Alexander Dyukov

Alexander Dyukov

Infobox writer
name = Alexander Reshideovich Dyukov Алекса́ндр Решиде́ович Дю́ков
birthdate =birth date|1978|10|17
birthplace = Moscow, USSR
deathdate =
deathplace =
occupation = Historian, Author
nationality = Russian
period =
genre = Non-fiction, history
subject = Russian history of the 20th century
movement =
spouse =
children =

Alexander Reshideovich Dyukov ( _ru. Алекса́ндр Решиде́ович Дю́ков), (born October 17, 1978) is a Russian historian, writer, columnist.


In 2004, Alexander Dyukov graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities [ [ per A. Dyukov's LiVEJOURNAL profile] ] . His graduation paper was dedicated to creation and development of the Soviet partisans movement in 19411943. In 20042007, Dyukov worked for the ARMS-TASS Agency of Military and Technical Information, on various positions from the issuing editor of the weekly "Military and Technical Cooperation" and was finally promoted to the editor in chief. He published numerous articles in newspapers "Izvestia", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", REGNUM News Agency and others. Dyukov is regularly featured as an "expert commentator" on Russia Today, the English-language cable channel of the Russian state news service, RIA Novosti.

Author and co-author of books and over 50 articles on Russian history in the 20th century.

His work and ideas

thumb|right|170px|Book cover of "The Great War Slandered - 2: Nothing for Us to Repent!" edited by Alexander Dyukov.

Much of Dyukov's work challenges historical interpretations critical of Stalinist repression (especially on Baltic sea countries) or the role of the USSR during World War II. [Cf. publications list included in the article.] To support his argumentation, Dyukov often cites sources from the archives of the FSB, [E.g., [ "Миф о геноциде"] ; "Милость к падшим", passim.] to which access by researchers isn't widely opened, but many documents are from open archives, such as GARF (State archive of Russian Federation), RGANI (Russian State archive of modern hisroty), and many of them cited from other books and articles or published in Russia [E. g., see "Сталинские депортации: 19281953." (М., 2005) - one of the most cited sources in "Genocide's myth"] . [cite journal |last=Khlevniuk |first=Oleg |year=2003 |title=Review of Jansen and Petrov, "Stalin's Loyal Executioner" |journal=Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History |volume=4 |issue=3 |pages=763 |url= |accessdate=2008-06-19 |quote=The FSB Archive (along with, for example, the Presidential Archive) can be categorized as a "partially open" Russian archive. Access to its documents has typically been irregular and arbitrary, often dependent on politics, personal ties, joint projects with other archives, etc. ]

In his recent book, "The Genocide Myth", Dyukov claims Estonia's recollection of the 1941 forced deportations to Siberia is exaggerated. In regard to the 1941 deportations, he asserted that deported Estonians were mostly German collaborators, or were linked with them:

If only Baltic nationalists had not cooperated with German special services and had not prepared for acts of sabotage, there would have been no need for the deportation. It was the activity of nationalists and of Nazi agents that provoked the deportationsand Estonian historians prefer to keep silent about it. [Translated from Estonian rendering in "Eesti Ekspress"; cf. Russian original: "Если бы прибалтийские националисты не сотрудничали с германскими спецслужбами и не готовили диверсионные выступления, в депортации не было бы никакой необходимости. Именно деятельность националистов и нацистской агентуры вызвала депортациюи именно об этом эстонские историки предпочитают умалчивать." [] ]

About the boxcars used to deport people and eyewitness accounts of those dead and dying, Dyukov claims that three meals were served a day to every deportee, that trains were, instead, regular passenger coaches, and that each train had a medical car with a doctor, medical assistant, and two nurses to care for the welfare of the passengers. He asserts that "no one possibly died during the Soviet deportations". [ [ Dyukov interview, REGNUM, retrieved July 22, 2008]


In Estonia, Dyukov's views on Soviet history are considered falsification and denial of events. The Estonian newspaper, "Eesti Ekspress", describes Dyukov as a revisionist historian who paints a picture of Soviet political repressions as "little worse than a family picnic". [Reported in [ The Baltic Times] , November 15, 2007]



* "Дюков А.Р." За что сражались советские люди ("What the Soviets fought for") — М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2007. - 574 с.
* "Дюков А.Р." Миф о геноциде: Репрессии советских властей в Эстонии (1940 - 1953). ("The genocide myth of Soviet regime's repressions in Estonia from 1940 to 1953") - М.: Алексей Яковлев, 2007. - 138 с. []
* "Дюков А.Р." [ Второстепенный враг: ОУН, УПА и решение «еврейского вопроса»] (The minor enemy: OUN, UPA and solution for the Jewish question). М.: REGNUM, 2008. - 150 c.


* Россия на латиноамериканском рынке вооружений: Состояние и перспективы: Информационно-аналитический обзор. (Russia on the Latin-American armament market: Its state and prospects: Information--analytical survey)- М.: АРМС-ТАСС, 2006. - 80 с. - (Совместно с В.Ю. Шваревым).
*Старинов И.Г. Супердиверсант Сталина: Мины ждут своего часа. - М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2004. - 382 c.
*Старинов И.Г. Заместитель по диверсиям. - М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2005. - 383 с.
*Великая оболганная война - 2: Нам не за что каяться! ("The Great War Slandered - 2: Nothing for Us to Repent!") - М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2008. - 430 с.
* Забытый геноцид. "Волынская резня" 1943 - 1944 годов: Документы и исследования. - М.: Алексей Яковлев, 2008. - 143 с.

cientific articles and papers

* Работа по линии "Д": Довоенная подготовка партизанской войны в СССР // Старинов И.Г. Супердиверсант Сталина: Мины ждут своего часа. М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2004. С. 330 - 357.
* Управление партизанскими силами: Ведомственные структуры по организации и управлению партизанским движением (июнь 1941 - лето 1942 гг.) // Старинов И.Г. Заместитель по диверсиям. М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2005. С. 298 - 356.
* Истребительная политика нацистов на оккупированной советской территории: Направления исследования // Великая Отечественная война 1941 - 1945 гг.: Опыт изучения и преподавания: Межвузовская научная конференция. М.: РГГУ, 2005. С. 316 - 325.
* Милость к падшим: Советские репрессии против нацистских пособников // Великая оболганная война2: Нам не за что каяться! М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2008. С. 98142.
* Эстонский миф о «советской оккупации» // Великая оболганная война2: Нам не за что каяться! М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2008. С. 266303.
* Еврейский вопрос для ОУН-УПА ("The Jewish Problem for OUN-UPA") // Еженедельник "2000" (Киев), 08.02.2008.
* Партизаны и диверсанты: Предвоенная подготовка партизанской войны в СССР ("Partisans and Saboteurs: Pre-war Preparations for Guerrilla Warfare in the USSR") // Неправда Виктора Суворова - 2. М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2008. С. 305 - 344.
* Ликбез для эстонских историков ("Liquidating Illiteracy for Estonian Historians") // ИА REGNUM, 31.03.2008.
* Советские репрессии в Эстонии: мифы и реальность (июнь 1940 - начало июня 1941 гг.) ("Soviet Repressions in Estonia: Myths and Reality (June 1940 - Beginning June 1941)) // Звенья. Серия "Международные отношения". 2008. № 1. С. 73 - 99.
* Советские репрессии против прибалтийских коллаборационистов Гитлера: Новые документы ("Soviet Repressions Against Hitler's Baltic Collaborators: New Documents") // Русский сборник: Исследования по истории России. Т. V. М.: Модест Колеров, 2008. С. 241 - 251.
* «Die Aktion Kaminskiy»: Локотское «самоуправление» и создание бригады РОНА // Мифы Великой Отечественной. М,: Эксмо; Яуза, 2008. С. 147193.
* «Польский вопрос» в планах ОУН(Б): От насильственной ассимиляции к этническим чисткам // Забытый геноцид. "Волынская резня" 1943 - 1944 годов: Документы и исследования. М.: Алексей Яковлев, 2008. С. 63 - 89.

Unfinished and unpublished books

*"Операция "Норд-Ост": Опыт исторической реконструкции" ("The 'North-East' Operation: Experiencing Historical Revisionism")Fact|date=August 2008
*"Большая "малая" война: Глобальная война постиндустриального мира"Fact|date=August 2008

External links

* [ "Актуальная история" Alexander Dyukov's blog]
* [ Dyukov's e-books at "Public Library"]
* [ Information on Alexander Dyukov on the web site "Новые хроники"]


NAME=Dyukov, Alexander Reshideovich
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Russian historian and journalist
DATE OF BIRTH=October 17, 1978
PLACE OF BIRTH=Moscow,(Russia)Soviet Union

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