List of United States political families (G)

List of United States political families (G)

The following is an alphabetical list of political families in the United States whose last name begins with G.

The Gales

*George Gale (1756-1815), U.S. Representative from Maryland 1789-1791. Father of Levin Gale. []
**Levin Gale (1784-1834), Maryland State Senator 1816, U.S. Representative from Maryland 1827-1829. Son of George Gale. []

The Gambles

*John Rankin Gamble (1848-1891), District Attorney of Yankton County, Dakota Territory 1876-1878; U.S. Attorney of the Dakota Territory 1878; Dakota Territory Representative 1877-1879; Dakota Territory Councilman 1881-1885; U.S. Representative from South Dakota 1891. Brother of Robert J. Gamble. []
*Robert J. Gamble (1851-1924), District Attorney in Dakota Territory 1880, Attorney of Yankton, Dakota Territory 1881-1882; U.S. Representative from South Dakota 1895-1897 1899-1901; U.S. Senator from South Dakota 1901-1913. Brother of John Rankin Gamble. []
**Ralph A. Gamble (1885-1959), New York Assemblyman 1931-1937, U.S. Representative from New York 1937-1957. Son of Robert J. Gamble. []

The Garcelons

*Alonzo Garcelon (1813-1906), delegate to the Republican National Convention 1856, candidate for U.S. Representative from Maine 1868, Mayor of Lewiston, Maine 1871-1872; Governor of Maine 1879-1880. Father of Alonzo Marston Garcelon. []
**Alonzo Marston Garcelon, Mayor of Lewiston, Maine 1883-1884. Son of Alonzo Garcelon. []

The Gardiners

*Robert H. Gardiner, Mayor of Gardiner, Maine 1850. Great-great-grandfather of William Tudor Gardiner. []
**William Tudor Gardiner (1892-1953), Maine State Representative 1921-1926, Governor of Maine 1929-1933, delegate to the Republican National Convention 1932. Great-great-grandson of Robert H. Gardiner. []
**Margaret Gardiner, delegate to the Republican National Convention 1936. Wife of William Tudor Gardiner. []

The Gardners and Hoeys

*Oliver Max Gardner (1882-1947), Chairman of the Cleveland County, North Carolina Democratic Party 1907-1908; North Carolina Democratic Executive Committeeman 1910-1914; North Carolina State Senator 1911 1915; Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina 1917-1921; candidate for Governor of North Carolina 1920 delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1924 1932 1940 1944; Governor of North Carolina 1929-1933. Husband of Fay Webb Gardner. []
*Fay Webb Gardner, North Carolina Committeewoman 1929, North Carolina Democratic Executive Committeewoman 1930-1932, delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1948 1952. Wife of Oliver Max Gardner. []
*Clyde R. Hoey (1877-1954), North Carolina State Representative 1899-1902, North Carolina State Senator 1903-1906, U.S. Representative from North Carolina 1919-1921, Governor of North Carolina 1937-1941, delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1940 1944 1948 1952, Democratic National Committeeman 1941-1944, U.S. Senator from North Carolina 1945-1954. Brother-in-law of Oliver Max Gardner. []

The Garfields

*James A. Garfield (1831-1881), U.S. Representative from Ohio 1863-1881, President of the United States; 1881. Father of James R. Garfield and Harry A. Garfield. []
**James R. Garfield (1865-1950), Ohio State Senator 1896-1899, member of the United States Civil Service Commission 1902-1903, Commissioner of Corporations of the Department of Commerce and Labor 1903-1907, Secretary of Commerce 1907-1909, Progressive Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, 1914. Son of James A. Garfield. []
**Harry A. Garfield (1863-1942), U.S. Fuel Administrator 1917-1919. Son of James A. Garfield. []

The Gartrells and Randells

*Lucius Jeremiah Gartrell (1821-1891), Solicitor General in Georgia, Georgia State Representative 1847-1850, U.S. Representative from Georgia 1857-1861, Confederate States Representative from Georgia 1862-1864, delegate to the Georgia Constitutional Convention 1877. Uncle of Choice B. Randell. []
**Choice B. Randell (1857-1945), U.S. Representative from Texas 1901-1913, candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas 1912. Nephew of Lucius Jeremiah Gartrell. []

The Gastons

*William Gaston (1820-1894), Massachusetts State Representative 1853-1856, Massachusetts State Senator 1868, Mayor of Boston, Massachusetts 1871-1872; candidate for Governor of Massachusetts 1873 1877; Governor of Massachusetts 1875-1876. Father of William A.Gaston. []
**William A. Gaston (1859-1927), candidate for Governor of Massachusetts 1902 1903 1926, candidate for U.S. Senate from Massachusetts 1922. Son of William Gaston. []
***William Gaston, candidate for U.S. Representative from Connecticut 1948. Son of William A. Gaston. []

The Gates

*Ralph F. Gates (1893-1978), delegate to the Republican National Convention 1928 1936 1948, Chairman of the Indiana Republican Party 1941-1944, Governor of Indiana 1945-1949, Republican National Committeeman 1946-1950. Father of Robert E. Gates. []
**Robert E. Gates (1920-1994), candidate for Republican nomination for Governor of Indiana 1964. Son of Ralph F. Gates. []

The Gays

*Edward James Gay (1816-1889), U.S. Representative from Louisiana 1885-1889. Grandfather of Edward James Gay. []
**Edward James Gay (1878-1952), Louisiana State Representative 1904-1918, U.S. Senator from Louisiana 1918-1921. Grandson of Edward James Gay. []

The Geddes

*James Geddes (1763-1838), U.S. Representative from New York 1819-1821. Father of George Geddes.
**George Geddes (1809-1883), New York State Senator 1847-1851. Son of James Geddes.

The Gerrys

*Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814), Massachusetts Colony 1772-1775, Delegate to the Continental Congress from Massachusetts 1776-1780 1783-1785, U.S. Representative from Massachusetts 1789-1793, candidate for Governor of Massachusetts 1800 1801 1802 1803, Governor of Massachusetts 1810-1812, Vice President of the United States 1813-1814. Grandfather of Elbridge Gerry. []
**Elrbridge Gerry (1813-1886), U.S. Representative from Maine 1849-1851. Grandson of Elbridge Gerry. []
***Peter G. Gerry (1879-1957), U.S. Representative from Rhode Island 1913-1915, U.S. Senator from Rhode Island 1917-1929 1935-1947. Great-grandson of Elbridge Gerry. []

The Gholsons

*Thomas Gholson, Jr. (1760-1816), member of the Virginia Legislature 1806, U.S. Representative from Virginia 1808 1809-1816. Uncle of James Herbert Gholson and Thomas Saunders Gholson. []
**James Herbert Gholson (1798-1848), member of the Virginia Legislature 1824, U.S. Representative from Virginia 1833-1835. Nephew of Thomas Gholson, Jr.. []
**Thomas Saunders Gholson (1808-1868), Virginia State Court Judge 1859-1863, Confederate States Representative from Virginia 1864-1865. Nephew and son-in-law of Thomas Gholson, Jr.. []
**Richard D. Gholson (1802-1861), Kentucky State Senator 1851-1855, Governor of Washington Territory 1859-1861. Relative of Thomas Gholson, Jr.. []

The Gibsons

*Ernest Willard Gibson (1872-1940), Vermont State Representative 1906, Vermont State Senator, Vermont State Attorney 1919-1921, U.S. Representative from Vermont 1923-1933, U.S. Senator from Vermont 1933-1940. Father of Ernest W. Gibson, Jr.. []
**Ernest W. Gibson, Jr. (1901-1969), U.S. Senator from Vermont 1940-1941, Governor of Vermont 1947-1950, Judge of U.S. District Court of Vermont 1950-1969. Son of Ernest Willard Gibson. []

The Gibsons of Pennsylvania

*John Gibson (1740-1822), delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention 1790, Secretary of Indiana Territory 1800-1816, acting Governor of Indiana Territory 1812-1813. Uncle of John B. Gibson. []
**John B. Gibson (1780-1853), Pennsylvania State Representative 1810-1812, Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court 1816-1827 1851-1853, Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court 1827-1851. Nephew of John Gibson. []

The Giddings and Julians

*Joshua Reed Giddings (1795-1864), Pennsylvania State Representative 1826-1828, U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 1838-1859. Father-in-law of George Washington Julian.
**George Washington Julian (1817-1899), Indiana State Representative, delegate to the Free Soil Party National Convention 1848, U.S. Representative from Indiana 1849-1851 1861-1871, candidate for Vice President of the United States 1852. Son-in-law of Joshua Reed Giddings.

The Gilberts

*George G. Gilbert (1849-1909), Prosecuting Attorney of Spencer County, Kentucky 1876-1880; Kentucky State Senator 1885-1889; delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1896; U.S. Representative from Kentucky 1899-1907. Father of Ralph Waldo Emerson Gilbert. []
**Ralph Waldo Emerson Gilbert (1882-1939), Judge of the Shelby County, Kentucky Court 1910-1917; U.S. Representative from Kentucky 1921-1929 1931-1933; Kentucky State Representative 1929 1933; Kentucky State Senator 1936. Son of George G. Gilbert. []

The Gillettes

*Francis Gillette (1807-1879), Connecticut State Representative 1832 1836 1838, U.S. Senator from Connecticut 1854-1855. Father of Edward H. Gillette. []
**Edward H. Gillette (1840-1918), Chairman of the Greenback Party National Committee, delegate to the Greenback Party National Convention 1876, U.S. Representative from Iowa 1879-1881. Son of Francis Gillette. []

NOTE: Edward H. Gillette was also a distant relative of U.S. President William Howard Taft.

The Gilligans and the Sebeliuses

"Main articles: Gilligan family and Sebelius family"
*John J. Gilligan (born 1921), U.S. Representative, 1965–1967; governor of Ohio, 1971–1975. []
*Keith Sebelius (19161982), U.S. Representative from Kansas, 1969–1981. []
**Kathleen Sebelius (born 1949), Kansas insurance commissioner, 1995–2003; Governor of Kansas, 2003-; daughter of John Gilligan and daughter-in-law of Keith Sebelius. []

The Gilmans

*John Taylor Gilman (1753-1828), New Hampshire State Representative 1779 1781 1810-1811, Delegate to the Continental Congress from New Hampshire 1782-1783, Treasurer of New Hampshire 1791, Governor of New Hampshire 1794-1805 1813-1816. Brother of Nicholas Gilman. []
*Nicholas Gilman (1755-1814), Delegate to the Continental Congress from New Hampshire 1787-1789, U.S. Representative from New Hampshire 1789-1797, U.S. Senator from New Hampshire 1805-1814. Brother of John Taylor Gilman. []
**Charles J. Gilman (1824-1901), New Hampshire State Representative 1851-1852, Maine State Representative 1854-1855, Maine Whig Party Committeeman, U.S. Representative from Maine 1857-1859, delegate to the Republican National Convention 1860. Grandnephew of John Taylor Gilman and Nicholas Gilman. []

The Gilmores

*John Gilmore (1780-1845), Pennsylvania State Representative 1816-1821, U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 1829-1833, Treasurer of Pennsylvania 1841-1842. Father of Alfred Gilmore. []
**Alfred Gilmore (1812-1858), U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 1849-1853. Son of John Gilmore. []

The Glicks and Orrs

*George W. Glick (1827-1911), Kansas State Representative 1864, candidate for Governor of Kansas 1868 Kansas State Senator 1873, Kansas State Court Judge 1877, Governor of Kansas 1883-1885. Father-in-law of J.W. Orr. []
**J.W. Orr, Kansas Democratic Central Committeeman 1884-1908, Mayor of Atchison, Kansas 1901-1907; Kansas State Representative 1911-1913; delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1924. Son-in-law of George W. Glick. []

The Glovers

*John Montgomery Glover (1822-1891), Collector of Internal Revenue in Missouri 1866-1867, U.S. Representative from Missouri 1873-1879. Uncle of John Milton Glover. []
**John Milton Glover (1852-1929), U.S. Representative from Missouri 1885-1889, candidate for Governor of Missouri 1888. Nephew of John Montgomery Glover. []

The Goebels

*William Goebel (1856-1900), Kentucky State Senator 1887-1899, delegate to the Kentucky Constitutional Convention 1890 1891, Governor of Kentucky 1900. Brother of Justus Goebel. []
*Justus Goebel, delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1912. Brother of William Goebel. []

The Goodlings

*George Atlee Goodling (1896-1982), Pennsylvania State Representative 1943-1957, U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 1961-1965 1967-1975. Father of William F. Goodling. []
**William F. Goodling (1927-), U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 1975-2001. Son of George Atlee Goodling. []

The Goffs

*Nathan Goff, Jr. (1843-1920), West Virginia House Delegate 1867-1868, U.S. Attorney for West Virginia 1868-1881 1881-1882, candidate for U.S. Representative from West Virginia 1870 1874, candidate for Governor of West Virginia 1876 1888, U.S. Secretary of the Navy 1881, U.S. Representative from West Virginia 1883-1889, U.S. Circuit Judge for West Virginia 1892-1913, U.S. Senator from West Virginia 1913-1919. Father of Guy D. Goff. []
**Guy D. Goff (1866-1933), U.S. District Attorney for Wisconsin 1911-1915, General Counsel to the United States Shipping Board 1920, U.S. Senator from West Virginia 1925-1931. Son of Nathan Goff, Jr. []
***Louise Goff Reece (1898-1970), U.S. Representative from Tennessee 1861-1863. Daughter of Guy D. Goff. []
***B. Carroll Reece (1889-1961), U.S. Representative from Tennessee 1921-1929 1933-1947 1951-1961, Chairman of the Republican National Committee 1946-1948, delegate to the Republican National Convention 1928 1932 1936 1940 1948, candidate for U.S. Senate from Tennessee 1948. Husband of Louise Goff Reece. []

The Goldsboroughs

*Robert Goldsborough (1733-1788), Sheriff of Dorchester County, Maryland 1761-1765; Maryland Assemblyman; Attorney General of Maryland; Delegate to the Continental Congress from Maryland 1774-1776; Maryland State Senator 1777. Father of Robert H. Goldsborough. []
**Robert H. Goldsborough (1779-1836), U.S. Senator from Maryland 1813-1819 1835-1836, Maryland House Delegate 1825. Son of Robert Goldsborough. []
***Charles Goldsborough (1765-1834), Maryland State Senator 1791-1795 1799-1801, U.S. Representative from Maryland 1805-1817, Governor of Maryland 1819. Grandson of Robert Goldsborough. []
****Winder Laird Henry (1864-1940), U.S. Representative from Maryland 1894-1895, Chief Judicial Circuit Court Judge in Maryland 1908-1909. Great-grandson of Charles Goldsborough. []
****Thomas Alan Goldsborough (1877-1951), Prosecuting Attorney of Caroline County, Maryland 1904-1908; U.S. Representative from Maryland 1921-1939; U.S. District Court Judge of District of Columbia 1939-1951. Great-grandson of Charles Goldsborough. []

The Goldwaters

*Michael Goldwater (1821-1903), Mayor of Prescott, Arizona 1885. Father of Morris Goldwater. []
**Morris Goldwater (1852-1939), Mayor of Prescott, Arizona 1879; Arizona Territory Councilman; delegate to the Arizona Constitutional Convention 1910. Son of Michael Goldwater. []
***Barry Goldwater (1909-1998), Phoenix, Arizona Councilman; U.S. Senator from Arizona 1953-1965 1969-1987; candidate for President of the United States 1964. Grandson of Michael Goldwater. []
****Barry Goldwater, Jr. (1938-), U.S. Representative from California 1969-1983, candidate for Republican nominations for U.S. Senate from California 1982. Son of Barry Goldwater. []
****Donald H. Goldwater, Chairman for the Arizona Republican Party, candidate for Republican nomination for Arizona State Senate 1992, delegate to the Republican National Convention 2004, candidate for Republican nomination for Governor of Arizona 2006. Nephew of Barry Goldwater.

The Gonzalezes

*Henry B. Gonzalez (1916-2000), San Antonio, Texas Councilman 1953-1956; Texas State Senator 1956-1961; U.S. Representative from Texas 1961-1999. Father of Charles A. Gonzalez. []
**Charles A. Gonzalez (1945-), U.S. Representative from Texas 1999-present. Son of Henry B. Gonzalez. []

The Goodenows

*Rufus K. Goodenow (1790-1863), Clerk of Oxford County, Maine Courts 1821-1837; Maine State Representative 1837-1838; delegate to the Whig National Convention 1839; U.S. Representative from Maine 1849-1851. Brother of Robert Goodenow. []
*Robert Goodenow (1800-1874), Attorney of Franklin County, Maine 1828-1834 1869-1870; U.S. Representative from Maine 1851-1853; Treasurer of Franklin County, Maine 1866-1868. Brother of Rufus K. Goodenow. []

The Goodriches

*Chauncey Goodrich (1759-1815), Connecticut State Representative 1793-1794, U.S. Representative from Connecticut 1795-1801, U.S. Senator from Connecticut 1807-1813, Mayor of Hartford, Connecticut 1912-1915; Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut 1913-1915. Brother of Elizur Goodrich. []
*Elizur Goodrich (1761-1849), Connecticut State Representative 1795-1802, U.S. Representative from Connecticut 1799-1801, Collector of Customs for the port of New Haven, Connecticut; Mayor of New Haven, Connecticut 1803-1822. Brother of Chauncey Goodrich. []

The Gordons and Haralsons

*Hugh A. Haralson (1805-1854), U.S. Representative from Georgia 1843-1851. Father-in-law of James Brown Gordon.
**John Brown Gordon (1832-1904), candidate for Governor of Georgia 1868, U.S. Senator from Georgia 1873-1880 1891-1897, Governor of Georgia 1886-1890. Son-in-law of Hugh A. Haralson.

The Gores

*Albert A. Gore Sr. (19071998), U.S. Representative from Tennessee, 1939–1944 and 1945–1953; U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1953–1971. []
**Albert A. Gore Jr. (born 1948), U.S. Representative from Tennessee, 1977–1985; U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1985–1993; candidate for Democratic nomination for President, 1988;, Vice President, 1993–2001; Democratic nominee for President, 2000; Nobel Peace Prize winner (2007); son of Albert Gore Sr. []
**Louise Gore, State Senator and gubernatorial candidate in Maryland and U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO, was a second cousin of Al Gore, Jr.
***Deborah Gore Dean, former HUD official convicted in a kickback scandal, is a niece of Louise Gore. []

Note: Writer Gore Vidal has asserted that his grandfather, Thomas Pryor Gore, who served as U.S. senator from Oklahoma, was related to the Gores of Tennessee, but no such relationship has been proven.

The Gorskis

*Chester C. Gorski (1906-1975), member of the Erie County, New York Board of Supervisors 1941-1945; Buffalo, New York Common Councilman 1946-1948 1954-1956 1960-1974; U.S. Representative from New York 1949-1951. Father of Dennis Gorski and Jerome Gorski.
**Dennis Gorski, New York Assemblyman 1975-1983, Erie County, New York Executive 1988-1999; candidate for U.S. Representative from New York 1992. Son of Chester C. Gorski.
**Jerome Gorski, Justice of the New York Supreme Court. Son of Chester C. Gorski.

The Goulds and Judds

*Norman B. Judd (1815-1878), Illinois State Senator 1844-1860, delegate to the Republican National Convention 1860, U.S. Minister to Prussia 1861-1865, U.S. Representative from Illinois 1867-1871. Grandfather of Norman J. Gould. []
**Norman J. Gould (1877-1964), delegate to the Republican National Convention 1908 1916, Chairman of the Seneca County, New York Republican Committee 1912-1923; U.S. Representative from New York 1915-1923. Grandson of Norman B. Judd. []

The Grahams

*James Graham, U.S. Representative, North Carolina state legislator []
*William Alexander Graham, brother of James Graham, Governor of North Carolina, United States Senator, United States Secretary of the Navy []
**William A. Graham, son of William Alexander Graham, state legislator and North Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture
**John Washington Graham, son of William Alexander Graham, member of the North Carolina Senate
**Augustus Washington Graham, son of William Alexander Graham, speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives []
**Walter Clark, son-in-law of William Alexander Graham, chief justice of North Carolina Supreme Court
***Alexander H. Graham, son of John Washington Graham, Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina

The Grahams of Florida

*Ernest R. Graham (1896-1957), Florida State Senator 1937-1944, candidate for Democratic nomination for Governor of Florida 1944. Father of Daniel R. Graham.
**Daniel R. Graham (1936-), Florida State Representative 1967-1971, Florida State Senator 1970-1978, Governor of Florida 1979-1987, U.S. Senator from Florida 1987-2005, candidate for 2004 Democratic nomination for President of the United States, withdrew nomination. Son of Ernest R. Graham.

The Grangers

*Gideon Granger (1767-1822), Connecticut Assemblyman, candidate for U.S. Representative from Connecticut 1798, U.S. Postmaster General 1801-1814. Father of Francis Granger. []
**Francis Granger (1792-1868), New York Assemblyman 1826-1828 1830-1832, candidate for Lieutenant Governor of New York 1828, candidate for Governor of New York 1830 1832, candidate for Vice President of the United States 1836, U.S. Representative from New York 1835-1841 1841-1843, U.S. Postmaster General 1841. Son of Gideon Granger. []
**Amos P. Granger (1789-1866), U.S. Representative from New York 1855-1859. Nephew of Gideon Granger. []

The Grants

*Ulysses S. Grant, eighteenth President of the United States []
**Frederick Dent Grant, U.S. Minister to Austria, New York City Police Commissioner, son of Ulysses S. Grant []
***Ulysses S. Grant III, U.S. Army general, Member of the U.S. delegation to the Supreme War Council at Versailles, son of Frederick Dent Grant. He married Edith Root, daughter of Elihu Root.
**Ulysses S. Grant, Jr., Delegate to the Republican National Convention from California, Presidential elector for California, son of Ulysses Grant. He married Fannie Josephine Chaffee, daughter of Jerome Bunty Chaffee

NOTE: Ulysses S. Grant was also seventh cousin of U.S. President Millard Fillmore and sixth cousin once removed of U.S. President Grover Cleveland.

The Graves

*Samuel Graves (1963-), U.S. Representative from Missouri 2001-present. Brother of Todd Graves. []
*Todd Graves, U.S. Attorney in Missouri 2001-2006. Brother of Samuel Graves. []

The Greens, Ransoms, and Whartons

*Jesse Wharton (1782-1833), U.S. Representative from Tennessee 1807-1809, U.S. Senator from Tennessee 1814-1815. Father-in-law of Thomas Jefferson Green. []
**Thomas Jefferson Green (1802-1863), North Carolina Assemblyman 1823, member of the Florida Legislature, Congressman of the Texas Republic, California State Senator 1850. Son-in-law of Jesse Wharton. []
***Wharton J. Green (1831-1910), delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1868 1872 1876 1888, U.S. Representative from North Carolina 1883-1887. Son of Thomas Jefferson Green. []
***Matt Whitaker Ransom (1826-1904), Attorney General of North Carolina 1852-1855, member of the North Carolina House of Commons 1858-1861, U.S. Senator from North Carolina 1872-1895, U.S. Minister to Mexico 1895-1897. Cousin of Wharton J. Green. []

The Greens

*William J. Green, Jr. (1910-1963), U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 1945-1947 1949-1963, delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1956. Father of William J. Green III. []
**William J. Green III (1938-), U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 1964-1977, candidate for Democratic nomination for Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1971; candidate for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania 1976; Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1980-1984. Son of William J. Green, Jr.. []

The Greenes

*William Greene, Governor of Rhode Island Colony. Father of William Greene.
**William Greene (1731-1809), Governor of Rhode Island 1778-1786. Son of William Greene.
***Ray Greene (1765-1849), U.S. Senator from Rhode Island 1797-1801. Son of William Greene.

The Greggs

*Hugh Gregg (1917-2003), Nashua, New Hampshire Alderman 1947-1950; Mayor of Nashua, New Hampshire 1950; Governor of New Hampshire 1953-1955. Father of Judd Gregg. []
**Judd Gregg (1947-), U.S. Representative from New Hampshire 1981-1989, Governor of New Hampshire 1989-1993, U.S. Senator from New Hampshire 1993-present. Son of Hugh Gregg. []

The Gregorys

*William Voris Gregory (1877-1936), Surveyor of Graves County, Kentucky 1902-1910; Judge of Graves County, Kentucky 1913-1919; U.S. Attorney in Kentucky 1919-1923; U.S. Representative from Kentucky 1927-1936. Brother of Noble Jones Gregory. []
*Noble Jones Gregory (1897-1971), U.S. Representative from Kentucky 1937-1958. Brother of William Voris Gregory. []

The Grinnells

*Joseph Grinnell (1788-1885), Massachusetts Governor's Councilman 1839-1841, U.S. Representative from Massachusetts 1843-1851. Brother of Moses H. Grinnell. []
*Moses H. Grinnell (1803-1877), U.S. Representative from New York 1839-1841, Collector of Port of New York City 1869-1870. Brother of Joseph Grinnell. []

The Groesbecks

*Charles G. Groesbeck, Michigan State Representative 1863-1864. Brother of Louis Groesbeck. []
*Louis Groesbeck, Sheriff of Macomb County, Michigan 1879-1880 1883-1886. Brother of Charles G. Groesbeck. []
**Alexander J. Groesbeck (1873-1953), candidate for Republican nomination for Governor of Michigan 1914 1930 1934, Attorney General of Michigan 1917-1920, Governor of Michigan 1921-1926, delegate to the Republican National Convention 1924 1944. Son of Louis Groesbeck. []

The Grouts

*William W. Grout (1836-1902), Vermont State Representative 1868, delegate to the Republican National Convention 1868, Vermont State Senator 1876, U.S. Representative from Vermont 1881-1883 1885-1891. Brother of Josiah Grout. []
*Josiah Grout (1841-1925), Vermont State Representative 1872-1874 1884-1888 1894, Vermont State Senator 1892, Governor of Vermont 1896-1898. Brother of William W. Grout. []

The Gubbruds and Rommeriams

*Andrew J. Rommeriam (1851-1926), South Dakota State Representative 1911-1914. Grandfather of Archie M. Gubbrud. []
**Archie M. Gubbrud (1910-1987), South Dakota State Representative 1951-1952, Governor of South Dakota 1961-1965, candidate for U.S. Senate from South Dakota 1968. Grandson of Andrew J. Rommeriam. []

The Gudgers and Langleys

*James M. Gudger, Jr. (1855-1920), North Carolina State Senator 1900, North Carolina Solicitor 1901-1902, U.S. Representative from North Carolina 1903-1907 1911-1915. Father of Katherine G. Langley. []
**Katherine G. Langley (1888-1948), Vice Chairman of the Kentucky Republican Committee 1920-1922, delegate to the Republican National Convention 1924, U.S. Representative from Kentucky 1927-1931. Daughter of James M. Gudger, Jr.. []
**John W. Langley (1868-1932), Kentucky State Representative 1886-1890, U.S. Representative from Kentucky 1907-1926. Husband of Katherine G. Langley. []

The Guggenheims

*Simon Guggenheim (1867-1941), U.S. Senator from Colorado 1907-1913. Uncle of Meyer Guggenheim and Harry Frank Guggenheim. []
**Meyer Guggenheim (1885-1959), U.S. Ambassador to Portugal 1953-1954. Nephew of Simon Guggenheim. []
**Harry Frank Guggenheim (1890-1971), U.S. Ambassador to Cuba 1929-1933. Nephew of Simon Guggenheim. []

The Gurleys

*Henry Hosford Gurley (1788-1833), U.S. Representative from Louisiana 1823-1831, District Judge in Louisiana. Brother of John Ward Gurley.
*John Ward Gurley, Secretary of Orleans Territory. Brother of Henry Hosford Gurley.

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