A negative number is a number that is less than zero, such as −2. A positive number is a number that is greater than zero, such as 2. Zero itself is neither positive nor negative. The non-negative numbers are the real numbers that are not negative (they are positive or zero). The non-positive numbers are the real numbers that are not positive (they are negative or zero).
In the context of complex numbers, "positive" implies "real", but for clarity one may say "positive real number".
Negative numbers
Negative integers can be regarded as an extension of the natural numbers, such that the equation "x" - "y" = "z" has a meaningful solution "z" for all values of "x" and "y". The other sets of numbers are then derived as progressively more elaborate extensions and generalizations from the integers.
Negative numbers are useful to describe values on a scale that goes below zero, such as temperature, and also in bookkeeping where they can be used to represent credits. In bookkeeping, amounts owing to other people/organizations are often represented by red numbers, or a number in parentheses.
Non-negative numbers
A number is non-negative if and only if it is greater than or equal to zero, i.e., positive or zero. Thus the "nonnegative integers" are all the integers from zero on upwards, and the "nonnegative reals" are all the real numbers from zero on upwards.
A "real" matrix "A" is called nonnegative if every entry of "A" is nonnegative.
A "real" matrix "A" is called totally nonnegative by matrix theorists or totally positive by computer scientists if the determinant of every square submatrix of "A" is nonnegative.
The negative of a number is unique
The negative of a number is unique, as is shown by the following proof.
Let "x" be a number and let "–x" be its negative. Let .Let be another negative of "x". By an axiom of the real number system
And so, . Using the law of cancellation for addition, it is seen that . Therefore is the same number as and is the unique negative of "x".
ignum function
It is possible to define a function sgn("x") on the real numbers which is 1 for positive numbers, −1 for negative numbers and 0 for zero (sometimes called the sign function)::
We then have (except for "x"=0)::