- Poisson kernel
potential theory , the Poisson kernel is thederivative of theGreen's function for the two-dimensionalLaplace equation , undercircular symmetry , usingDirichlet boundary condition s. It is used for solving the two-dimensionalDirichlet problem .In practice, there are many different forms of the Poisson kernel in use. For example, in
complex analysis , the Poisson kernel for a disc is often used as is the Poisson kernel for theupper half-plane , and both of these can be extended into n-dimensional space.In the complex plane, the Poisson kernel for the unit disc is given by
This can be thought of in two ways: either as a function of and , or as a family of functions of indexed by .
One of the main reasons for the importance of the Poisson kernel in complex analysis is that the
Poisson integral of the Poisson kernel gives a solution of theDirichlet problem for the disc. The Dirichlet problem asks for a solution to Laplace's equation on the unit disk, subject to the Dirichlet boundary condition. If is the unit disc in C, and if "f" is a continuous function from into R, then the function "u" given by:
is harmonic in D and agrees with "f" on the boundary of the disc.
For the ball of radius r, , in Rn, the Poisson kernel takes the form
where , (the surface of ), and is the surface area of the unit ball.
Then, if "u"("x") is a continuous function defined on "S", the corresponding result is that the function "P" ["u"] ("x") defined by
is harmonic on the ball .
*cite book | author = John B. Conway | title = Functions of One Complex Variable I | publisher = Springer-Verlag | year = 1978 | id=ISBN 0-387-90328-3
*cite book | author = S. Axler, P. Bourdon, W. Ramey | title = Harmonic Function Theory | publisher = Springer-Verlag | year = 1992 | id=ISBN 0-387-95218-7External links
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