Uršula Reš Muravec

Uršula Reš Muravec

=Uršula Reš Muravec, M.D., M.S.=


[http://www.sexation.info/en/extra/experts/dr-ursula-res-muravec/#c460 Uršula Reš Muravec] graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine in 1995. After internship she finished specialisation in gynaecology and obstetrics. In that time she defended the master’s degree in the field of male infertility. She works at the Postojna Hospital and the Dravlje health care centre in Ljubljana. While she was studying and working, she also obtained further education in Chicago, London, Vienna and Berlin.


Her work varies considerably and it includes activities at the Department of Gynaecology and Pathological Pregnancy, ultrasound diagnostics, activities in an operating theatre, in the delivery unit, and activities in an outpatient clinic. Her work is more detailed in the field of diagnostics and treating infertility and ultrasound diagnostics in gynaecology and obstetrics with the help of 3D/4D ultrasound. Today she cooperates with various media on sexual-health-education like [http://sexation.info/en/ Sexation.info] .


Available in the Slovenian language:

-Reš Muravec U. Vpliv retiniranih testisov in orhidopeksije na plodno sposobnost moškega. Univerza v Ljubljani. Medicinska fakulteta. Ljubljana, november 2000. Magistrsko delo.

-Reš U, Tršinar B. The influence of cryptorchidism and orchidopexy on fertility potential in men. Annual meeting of urologists from Slovenia, Styria and Carynthia. Lipica, Slovenia, October 2000, 13-14. (zbornik in predavanje).

-Reš Muravec U, Tršinar B. Vpliv retiniranih testisov in orhidopeksije na plodno sposobnost moškega. 2. kongres ginekologov in porodničarjev Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo. Portorož, november 2000. 79 (zbornik in predavanje).

Reš U, Tršinar B. Cryptorchidism, Orchidopexy and infertility. XVI FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, September 2000, Washington DC. (Book of abstracts and poster presentation).

-Reš U, Reš P, Kastelic D, Stanovnik M, Kmetec A, Merlo A. Birth after treatment of a male with seminoma and azoospermia with cryopreserved-thawed testicular tissue. Case report. Human Reproduction 2000, 15; 4: 861-864 (članek v mednarodni reviji).

Reš U, Reš P, Kastelic D, Stanovnik M, Kmetec A, Merlo A. Birth after treatment of a man with seminoma and azoospermia with frozen-thawed testicular sperm extraction-TESE in ICSI procedure. 2ed International Symposium on Assisted Reproduction, October 1999, Bled, Slovenia. (Book of abstracts, poster presentation).

-Reš U, Reš P, Kastelic D, Stanovnik M, Kmetec A, Merlo A. Moški s tumorjem testisa in azoospermijo ima lahko otroka. Prvi slovenski urološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo. Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenija, Maj 1999, (zbornik in predavanje).

-Reš P, Kastelic D, Reš U. Zdravljenje neplodnosti pri bolniku s tumorjem testisa. Prvi slovenski urološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo. Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenija, Maj 1999, (zbornik in predavanje).

-Reš U, Reš P, Kastelic D, Stanovnik M, Kmetec A, Merlo A. Successful pregnancy and birth after treatment of a man with seminoma and azoospermia with frozen-thawed testisular sperm extraction- TESE in ICSI procedure. IFFS 1989. 16th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, San Francisco, October 1998, (Abstracts, poster presentation).

-Epiduralna porodna analgezija v Porodnišnici Postojna, Zdravstveni vestnik 2003- Reš U, Petrovič V. poročilo s seminarja o reproduktivni medicini v Hamburgu. Hamburg, Marec 1998. Isis, Junij 1998: 53, (poročilo).

-Reš U, Rožič-Vičič N. Cornell seminar iz ginekologije in porodništva, Salzburg, November 1998. Isis, Januar 1999: 87-89, (poročilo).

- Reš Muravec U. Simfonija devetih mesecev. Zdravje, letnik 25, 2003: 32-33.


* [http://www.neplodnost.com/resursula.html Biography]
* [http://www.bolnisnica-po.si/index.php?id=61 Hospital of Postojna]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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