Disaster response

Disaster response

Disaster response is a phase of the disaster management cycle. Its preceding cycles aim to reduce the need for a disaster response, or to avoid it altogether.

The level of disaster response depends on a number of factors and particular situation awareness. Studies undertaken by Son, Aziz and Pen ̃a-Mora (2007) shows that “initial work demand gradually spreads and increases based on a wide range of variables including scale of disaster, vulnerability of affected area which in turn is affected by population density, site-specific conditions (e.g. exposure to hazardous conditions) and effects of cascading disasters resulting from inter-dependence between elements of critical infrastructure”.



The organisation in the United Kingdom for the provision of communications disaster response is RAYNET[1]. The UK organisation for the provision of disaster response by Off-road vehicles is 4x4 Response.


A great deal of assistance in the wake of any disaster comes from various charities, and non-governmental organisations. See:

External links


Son, Jeongwook; Aziz, Zeeshan; Feniosky Peña-Mora. Structural Survey 26. 5 (2007): 411-425. Available from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=0263-080X.