List of Australian marine mammals

List of Australian marine mammals

This is a list of Australian marine mammals.



* Southern Right Whale, "Eubalaena australis"


* Minke Whale, "Balaenoptera acutorostrata"
* Southern Minke Whale, "Balaenoptera bonaerensis"
* Sei Whale, "Balaenoptera borealis"
* Pygmy Bryde's Whale, "Balaenoptera edeni"
* Blue Whale, "Balaenoptera musculus"
* Fin Whale, "Balaenoptera physalus"
* Humpback Whale, "Megaptera novaeangliae"


* Pygmy Right Whale, "Caperea marginata"


* Short-beaked Common Dolphin , "Delphinus delphis"
* Pygmy Killer Whale, "Feresa attenuata"
* Short-finned Pilot Whale, "Globicephala macrorhynchus"
* Long-finned Pilot Whale, "Globicephala melas"
* Risso's Dolphin, "Grampus griseus"
* Fraser's Dolphin, "Lagenodelphis hosei"
* Hourglass Dolphin, "Lagenorhynchus cruciger"
* Dusky Dolphin, "Lagenorhynchus obscurus
* Southern Rightwhale Dolphin, "Lissodelphis peronii"
* Irrawaddy Dolphin, "Orcaella brevirostris"
* Australian Snubfin Dolphin , "Orcaella heinsohni"
* Orca (Killer Whale), "Orcinus orca"
* Melon-headed Whale, "Peponocephala electra"
* False Killer Whale, "Pseudorca crassidens"
* Indo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin, "Sousa chinensis"
* Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, "Stenella attenuata"
* Striped Dolphin, "Stenella coeruleoalba"
* Spinner Dolphin, "Stenella longirostris"
* Rough-toothed Dolphin, "Steno bredanensis
* Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin, "Tursiops aduncus"
* Bottlenose Dolphin, "Tursiops truncatus"


* Pygmy Sperm Whale, "Kogia breviceps"
* Dwarf Sperm Whale, "Kogia simus"


* Spectacled Porpoise, "Phocoena dioptrica"


* Sperm Whale, "Physeter macrocephalus"


* Arnoux's Beaked Whale, "Berardius arnuxii"
* Southern Bottlenose Whale, "Hyperoodon planifrons"
* Longman's Beaked Whale, "Indopacetus pacificus"
* Andrew's Beaked Whale, "Mesoplodon bowdoini"
* Blainville's Beaked Whale, "Mesoplodon densirostris"
* Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale, "Mesoplodon ginkgodens"
* Gray's Beaked Whale, "Mesoplodon grayi"
* Hector's Beaked Whale, "Mesoplodon hectori"
* Strap-toothed Whale, "Mesoplodon layardii"
* True's Beaked Whale , "Mesoplodon mirus"
* Shepherd's Beaked Whale , "Tasmacetus shepherdi"
* Cuvier's Beaked Whale, "Ziphius cavirostris"


* Dugong, "Dugong dugon"




* New Zealand Fur Seal, "Arctocephalus forsteri"
* Antarctic Fur Seal , "Arctocephalus gazella"
* Australian Fur Seal, "Arctocephalus pusillus"
* Subantarctic Fur Seal, "Arctocephalus tropicalis"
* Australian Sea Lion, "Neophoca cinerea"
* New Zealand Sea Lion, "Phocarctos hookeri"


* Leopard Seal , "Hydrurga leptonyx"
* Weddell Seal , "Leptonychotes weddelli"
* Crabeater Seal, "Lobodon carcinophaga"
* Southern Elephant Seal, "Mirounga leonina"
* Ross Seal, "Ommatophoca rossi"

ee also

* List of Australian mammals
** List of Australian monotremes and marsupials
** List of Australian bats
** List of Australian rodents
** List of Australian introduced placental mammals

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