- Klaus Fuchs
Infobox scientist
name = Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs
caption = Klaus Fuchs' ID badge at Los Alamos.
birth_date =December 29 ,1911
birth_place =Rüsselsheim ,Germany
death_date =January 28 ,1988
death_place =Dresden ,East Germany
residence =Germany United Kingdom United States of America East Germany
nationality = German British
work_institutions =Los Alamos National Laboratory Harwell Atomic Energy Research Establishment Institute for Nuclear Research (Rossendorf)Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs (
December 29 ,1911 –January 28 ,1988 ), was a German-born theoretical physicist and atomic spy who was convicted of supplying information from the British and Americanatomic bomb research to the USSR during, and shortly after,World War II . Fuchs was an extremely competent scientist. While at theLos Alamos National Laboratory , Fuchs was responsible for many significant theoretical calculations relating to the first fission weapons and later, the early models of the hydrogen bomb, the first fusion weapon.Early life
Klaus Fuchs was born in
Rüsselsheim ,Germany , the third of four children to Lutheran pastorEmil Fuchs and his wife Else Wagner. Fuchs' father was later a professor oftheology atLeipzig University . Sadly, Fuchs' grandmother, mother, and one sister eventually committedsuicide while his other sister was diagnosed asschizophrenic .Fuchs attended both
Leipzig University andKiel University , and while at the latter, he became active in politics. Young Fuchs joined theSocial Democratic Party of Germany and, in 1932, theCommunist Party of Germany . In 1933, after a violent encounter with the recently installedNazis , he fled toFrance and was then able to use family connections to flee toBristol ,England . He earned hisPhD inPhysics from theUniversity of Bristol in 1937, studying underNevill Mott , and took a DSc at theUniversity of Edinburgh while studying underMax Born . A paper of his onquantum mechanics appeared in the "Proceedings of the Royal Society" in 1936, which contributed to his getting a teaching position at Edinburgh in 1937.Wartime work and espionage
At the outbreak of war, German citizens in Britain were interred. Fuchs was put into camps on the
Isle of Man and later inQuebec ,Canada , from June to December 1940. However, Professor Born intervened on Fuchs' behalf. By early 1941, Fuchs had returned temporarily to Edinburgh. He was approached byRudolf Peierls of theUniversity of Birmingham to work on the "Tube Alloys " program — the British atomic bomb research project. Despite wartime restrictions, he was granted Britishcitizenship in 1942 and signed theOfficial Secrets Act .A London
GRU message of10 August ,1941 is a reference to the GRU reestablishing contact with Fuchs. His initial Soviet contact was known as "Sonia". Her real name wasRuth Werner - a German communist and a Major in Soviet Military Intelligence.After
Nazi Germany invaded theSoviet Union in 1941, Fuchs would later testify, he began to transmit military secrets to the USSR. Fuchs believed that the Soviets had a right to know what the United Kingdom (and later the United States) were working on in secret. (The exact dates when he began passing information are somewhat inconsistent in the literature on the subject.) Fuchs testified that he had contacted a former friend in theCommunist Party of Germany , who put him in touch with someone at the Soviet embassy in Britain. His code-name was "Rest".In late 1943, Fuchs transferred along with Peierls to
Columbia University , inNew York City . to work on theManhattan Project . Although Fuchs was "an asset" of GRU in Britain, his "control" was transferred to theNKGB when he moved to New York. From August 1944 Fuchs worked in the Theoretical Physics Division at Los Alamos,New Mexico underHans Bethe . His chief area of expertise was the problem of imploding the fissionable core of theplutonium bomb. At one point, Fuchs did calculation work thatEdward Teller had refused to do due to lack of interest. He was the author of techniques (such as the still-usedFuchs-Nordheim method) for calculating the energy of a fissile assembly which goes highlyprompt critical . Later, he also filed a patent withJohn von Neumann , describing a method to initiate fusion in a thermonuclear weapon with an implosion trigger. Fuchs was one of the many Los Alamos scientists present at theTrinity test .From autumn of 1947 to May 1949, Fuchs gave
Alexandre Feklisov , his case officer, the principal theoretical outline for creating a hydrogen bomb and the initial drafts for its development as the work progressed in England and America. Fuchs provided the results of the test atEniwetok atoll of uranium and plutonium bombs. He met with Feklisov six times. Fuchs provided key data on production ofuranium-235 revealing that America's production was just one hundred kilograms of uranium-235 and twenty kilograms of plutonium per month. From this, the Soviet Union's scientists could easily calculate the number of atomic bombs possessed by the United States.Thus, because of Klaus Fuchs, leaders of the Soviet Union clearly knew the United States was not prepared for a nuclear war at the end of the 1940s, or even in the early 1950s. The information Fuchs gave Soviet intelligence in 1948 coincided with Donald Maclean's reports from Washington, D.C. It was more than abundantly clear, it was obvious to Josef Stalin's strategists: the United States did not have enough nuclear weapons to deal simultaneously with the
Berlin blockade and the Communists victory inChina .Fuchs later testified that he passed detailed information on the project to the Soviet Union through a courier known as "Raymond" (later identified as
Harry Gold ), in 1945 and further information about thehydrogen bomb in 1946 and 1947. Fuchs attended a conference of the Combined Policy Committee (CPC) in 1947, a committee created to facilitate exchange of atomic secrets between the highest levels of government of the U.S., Great Britain and Canada; Donald Maclean, as British co-secretary of CPC, was also in attendance. In 1946 when Fuchs returned to England and theHarwell Atomic Energy Research Establishment as the first Head of the Theoretical Physics Division, he was confronted by intelligence officers as a result of the cracking of Soviet ciphers known as theVENONA project . Under prolonged interrogation byMI5 officerWilliam Skardon , Fuchs confessed he was a spy in January, 1950. Fuchs told interrogators theKGB acquired an agent inBerkeley, California who informed the Soviet Union aboutelectromagnetic separation research of uranium-235 in 1942 or earlier. He was prosecuted by SirHartley Shawcross and was convicted onMarch 1 ,1950 . He was sentenced the next day to fourteen years in prison, the maximum possible for passing military secrets to a friendly nation. In the infancy of the Cold War, the Soviet Union was nonetheless still classed as an ally, "a friendly nation." A week after his verdict, onMarch 7 , the Soviet Union issued a terse statement denying that Fuchs served as a Soviet spy.Fuchs' statements to British and American intelligence agencies were used to implicate
Harry Gold , a key witness in the trials ofDavid Greenglass andJulius and Ethel Rosenberg in the USA.Value of Fuchs' data to the Soviet project
Hans Bethe once said that Klaus Fuchs was the only physicist he knew who truly changed history.Because of the manner in which the head of the Soviet project,Lavrenty Beria , used foreign intelligence (as a third-party check, rather than giving it directly to the scientists, as he did not trust the information by default) it is unknown whether Fuchs' fission information had a substantial effect (and considering that the pace of the Soviet program was set primarily by the amount of uranium they could procure, it is hard for scholars to accurately judge how much time this saved the Soviets). Some former Soviet scientists said they were actually hampered by Fuchs' data, because Beria insisted that their first bomb ("Joe 1 ") should resemble the American plutonium bomb ("Fat Man ") as much as possible, even though the scientists had discovered a number of improvements and different designs for a more efficient weapon.Whether the information Fuchs passed relating to the hydrogen bomb would have been useful is still somewhat in debate. Most scholars have agreed with the assessment made by
Hans Bethe in 1952, which concluded that by the time Fuchs left the thermonuclear program — the summer of 1946 — there was too little known about the mechanism of the hydrogen bomb for his information to be of any necessary use to the Soviet Union (the successfulTeller-Ulam design was not discovered until 1951). Soviet physicists would later note that they could see as well as the Americans eventually did that the early designs by Fuchs andEdward Teller were useless. However, later archival work by the Soviet physicistGerman Goncharov has suggested that while Fuchs' early work (most of which is still classified in the United States, but copies of which were available to the Soviets) did not aid the Americans in their effort towards the hydrogen bomb, it was actually far closer to the final correct solution than was recognized at the time, and indeed spurred Soviet research into useful problems which eventually resulted in the correct answer. Since most of Fuchs' work on the bomb, including a 1946 patent on a particular model for the weapon, are still classified in the United States, it has been difficult for scholars to fully assess these conclusions. In any case, it seems clear that Fuchs could not have just given the Soviets the "secret" to the hydrogen bomb, since he did not himself actually know it.Fuchs' work on the development of the atomic bomb and the passing of secrets to the Soviets were the subject of Episode 2 of the
BBC series "Nuclear Secrets", entitled "Superspy". The program was broadcast onJanuary 22 ,2007 .Later life
After Fuchs' confession and a trial lasting less than 90 minutes,
Lord Goddard sentenced him to fourteen years'imprisonment , the maximum forespionage . In December 1950 he was stripped of hisBritish citizenship . Some claim that his confession was made to avoid the death penalty. However, according to at least one of his interrogators, he was actually labouring under the impression he would be allowed back to work at Harwell. He was released onJune 23 ,1959 , after serving nine years and four months of his sentence atWakefield prison. He was allowed to emigrate toDresden , then in theGerman Democratic Republic (East Germany). He left Britain almost immediately and lived in Dresden with his father and a nephew.In 1959, he married a friend from his years as a student Communist, Margarete Keilson. In the GDR, he continued his scientific career and achieved considerable prominence. He was elected to the Academy of Sciences and the SED
central committee , and was later appointed deputy director of theInstitute for Nuclear Research inRossendorf , where he served until he retired in 1979. He received theFatherland's Order of Merit and theOrder of Karl Marx . [ [http://www.crimelibrary.com/terrorists_spies/spies/fuchs/10.html Klaus Fuchs: Atom Bomb Spy] , "Crime Library "]Death
He died near Dresden on
January 28 ,1988 . [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Klaus Fuchs, Physicist Who Gave Atom Secrets to Soviet, Dies at 76 |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940DEFDF1030F93AA15752C0A96E948260&scp=1&sq=Klaus+Fuchs&st=nyt |quote=Klaus Fuchs, the German-born physicist who was imprisoned in the 1950's in Britain after being convicted of passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, died yesterday, the East German press agency A.D.N. reported. He was 76 years old. |publisher=New York Times |date=January 29 ,1988 |accessdate=2008-07-07 ]ee also
Theodore Hall (another atomic spy at Los Alamos, though he and Fuchs were not aware of each other at the time)
*Atom Spies References
Further reading
* Ronald Friedmann: "Klaus Fuchs. Der Mann, der kein Spion war. Das Leben des Kommunisten und Wissenschaftlers Klaus Fuchs", 2006, ISBN 3-938686-44-8
* Hans Bethe, "Memorandum on the History of the Thermonuclear Program" (28 May 1952 ). [http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/nuclear/bethe-52.htm]
* Rodney P. Carlisle, "Fuchs, Klaus Emil Julius", "American National Biography Online" Feb. 2000, accessed24 September 2005 .
* Mary Flowers, "Fuchs, (Emil Julius) Klaus (1911–1988)", rev., "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography", Oxford University Press, 2004, [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/40698] , accessed24 September 2005 . (requires library access)
* German A. Goncharov, "American and Soviet H-bomb development programmes: historical background," "Physics - Uspekhi" 39:10 (1996): 1033–1044. [http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/russia/nuke/goncharov-h-bomb.pdf]
* Alexei Kojevnikov, "Stalin's Great Science: The Times and Adventures of Soviet Physicists" (Imperial College Press, 2004), ISBN 1-86094-420-5 (discusses use of Fuchs's passed on information by Soviets, based on now-declassified files)
* Ruth Werner [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Werner]
* Nuclear Secrets SuperspyBBC Television , accessed23 February 2007 [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944172/]
*Robert Chadwell Williams, "Klaus Fuchs: Atom Spy" (Harvard University Press, 1987) ISBN 0-674-50507-7External links
* [http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAfuchs.htm Biography of Fuchs]
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/bomb/filmmore/reference/primary/fuchsstatement.html Klaus Fuchs' 1950 confession]
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/bomb/peopleevents/pandeAMEX54.html PBS.org on Fuchs, with photo]
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/bomb/filmmore/reference/interview/goncharov2.html German Goncharov on: What the Soviets Learned From Klaus Fuchs]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/march/1/newsid_4222000/4222261.stm Communist spy jailed for 14 years] (BBC News )
* [http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Russia/Fuchs.html Klaus Fuchs] at Carey Sublette's NuclearWeaponArchive.org, which includes information about the specific information given by Fuchs to the Soviets from declassified KGB files
* [https://www.cia.gov/csi/books/venona/part1.htm "Venona: Soviet Espionage and the American Response"] BROKEN LINK (CIA publication), contains letter from agents in 1949 about Klaus Fuchs
* [http://alsos.wlu.edu/qsearch.aspx?browse=people/Fuchs,+Klaus Annotated bibliography for Klaus Fuchs from the Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues]
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