- Rational zeta series
mathematics , a rational zeta series is the representation of an arbitraryreal number in terms of a series consisting ofrational number s and theRiemann zeta function or theHurwitz zeta function . Specifically, given a real number "x", the rational zeta series for "x" is given by:x=sum_{n=2}^infty q_n zeta (n,m)
where q_n is a rational number, the value "m" is held fixed, and zeta(s,m) is the Hurwitz zeta function. It is not hard to show that any real number "x" can be expanded in this way.
Elementary series
For integer "m", one has
:x=sum_{n=2}^infty q_n left [zeta(n)- sum_{k=1}^{m-1} k^{-n} ight]
For "m=2", a number of interesting numbers have a simple expression as rational zeta series:
:1=sum_{n=2}^infty left [zeta(n)-1 ight]
and:1-gamma=sum_{n=2}^infty frac{1}{n}left [zeta(n)-1 ight]
where γ is the
Euler-Mascheroni constant . The series:log 2 =sum_{n=1}^infty frac{1}{n}left [zeta(2n)-1 ight]follows by summing the
Gauss-Kuzmin distribution . There are also series for π::log pi =sum_{n=2}^infty frac{2(3/2)^n-3}{n}left [zeta(n)-1 ight]
:frac{13}{30} - frac{pi}{8} =sum_{n=1}^infty frac{1}{4^{2nleft [zeta(2n)-1 ight]
being notable because of its fast convergence. This last series follows from the general identity
:sum_{n=1}^infty (-1)^{n} t^{2n} left [zeta(2n)-1 ight] =frac{t^2}{1+t^2} + frac{1-pi t}{2} - frac {pi t}{e^{2pi t} -1}
which in turn follows from the
generating function for theBernoulli numbers :frac{x}{e^x-1} = sum_{n=0}^infty B_n frac{t^n}{n!}
Adamchik and Srivastava give a similar series
:sum_{n=1}^infty frac{t^{2n{n} zeta(2n) = log left(frac{pi t} {sin (pi t)} ight)
Polygamma-related series
A number of additional relationships can be derived from the
Taylor series for thepolygamma function at "z"=1, which is :psi^{(m)}(z+1)= sum_{k=0}^infty (-1)^{m+k+1} (m+k)!; zeta (m+k+1); frac {z^k}{k!}.The above converges for |"z"|<1. A special case is:sum_{n=2}^infty t^n left [zeta(n)-1 ight] = -tleft [gamma +psi(1-t) -frac{t}{1-t} ight]
which holds for t|<2. Here, ψ is the
digamma function and psi^{(m)} is the polygamma function. Many series involving thebinomial coefficient may be derived::sum_{k=0}^infty {k+ u+1 choose k} left [zeta(k+ u+2)-1 ight] = zeta( u+2)
where u is a complex number. The above follows from the series expansion for the Hurwitz zeta
:zeta(s,x+y) = sum_{k=0}^infty {s+k-1 choose s-1} (-y)^k zeta (s+k,x)taken at y=-1. Similar series may be obtained by simple algebra:
:sum_{k=0}^infty {k+ u+1 choose k+1} left [zeta(k+ u+2)-1 ight] = 1
:sum_{k=0}^infty (-1)^k {k+ u+1 choose k+1} left [zeta(k+ u+2)-1 ight] = 2^{-( u+1)}
:sum_{k=0}^infty (-1)^k {k+ u+1 choose k+2} left [zeta(k+ u+2)-1 ight] = u left [zeta( u+1)-1 ight] - 2^{- u} and
:sum_{k=0}^infty (-1)^k {k+ u+1 choose k} left [zeta(k+ u+2)-1 ight] = zeta( u+2)-1 - 2^{-( u+2)}
For integer ngeq 0, the series:S_n = sum_{k=0}^infty {k+n choose k} left [zeta(k+n+2)-1 ight]
can be written as the finite sum
:S_n=(-1)^nleft [1+sum_{k=1}^n zeta(k+1) ight]
The above follows from the simple
recursion relation S_n+S_{n+1} = zeta(n+2). Next, the series:T_n = sum_{k=0}^infty {k+n-1 choose k} left [zeta(k+n+2)-1 ight]
may be written as
:T_n=(-1)^{n+1}left [n+1-zeta(2)+sum_{k=1}^{n-1} (-1)^k (n-k) zeta(k+1) ight]
for integer ngeq 1. The above follows from the identity T_n+T_{n+1} = S_n. This process may be applied recursively to obtain finite series for general expressions of the form
:sum_{k=0}^infty {k+n-m choose k} left [zeta(k+n+2)-1 ight]
for positive integers "m".
Half-integer power series
Similar series may be obtained by exploring the
Hurwitz zeta function at half-integer values. Thus, for example, one has:sum_{k=0}^infty frac {zeta(k+n+2)-1}{2^k} n+k+1} choose {n+1=left(2^{n+2}-1 ight)zeta(n+2)-1
Expressions in the form of p-series
Adamchik and Srivastava give :sum_{n=2}^infty n^m left [zeta(n)-1 ight] =1, + sum_{k=1}^m k!; S(m+1,k+1) zeta(k+1)
:sum_{n=2}^infty (-1)^n n^m left [zeta(n)-1 ight] =-1, +, frac {1-2^{m+1{m+1} B_{m+1} ,- sum_{k=1}^m (-1)^k k!; S(m+1,k+1) zeta(k+1)
where B_k are the
Bernoulli number s and S(m,k) are theStirling numbers of the second kind .Other series
Other constants that have notable rational zeta series are:
*Khinchin's constant
*Apéry's constant References
* cite journal|author=Jonathan M. Borwein, David M. Bradley, Richard E. Crandall
title= [http://www.maths.ex.ac.uk/~mwatkins/zeta/borwein1.pdf Computational Strategies for the Riemann Zeta Function]
journal=J. Comp. App. Math.
* cite journal|author=Victor S. Adamchik and H. M. Srivastava
title= [http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~adamchik/articles/sums/zeta.pdf Some series of the zeta and related functions]
pages=pp. 131–144
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