Central America. From 1 April 1849 to 1 April 1851 he was the 24th President (then called Supreme Director) of independent Nicaragua.

On 20 September 1840 a revolt of the garrison in San Salvador led by General Francisco Malespín forced the resignation of Ramírez's predecessor, Colonel Antonio José Cañas. (Malespín had intended to rule through Cañas, but Cañas was not agreeable.) After José Damián Villacorta rejected the appointment, Norberto Ramírez took over the government.[1]

In December 1840 a riot broke out in Santiago Nonualco, led by Petronilo Castro. It was soon suppressed by the government.

The following 7 January, Ramírez turned over the office of head of state to Juan Lindo.

Norberto Ramírez was the father of Mercedes Ramírez de Meléndez, whose sons Carlos and Jorge Meléndez were later presidents of the Republic of El Salvador.

From 1849 through 1851, Ramírez was also president of Nicaragua, his native country. The agreements he signed in 1849 laid the foundations for the future Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (signed 19 April 1850 in Washington, D.C.), under which the United States justified interference in Nicaragua's internal affairs.[2]

External links


  1. ^ (Spanish) The coup by Malespín, from the Salvadoran government web site.
  2. ^ "Pre-Revolutionary Nicaragua", at Latin American Revolutions, available here
Preceded by
Antonio José Cañas
Head of State of El Salvador (provisional)
Succeeded by
Juan Lindo
Preceded by
Benito Rosales
President of Nicaragua
Succeeded by
Justo Abaúnza y Muñoz de Avilés

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