List of Australian bats

List of Australian bats




* Bare-backed Fruit-bat, "Dobsonia moluccense magna" - Far North Queensland; the species range also includes New Guinea
* Northern Blossom-bat, "Macroglossus minimus" - Northern Australia and South-east Asia
* Common Blossom-bat, "Syconycteris australis" - coastal eastern Australia; New Guinea and Indonesia
* Torresian Tubenosed Bat, "Nyctimene cephalotes" - Moa Island in Torres Strait; New Guinea and Indonesia
* Eastern Tubenosed Bat, "Nyctimene robinsoni" - Endemic to Australia, found on east coast
* Black Flying-fox, "Pteropus alecto" - Northern Australia; New Guinea and Indonesia
* Spectacled Flying-fox, "Pteropus conspicillatus" - Coastal Queensland; New Guinea and Indonesia
* Large-eared Flying-fox, "Pteropus macrotis" - Boigu Island in the Torres Strait and New Guinea
* Christmas Island Flying Fox, "Pteropus melanotus" - Christmas Island; the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Nias and Enggano Islands off Indonesia
* Grey-headed Flying-fox, "Pteropus poliocephalus" - Endemic species found on the east coast from Rockhampton to western Victoria
* Little Red Flying-fox, "Pteropus scapulatus" - Wide distribution in northern and eastern Australia; also known from New Guinea


* Ghost Bat, "Macroderma gigas" - Endemic; found across northern Australia


* Eastern Horseshoe Bat, "Rhinolophus megaphyllus" - East coast and New Guinea
* Greater Horseshoe Bat, "Rhinolophus philippinensis achilles" - Far north Queensland and eastern Indonesia
* Large-eared Horseshoe Bat, "Rhinolophus philippinensis maros" - North east Queensland; New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines.
* Dusky Leafnosed Bat, "Hipposideros ater" - Northern Australia; South East Asia to India
* Fawn Leafnosed Bat, "Hipposideros cervinus" - Far north Queensland; South East Asia
* Diadem Leafnosed Bat, "Hipposideros diadema reginae" - Northern Queensland and South East Asia
** Arnhem Leafnosed Bat, "Hipposideros diadema inornatus" - Top End of the Northern Territory; South East Asia
* Semon's Leafnosed Bat, "Hipposideros semoni" - North Queensland and New Guinea
* Northern Leafnosed Bat, "Hipposideros stenotis" - Endemic; the Kimberleys, the Top End and north-western Queensland
* Orange Leafnosed Bat, "Rhinonicteris aurantia" - from the Pilbara to north-western Queensland


* Yellow-bellied Sheathtail Bat, "Saccolaimus flaviventris" - Endemic species with a wide distribution in tropical Australia
* Cape York Sheathtail-bat, "Saccolaimus mixtus" - Cape York Peninsula and in New Guinea
* Bare-rumped Sheathtail Bat, "Saccolaimus saccolaimus" - Northern Australia; South East Asia to India
* Coastal Sheathtail Bat, "Taphozous australis" - East coast of Queensland and the Torres Stait; recorded a few times in New Guinea
* Common Sheathtail Bat, "Taphozous georgianus" - Endemic species found across northern Australia
* Hill's Sheathtail Bat, "Taphozous hilli" - Endemic; central inland Australia
* Arnhem Sheathtail Bat, "Taphozous kapalgensis" - Endemic; found only in Kakadu
* Troughton's Sheathtail Bat, "Taphozous troughtoni" - Endemic; found only around Mt Isa


* Northern Freetail Bat, "Chaerephon jobensis" - Northern Australia; New Guinea and Indonesia
* Beccari's Freetail Bat, "Mormopterus beccarii" - Widespread across northern Australia; Indonesia
* East-coast Freetail Bat, "Mormopterus norfolkensis" - Endemic; east coast from Brisbane to Sydney.
* Eastern Freetial Bat, "Mormopterus sp." - Endemic, east coast
* Inland Freetail Bat, "Mormopterus sp." - Endemic, South-west Australia
* Little Northern Freetail Bat, "Mormopterus sp." - Northern Australia and New Guinea
* Little Western Freetail Bat, "Mormopterus sp." - Endemic, west coast
* Southern Freetail Bat, "Mormopterus sp." - Endemic, south-eastern Australia
* Western Freetail Bat, "Mormopterus sp." - Endemic, south-western Australia
* Hairy-nosed Freetail Bat, "Mormopterus sp." - Central Australia
* White-striped Freetail Bat, "Nyctinomus australis" - Endemic; southern Australia except Tasmania.


* Large-eared Pied Bat, "Chalinolobus dwyeri" - Endemic; western side of the Great Diviing Range from south-western Queensland to southern New South Wales.
* Gould's Wattled Bat, "Chalinolobus gouldii" - Throughout Australia; Tasmania and Norfolk Island
* Chocolate Wattled Bat, "Chalinolobus morio" - Endemic; southern Australia and Tasmania
* Hoary Wattled Bat, "Chalinolobus nigrogriseus" - Northern Australia and New Guinea
* Little Pied Bat, "Chalinolobus picatus" - Endemic; inland Queensland and New South Wales west of the Great Dividing Range
* Western Falsistrelle, "Falsistrellus mackenziei" - Endemic; south-western Australia
* Eastern Falsistrelle, "Falsistrellus tasmaniensis" - Endemic; south-western Queensland, New South Wales
* Little Bentwing Bat, "Miniopterus australis" - East coast; New Guinea and Indonesia
* Large Bentwing Bat, "Miniopterus schreibersii" - Northern and eastern Australia; wide Pacific distribution
** Eastern Bentwing Bat, "Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis" - East and North western Australia
* Flute-nosed Bat, "Murina florium" - Far North Queensland; New Guinea and eastern Indonesia
* Large-footed Myotis, "Myotis adversus" - Coastal northern and eastern Australia
* Arnhem Longeared Bat, "Nyctophilus arnhemensis" - Endemic; the Top End
* Northern Longeared Bat, "Nyctophilus bifax" - Northern Australia and New Guinea
* Lesser Longeared Bat, "Nyctophilus geoffroyi" - Endemic; throughout Australia and Tasmania, absent from the east coast of Queensland.
* Gould's Long-eared Bat, "Nyctophilus gouldii" - Endemic; eastern and south-western Australia
* Greater Longeared Bat, "Nyctophilus timoriensis" - Southern mainland Australia and Tasmania; Indonesia
* Pygmy Longeared Bat, "Nyctophilus walkeri" - Endemic; the Top End
* Golden-tipped Bat, "Phoniscus papuensis" - East coast of Australia; New Guinea
* Cape York Pipistrelle, "Pipistrellus adamsi" - Cape York and the Top End
* Christmas Island Pipistrelle, "Pipistrellus murrayi" - Endemic to Christmas Island
* Northern Pipistrelle, "Pipistrellus westralis" - Coastal Northern Australia
* Greater Broadnosed Bat, "Scoteanax rueppellii" - Endemic; coastal Queensland and New South Wales
* Inland Broadnosed Bat, "Scotorepends balstoni" - Endemic; arid and semi-arid areas
* Little Broadnosed Bat, "Scotorepens greyii" - Endemic; northern and inland Australia
* Eastern Broadnosed Bat, "Scotorepens orion" - Endemic; coastal eastern Australia from Brisbane to Melbourne
* Northern Broadnosed Bat, "Scotorepens sanborni" - Northern Australia; New Guinea and Indonesia
* Inland Forest Bat, "Vespadelus baverstocki" - Endemic; found across arid Australia
* Northern Cave Bat, "Vespadelus caurinus" - Northern Australia
* Large Forest Bat, "Vespadelus darlingtoni" - Endemic; south-eastern coast and Tasmania
* Kimberley Cave Bat, "Vespadelus douglasorum" - Endemic; west Kimberley region
* Inland Cave Bat, "Vespadelus finlaysoni" - Endemic; wide distribution across arid and semi-arid Australia
* Eastern Forest Bat, "Vespadelus pumilus" - Endemic; scattered distribution on east coast, Lord Howe Island.
* Southern Forest Bat, "Vespadelus regulus" - Endemic; southern mainland and Tasmania
* Eastern Cave Bat, "Vespadelus troughtoni" - Endemic; eastern Australia
* Little Forest Bat, "Vespadelus vulturnus" - Endemic; south east and Tasmania

ee also

[ Australasian Bat Society]
* List of Australian mammals
** List of Australian monotremes and marsupials
** List of Australian rodents
** List of Australian introduced placental mammals
** List of Australian marine mammals


*Churchill, S. 1998. "Australian Bats". Clare Coney ISBN 1-876334-07-X
*O’Brien, G.M., 1993, 'Seasonal Reproduction in Flying Foxes, Reviewed in the Context of other Tropical Mammals’, "Reproduction fertility and development" , Vol. 5, pp. 499-521.
* [ Bats of Australia]

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