Cure Alzheimer's Fund

Cure Alzheimer's Fund
Cure Alzheimer's Fund
Type NPO
Founded 2004
Location Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, U.S.
Motto Fund research with the highest probability of slowing, stopping or reversing Alzheimer's disease.

Cure Alzheimer's Fund, a 'doing business as' name for the Alzheimer's Disease Research Foundation, is a 501(c)(3) public charity established to provide funding for targeted research into the causes of Alzheimer’s disease.



The mission of the Cure Alzheimer's Fund is:

To fund research with a probability of slowing, stopping or reversing Alzheimer's disease.[1]


Cure Alzheimer’s Fund exists exclusively to fund targeted research to hasten the slowing, reversing and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.[1] To date, Cure Alzheimer's Fund has donated millions to research.

Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has no endowment[citation needed] and passes funds raised directly to selected research[citation needed] as determined by the Cure Alzheimer’s Research Consortium. The Foundation has no financial or intellectual property interest in the research funded[citation needed] , and will make known the results of all funded research as soon as possible.[1][citation needed]

The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors; administered by a full-time staff; and guided scientifically by the Research Consortium. A Scientific Advisory Board audits the research program[citation needed] to make sure it is consistent with the objectives of the Foundation.[1]


Cure Alzheimer's Fund was incorporated in September 2004.

Rudy Tanzi, Ph.D. and six other leading Alzheimer's disease researchers and clinicians from universities volunteered to become the Cure Alzheimer's Research Consortium to develop a Research Roadmap that starts with completion of the genetic map of the disease[citation needed] and progresses to analysis of the resulting genes and the biochemical pathways emanating from them to discover the most likely places for therapeutic intervention.[2]

Since its founding, Cure Alzheimer's Fund has funded research in six states[3], notably The Alzheimer's Genome Project Initiative, which has the objective of identifying all relevant remaining Alzheimer’s genes that have not yet been discovered[citation needed] , thereby identifying more targets for the development of therapeutic interventions.[4]


Since its founding, Cure Alzheimer's Fund has funded research projects at universities worldwide [3], notably The Alzheimer's Genome Project Initiative, which has the objective of identifying all relevant remaining Alzheimer’s genes that have not yet been discovered, thereby identifying more targets for the development of therapeutic interventions.[4]

Awards & Recognition

2010 - Cure Alzheimer’s Fund was invited to present information about the current state of Alzheimer’s research to members of the current Administration[citation needed]. Review of current research by Rudy Tanzi PhD, Chair of CAF’s Research Consortium and presentation of recommendations for more and specifically focused federal funding for Alzheimer’s research by Tim Armour, President and CEO of CAF, and Jeff Morby, Chairman and co-founder of CAF were well received by senior members of the Administration responsible for health and research policy.

2009 - Cure Alzheimer’s Fund achieves the Better Business Bureau seal for meeting or exceeding the standards set by BBB for well-run nonprofit organizations.

2008 - An article in the American Journal of Human Genetics documented a genome-wide association screen done by Cure Alzheimer’s Fund Research Consortium Chair Dr. Rudy Tanzi and his team. They collected genetic data from more than 1,300 families affected by Alzheimer’s disease, the largest such family-based screen ever conducted, to determine gene variants that influence one’s lifetime risk of Alzheimer’s. Out of 40 total genes identified from the screen, the American Journal of Human Genetics article highlighted four ‘novel’ genes that emerged as the top genetic connections to Alzheimer’s.

Scientific Advisory Board

Members of the Scientific Advisory Board are invited, independent of the Research Consortium, to provide advice and counsel to the Board of the Cure Alzheimer's Fund regarding the overall scientific soundness of the Research Consortium's approach to scientific discovery (roadmap and other initiatives) and the consistency of grant disbursement policy with criteria approved by the Board for project selection.[5]


  1. ^ a b c d Cure Alzheimer's Fund About Us. Accessed 3 July 2008.
  2. ^ Cure Alzheimer's Fund About Us. Accessed 3 July 2008.
  3. ^ a b Cure Alzheimer's Fund Funded Research. Accessed 3 July 2008.
  4. ^ a b Cure Alzheimer's Fund Alzheimer's Genome Project. Accessed 3 July 2008.
  5. ^ Cure Alzheimer's Fund Scientific Advisory Board. Accessed 3 July 2008.

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