- Mr. Horse
Mr. Horse is a
fictional character in the Canadian/American co-producedanimated television series "The Ren and Stimpy Show ". He was one of the most popular characters, appearing in many episodes in a wide variety of non-continuous roles. Mr. Horse has variously been a victim of a fall from askyscraper , a GI returning from war in love with asheep , adog-show judge , a neighbor hiding a dark past, and a tester for Gritty Kittycat litter . He has also been portrayed as apsychiatrist .Mr. Horse is
anthropomorphic , similar to the title characters - he is physically a full-sized malehorse , but he usually stands on two legs and speaks. Mr. Horse is typically depicted as a straight-talking, thoughtful and serious character. He can also be cynical and disgruntled, and on occasion is merely a horse. His catchphrase was "No sir, I don't like it." He rarely ever said anything aside from this, except for the episode "Fire Dogs ", in which he says "No sir, I "didn't" like it." Mr. Horse was voiced byJohn Kricfalusi originally. After Kricfalusi's departure from the show, Mr. Horse was voiced byBilly West .Appearances of Mr. Horse
* Mr. Horse first appeared on "The Ren and Stimpy Show" in the episode "
Stimpy's Big Day/The Big Shot " as a tester for Gritty Kitty Litter, a brand of kitty litter endorsed by Stimpy. Mr. Horse greatly prefers Gritty Kitty over the other leading brand, proving that Gritty Kitty could stand up to use by a horse.
* He next showed up in "Fire Dogs", as part of a heavy-set woman's animal menagerie that needed saving; when she dropped him out of her high-riseapartment window, Ren and Stimpy attempted to catch him with a lifesaving net. Due to his size, Mr. Horse's fall was not softened by the net and both his legs were broken. He dragged himself away (to the tune "Battle Hymn of the Republic ") and was then interviewed by areporter . When asked about his feelings on the fall, Mr. Horse uttered his famouscatch-phrase , "No, sir, I didn't like it".
* Mr. Horse had a brief cameo in "Sven Høek". Upon depositing aquarter in a slot in the living room wall, Stimpy is treated to a powerful leg kick from Mr. Horse to his head that sent him careening across the room.
* In "Out West/Rubber Nipple Salesmen ", Mr. Horse was one of the prospective customers Ren and Stimpy spoke to while selling the titular products door to door. Mr. Horse was shown breaking character here - his usual straightforward, stern demeanor was replaced by a nervous, panicky paranoia. He was seen wearing pants, gloves and a cap made of rubber, and was concerned that theFBI had sent Ren and Stimpy to find him because he had apparently murdered someone because he said he made a big mistake. It appeared that he had a walrus captive with him, as the walrus whispered "call the police" to the salesmen.
* Mr. Horse was featured in two shorts at the beginning and end of the episode "A Visit to Anthony". In the first, he plays a GI (at the rank of Private E-1) returning from an unspecifiedwar . He is interviewed by Ren Hoëk, Ace Reporter, who asks him a series of questions about the war. When asked by the reporter if the sheep in his arms is his fiancé, Mr. Horse snaps back, "No, man, it's my sheep!" In the second, he plays thespokesman for theUnited Nations , with Ren sitting beside him. This highlights the complete lack of continuity between any Mr. Horse roles. The entire short is a set-up for him to say his catchphrase, but instead he says "Cockroaches check in, but they don't check out" in Spanish, which Ren, who turns out to be his translator, repeats as "No, sir, he doesn't like it".
* In "Out West", Mr. Horse appears as the horse of Abner and Ewalt when Ren and Stimpy travel out west. Abner and Ewalt are seeking horse thieves to hang, so they convince the pair to steal their horse. However, indicating that he's been stolen many times before, Mr. Horse grumbles about the "horse-stealing thing again" when the pair mount him and trudges on two legs (with Ren and Stimpy still on his back) to Abner and Ewalt, where he must carefully remind them he is stolen, and therefore the dog and cat duo are horse thieves.
* In "Dog Show", Mr. Horse appears as the pre-judge in the contest, that is, the judge who decides which dogs are unworthy of even entering the competition. Any animal deemed unworthy is rejected and thrown as a repast to a massive sleeping bull-dog. Stimpy is nearly given such a fate for having too smooth of a butt untilGeorge Liquor aggressively insists he be let through.
* Mr. Horse returns in two "Adult Party Cartoon" episodes, appearing in major roles as apsychiatrist , whom upon declaring Ren insane is promptly beaten to death by him with the butt of his gun in "Ren Seeks Help" and a doctor in "Stimpy's Pregnant".See also
Ren and Stimpy Show characters
*The Ren and Stimpy Show
*Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon
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