- Hoe-farming
"Hoe-farming" is a collective term for certain forms of agriculture. In the farming of some early societies, and in some traditional cultures of the recent times or the near past, the
tillage was done with simple manual tools likedigging stick or hoe, for example seeding was done manually by making hole for the seeds, putting them inside, then covering them.The precursor to hoe-farming may be
intensive gathering . [Nagy Olivérné & Ortutay Gyula (eds) (1977–1982) (see [http://mek.oszk.hu/02100/02115/html/2-464.html online] in Hungarian)] As for its future, it does not necessarily “become superseded” by applyingplough andanimal traction , because also ecological factors are very important. [Ökonomische Anthropologie — Fragen (see [http://www.pensis.net/documente/12schriftlichearbeiten_Ethno/oekonomische.anthropologie-Fragen-Luci-250104.pdf online] in German)] Even the prevalence oftsetse fly can matter. Also cultural factors can be considered (for example the local belief system can containtaboo s against animal traction).IFAD, Uganda women (see [http://www.ifad.org/gender/learning/sector/agriculture/69.htm online] )]Hoe-farming often coincides with long fallow systems and
shifting cultivation , contrasted to permanent plough-based cultivation systems and the intensification of agriculture. [Pingali & Bigot & Binswanger & 1987 (see [http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2000/04/05/000178830_98101911020037/Rendered/INDEX/multi_page.txt online] )] Hoe-farming may containslash and burn clearance techniques, but it is not a necessity. [Kienzle 2003 (see [http://www.sarpn.org.za/mitigation_of_HIV_AIDS/m0012/index.php online] )] It is usually embedded in the logic ofsubsistence agriculture .Examples
A traditional area of hoe-farming (“Hackbaugürtel”) included
Sub-Saharan Africa , India and theMalay Archipelago , middle parts ofAmericas . [Ziller 1974 (see [http://www.schulgarten.ch/texte/Pflug.pdf online] in German)] Presumably early forms of agriculture were much more widespread in the past, but could remain dominant against the spread ofintensive farming mainly in thetropics .The
Isanzu were hoe-farming people (while the neighboringHadzabe kept on living ashunter-gatherer s). [Kohl-Larsen 1956: 13–14]See also
Slash and burn
*Subsistence agriculture Notes
* cite web |title=Women's farm implements in Uganda |publisher=International Fund for Agricultural Development (
IFAD ), a specialized agency of theUnited Nations |url=http://www.ifad.org/gender/learning/sector/agriculture/69.htm
* cite web |last=Kienzle |first=Josef |title=Labour Saving Technologies and Practices for Farming and Household Activities in Eastern and Southern Africa |conference=Round-Table-Workshop: Mitigation of HIV/AIDS. Impacts through Agriculture and Rural Development — success stories and future actions |location=Pretoria, South Africa |year=2003 |month=May |url=http://www.sarpn.org.za/mitigation_of_HIV_AIDS/m0012/index.php
* The book is a collection of Hadzabe myths about giants, also some tribe myths about culture heroes, and anecdotical tales.
* Title means "Hungarian Ethnological Lexicon", item means “Cultivation”.
* cite web |title=Ökonomische Anthropologie — Fragen |language=German |format=PDF |url=http://www.pensis.net/documente/12schriftlichearbeiten_Ethno/oekonomische.anthropologie-Fragen-Luci-250104.pdf
* The title means: "The plough. Historical development and practical application".External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.