- List of optometric abbreviations
Eye Examination Terms
Abbreviation Term Description (notes) AC Anterior chamber fluid-filled space between the iris and the endothelium AC 4/4 grade 4 Anterior chamber angle open angle between cornea and iris AC 3/4 grade 3 Anterior chamber angle AC 2/4 grade 2 Anterior chamber angle AC 1/4 grade 1 Anterior chamber angle AC 0/4 grade 0 Anterior chamber angle closed angle between cornea and iris AC/A Accommodative convergence / Accommodation ratio the portion of the range of convergence that occurs in response to accommodation Acc Accommodation process of changing optical power to maintain focus as distance changes Ad Advised Add Addition AIT After-image transfer ALT Alternating ALT SOT Alternating esotropia ALT XOT Alternating exotropia ARC Anomalous retinal correspondence A/V Arteriole/Venue ratio BE Both Eyes BIO Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy BSV Binocular single vision BV Binocular vision BVD Back vertex distance BVP Back vertex power CD Centration distance C/D Cup/disc ratio CF Count fingers vision – state distance c/o or c.o. Complains of CT Cover test c/u Check-up CW Close work Δ Prism dioptre D Dioptres DC Dioptres cylinder DNA Did not attend DOB Date of birth DS Dioptres sphere DV Distance vision DVD Dissociated vertical deviation EF Eccentric fixation FB Foreign body FD Fixation disparity FF Foveal fixation FHG Family history of glaucoma FMH Family medical history FOH Family ocular history F/U Follow up appointment GH General health G(M)P General (medical) practitioner HA Headaches HARC Harmonious abnormal retinal correspondence HM Hand motion vision – state distance Hx History IOL Intra-ocular lens implant IOP Intra-ocular pressure ISNT Inferior, Superior, Nasal, Temporal rule used to assess optic disc appearance K Keratometry LE Left eye LHyperT Left hypertropia LHypoT Left hypotropia LO Lenticular opacity L/R FD L/R fixation disparity L/R L hyperphoria LSOT Left esotropia LVA Low vision aid MDU Mallett distance unit MNU Mallett near unit M.Wing Maddox Wing MR Maddox Rod NB: NAD No abnormality detected (is frequently used but is not recommended) NCT Non-contact tonometer ND Neutral density filter NPL No perception of light NPC Near point of convergence or no previous correction NRC Normal retinal correspondence NV Near vision NWT Normal wearing time o symptoms Zero symptoms ϕ Horizontal orthophoria θ Vertical orthophoria ⊕ Horizontal and Vertical Orthophoria OC's Optical centres Occ. Occupation OD oculus dexter (right eye) OH Ocular history OMB Oculo motor balance ONH Optic nerve head Oph Ophthalmoscopy OS oculus sinister (left eye) OU oculus utro (both eyes) PD Pupillary distance PERRLA Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation PH Pinhole PL Perception of light POH / PrOH Previous ocular history PPA Peri-papillary atrophy Px Patient RAPD Relative afferent pupillary defect RE Right eye Ret. Retinoscopy RHyperT Right Hypertropia RHypoT Right Hypotropia RNFL Retinal nerve fibre layer RPE Retinal pigment epithelium RSOT Right Esotropia Rx Prescription SLE Slit lamp examination SLM Slit lamp microscope SOP/ESOP Esophoria SOT/ESOT Esotropia Supp. Suppression V Vision (unaided) VA Visual acuity (corrected) VAL Left visual acuity VAR Right visual acuity VDU Visual display unit VF Visual field VPS Variable prism stereoscope WD Working distance X/12 X months X/52 X weeks X/7 X days XOP/EXOP Exophoria XOT/EXOT Exotropia Clinical Conditions Terms
Abbreviation Term Description (notes) AMD/ARMD Age-related macular degeneration ACG/CAG Angle closure glaucoma BDR Background diabetic retinopathy BP Blood pressure BRAO Branch retinal artery occlusion BRVO Branch retinal vein occlusion Cat Cataract CLAPC/CLIPC Contact lens associated/induced papillary conjunctivitis CLARE Contact lens associated red eye CLPU Contact lens associated peripheral ulcer CNS Central nervous system CRAO Central retinal artery occlusion CRVO Central retinal vein occlusion CSR Central serous retinopathy CVA Cerebrovascular accident Dx Diagnosis dDx Differential Diagnosis DR Diabetic retinopathy ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Fx Family History GPC Giant papillary conjunctivitis Hx Hospital HES Hospital Eye Service IDDM Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus IRMA Intra-retinal microvascular abnormality KCS Keratoconjunctivitis sicca KP Keratic precipitates LASEK Laser epithelial keratomileusis LASIK Laser in situ keratomileusis LTG Low tension glaucoma MI Myocardial infarction MS Multiple sclerosis NIDDM Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus NRR Neuro retinal rim NS Nuclear sclerosis NTG Normal tension glaucoma PDR Proliferative diabetic retinopathy PDT Photodynamic therapy PK Penetrating keratoplasy POAG Primary open angle glaucoma PPDR Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy PRA Pan retinal ablation PRK Photorefractive keratectomy PRP Pan retinal photocoagulation PSCC Posterior sub-capsular cataract PVD Posterior vitreous detachment RD Retinal detachment RK Radial keratotomy RP Retinitis Pigmentosa SEAL Superior epithelial arcuate lesion SLK Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis SPK Superficial punctate keratitis SPEE Superficial punctate epithelial erosions Sx Symptoms TIA Transient ischaemic attack T1 diab Type 1 diabetes T2 diab Type 2 diabetes Tx Treatment Vx Vomiting Contact Lens Terms
Abbreviation Term Description (notes) BC Base curve BOZD Back optic zone diameter BOZR Back optic zone radius BVP Back vertex power CLAPC/CLIPC Contact lens associated/induced papillary conjunctivitis CLARE Contact lens associated red eye CLPU Contact lens associated peripheral ulcer Dk Unit of permeability DW Daily wear EW Extended wear FOZD Front optic zone diameter FVP Front vertex power HEMA Hydroxyethyl methacrylate HT Handling tint HVID Horizontal visible iris diameter K Keratometry MWT Maximum wearing time OS/OD Overall size/overall diameter OZD Optic zone diameter PMMA Polymethyl methacrylate RGP Rigid Gas Permeable SCL Soft contact lens SiH Silicone hydrogel SEAL Superior epithelial arcuate lesion SLK Superior limbic Keratoconjunctivitis SPK Superficial punctate keratitis SPEE Superficial punctate epithelial erosions TBUT Tear break up time Tc Centre thickness TD Total Diameter Te Edge thickness TWT/WTT Today wearing time VPA Vertical palpebral aperture WT Wearing time Pharmacy and Drug Terms
Abbreviation Term Description (notes) A.d. As directed b.d/b.i.d. Twice a day gt 1 drop gtt drops GSL General sales list Gutt/g Guttae (drops) Meds Medications Nocte At night Occ Ointment o.d Once a day otc Over the counter (bought medication) P Pharmacy (drug) POM Prescription only medicine p.r.n. When required q Every (e.g. q2h – every two hours) q.d.s./q.i.d. Four times a day Rx Prescription t.d.s./t.i.d. Three times a day ung Ointment Examination Types and Enhanced Care Schemes
Abbreviation Term Description (notes) DFE Dilated Fundus Examination DFP Digital Fundus Photograph(y) DRS Diabetic Retinopathy Screening GIES Glasgow Integrated Eyecare Scheme PEARS Primary Eyecare Acute Referral Scheme WEHE Welsh Eye Health Examination WLVS Welsh Low Vision Service External links
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