- Arthur von Hippel (physician)
Arthur von Hippel (
October 24 ,1841 -October 26 ,1916 ) was a German ophthalmologist who was a native ofFischhausen ,East Prussia . He was the father of ophthalmologistEugen von Hippel (1867-1938).Arthur von Hippel studied medicine at the Universities of Konigsberg, Munich and Berlin, where he earned his doctorate in 1864. Following graduation he furthered his training in
Prague , and afterwards became an assistant at the eye clinic at Konigsberg. In 1879 he became a "full professor" ofophthalmology at theUniversity of Giessen , and in 1890 returned as a professor to theUniversity of Konigsberg . In 1892 he attained the chair of ophthalmology at theUniversity of Halle , and in 1901 went toGöttingen , where he was director of the newly-founded University Eye Clinic. He retired in 1914, and was replaced at the Göttingen eye clinic by his son Eugen.Von Hippel made contributions in his research of intraocular pressure,
color blindness andnear-sightedness , but is remembered for his pioneer work in lamellarkeratoplasty . In 1886 he grafted a full-thicknesscornea from a rabbit into the lamellar bed of a young female patient. After the operation the girl was able to count fingers at a distance of two meters, for avisual acuity of 20/200. He is also credited for the invention of a mechanizedtrephine for corneal procedures. This device became the prototype for trephines that are presently used in ophthalmology today.*Note: Arthur von Hippel is sometimes confused with Arthur Robert von Hippel (1898-2003), a German-American physicist.
* [ History of Ophthalmology; Evolution of Keratoplasty in Nineteenth Century]
* [ Prominent Ophthalmologists]
* [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.catalogus-professorum-halensis.de/hippelarthurvon.html&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=2&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522Arthur%2Bvon%2BHippel%2522%2BKonigsberg%2BG%25C3%25B6ttingen%26start%3D30%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN Biography of Arthur von Hippel]
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