- Snake River Plain (ecoregion)
The Snake River Plain ecoregion is a Level III ecoregion designated by the
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in theU.S. states ofIdaho andOregon . It follows theSnake River across Idaho, stretching roughly convert|400|mi|km|-1|lk=on from theWyoming border toEastern Oregon in thexeric intermontane west. Characterized byplain s and lowhill s, it is considerably lower and less rugged than surroundingecoregion s. Many of thealluvial valley s bordering the Snake River are used foragriculture . Whereirrigation water andsoil depth are sufficient,sugar beet s,potato es,alfalfa , smallgrain s, andvegetable s are grown. Elsewhere,livestock grazing is widespread.Cattle feedlot s and dairy operations are found locally.Potential natural
vegetation is mostlysagebrush steppe , but barrenlava field s andsaltbush -greasewood associations also occur. Streams generally have lower gradients, are warmer, and have finer grainedsubstrate s than do streams in themontane ecoregions. Naturalfish assemblages in the region are typically a mix ofmesothermal minnow s and suckers, but somestenothermal salmonid s andsculpin s are also present. The region has many large springs along the Snake River that support endemic fish andmollusc species .Shoshone Falls is a major zoogeographic barrier, and different species occur above and below it.Citation | last=Thorson | first=T.D. | last2=Bryce | first2=S.A. | last3=Lammers | first3=D.A. | last4=et al. | title=Ecoregions of Oregon (color poster with map, descriptive text, summary tables, and photographs) | place=Reston, Virginia | publisher=United States Geological Survey | year=2003 | url=ftp://ftp.epa.gov/wed/ecoregions/or/or_front.pdf (and the [ftp://ftp.epa.gov/wed/ecoregions/or/or_back.pdf Reverse side] ) Many sentences in this article are copied verbatim from the source, which is in thepublic domain .] Citation | last=McGrath | first=C.L. | last2=Woods | first2=A.J. | last3=Omernik | first3=J.M. | last4=et al. | title=Ecoregions of Idaho (color poster with map, descriptive text, summary tables, and photographs) | place=Reston, Virginia | publisher=United States Geological Survey | year=2002 | url=ftp://ftp.epa.gov/wed/ecoregions/id/id_front.pdf (and the [ftp://ftp.epa.gov/wed/ecoregions/id/id_back.pdf Reverse side] ) Many sentences in this article are copied verbatim from the source, which is in thepublic domain .]The Snake River Plain ecoregion has been subdivided into ten Level IV ecoregions, as described below.
Level IV ecoregions
Treasure Valley (12a)
The Treasure Valley ecoregion (named for the
Treasure Valley ) is anunglaciated rolling valley containing manycanal s and incised rivers. Elevation varies from 2,000 to 2,800 feet (640 to 853 m). The valley is underlain byQuaternary alluvium,loess ,lacustrine , andalluvial fan deposits. Soils have an aridic moisture regime, and they originally supportedsagebrush -grassland before the valley was converted to agriculture. Canals and diversions in this portion of the Snake River Plain supply water topastureland andcropland as well as municipalities. Surfacewater quality has been significantly affected by channel alteration, dams, irrigation diversions, irrigation return flow, and agriculturalpollution . Crops includewheat , sugar beets, alfalfa, potatoes, andonion s.Population density is greater than in neighboring,rangeland -dominated ecoregions. Crop diversity is greater, temperatures are warmer, and the meanfrost -free season is longer than in the Upper Snake River Plain and the Magic Valley. Vegetation outside of agricultural areas is characterized byWyoming big sagebrush ,basin big sagebrush ,bluebunch wheatgrass ,bluegrass ,basin wildrye , Thurber's needlegrass,rabbitbrush , andcheatgrass . In saline areas,shadscale , greasewood, andsaltgrass occur. The region covers convert|1302|sqmi|km2|0 in Idaho and convert|499|sqmi|km2|0 in Oregon, where the Payette, Boise, Weiser, Malheur and Owyhee rivers converge into the Snake. It includes lowland areas from Boise to Vale and contains theDeer Flat National Wildlife Refuge .Lava Fields (12b)
The Lava Fields ecoregion contains
basalt flows,cinder cone s, andspatter cone s rising from irregular plains, at an elevation of 3,800 to 5,500 feet (1,158 to 1,676 m). Exposed basalt or very shallow loessial soils over volcanics are characteristic.Surface water availability is extremely limited, and the region is either barren or sparsely covered by hardyshrub s andgrass es, including basin sagebrush,mountain sagebrush , Wyoming big sagebrush, rabbitbrush, bluegrass, bluebunch wheatgrass,bottlebrush squirreltail , Thurber needlegrass, andIndian ricegrass . Livestockcarrying capacity is low. The region covers convert|1122|sqmi|km2|0 in Idaho in pockets of the eastern Snake River Plain, includingCraters of the Moon National Monument and parts of theIdaho National Engineering Laboratory .Camas Prairie (12c)
The Camas Prairie ecoregion is a cold, wet valley containing nearly level to rolling terraces,
bottomland s,basalt plains, and, on the periphery, alluvial fans. Elevation varies from 4,700 to 5,100 feet (1,443 to 1,554 m). It is flanked by the semi-aridfoothill s of the Snake River Plain and the Idaho Batholith, which trapmountain runoff on the prairie. Resultant wet soils andflooding occur and are local and seasonal problems. Frigidmollisol s are common and are colder than the soils of the lower Treasure Valley. Wetbottomland s support rushes, sedges,meadow grass es, andwillow s. Alluvial fans and terraces are covered by bluebunch wheatgrass,Idaho fescue , bluegrass, basin big sagebrush, and mountain sagebrush. Lava plains support alkali sagebrush, bluegrass, squirreltail, and Idaho fescue. The region covers convert|530|sqmi|km2|0 in Idaho along theCamas River and is used for used for small grain and alfalfa farming, pasture, range, andwildlife habitat .Dissected Plateaus and Teton Basin (12d)
The Dissected Plateaus and Teton Basin ecoregion is characterized by
dissected plateau s, alluvial fans, low terraces,bottomlands,outwash plain s, and nearly flat, poorly-drained basins. Elevation varies from 4,700 to 6,300 feet (1,443 to 1,920 m). Mollisols developed in thick loess deposits or alluvium and are subject towind erosion . Loess is far more extensive than in the Upper Snake River Plain subregion. Sprinkler-irrigated land supports potatoes, alfalfa, and pasture; however, surface irrigation is far less common than in the Upper Snake River Plain. Non-irrigated land grows small grains. Potential natural vegetation is sagebrush steppe, with mountain big sagebrush, threetip sagebrush, bluebunch wheatgrass, bluegrass, Idaho fescue, and cheatgrass.Wet meadow s occur in the poorly-drained, relatively cold Teton Basin. The region covers convert|1059|sqmi|km2|0 in Idaho in the farthest eastern reaches of the Snake River Plain, approaching theTeton Mountains . It includes portions of theCaribou-Targhee National Forest .Upper Snake River Plain (12e)
The Upper Snake River Plain ecoregion is characterized by nearly level river terraces, floodplains, and lake plains containing many canals and rivers. Elevation varies from 4,400 to 5,000 feet (1,341 to 1,524 m). The region is primarily used for irrigated cropland, pastureland, suburban and urban developments, and industrial areas, and aquatic resources have been degraded by irrigation diversions, channelization, dams,
sewage treatment ,nonpoint pollution ,food processing , andphosphate processing. Extensive surface-irrigated small grain, sugar beet, potato, and alfalfa farming occurs. The frost-free season is shorter and crops are less varied than in agricultural areas downstream. Potential natural vegetation is sagebrush steppe, with saltbush-greasewood communities in the southwest. Big sagebrush, bluebunch wheatgrass, bluegrass, cheatgrass, rabbitbrush, squirreltail,needle-and-thread , Indian ricegrass, andfourwing saltbush are present. Riparian areas feature sedges, perennial grasses, willows, andcottonwood . The region covers convert|1463|sqmi|km2|0 in eastern Idaho, mostly along the interstate corridor from American Falls to St. Anthony. It includes theCamas National Wildlife Refuge and most of theFort Hall Indian Reservation .emiarid Foothills (12f)
The Semiarid Foothills ecoregion consists of foothills, alluvial fans, hills, and valleys that separate the Snake River Plain from the Idaho Batholith ecoregion to the north. At an elevation of 2,900 to 6,500 feet (884 to 1,981 m), it is higher and more rugged than neighboring regions in the Snake River Plain. Shallow,
clay ey soils are common, supporting sagebrush steppe communities of bluebunch wheatgrass, bluegrass, Idaho fescue, big sagebrush,bitterbrush ,medusahead wildrye , and cheatgrass, with bunch grasses, sedges, rushes, andclover s in wetter areas. Land use is primarily livestock grazing and is distinct from the irrigated agriculture of the Treasure Valley. Wildfire frequency is high. The region covers convert|1559|sqmi|km2|0 in two separate areas of Idaho, one northeast of Weiser in theWeiser River drainage and one northeast of Mountain Home, includingBennett Mountain and nearby hills.Eastern Snake River Basalt Plains (12g)
The Eastern Snake River Basalt Plains ecoregion is a large irregular plain at an elevation of 3,700 to 6,400 feet (1,128 to 1,951 m), with shallow, stony soils that are unsuitable for cultivation. Only small areas have soils deep enough to be farmed under sprinkler irrigation. Rangeland is widespread and contrasts with the cropland of other subregions in the Snake River Plain. Potential natural vegetation is mostly sagebrush and bunchgrass, with basin and Wyoming big sagebrush, Thurber needlegrass, Indian ricegrass, bitterbrush, bluegrass, and cheatgrass. Saline areas feature fourwing saltbush, shadscale, and
winter fat . The region is cool enough to have some regeneration capacity and still contains native plants, unlike the Mountain Home Uplands to the west. By far the largest of the Snake River Plain subregions, it covers convert|6426|sqmi|km2|0 in southern Idaho, including part of the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.Mountain Home Uplands (12h)
The Mountain Home Uplands ecoregion consists of arid, shrub- and grass-covered plains with hills and basalt-capped
butte s. Elevation varies from 2,500 to 4,300 feet (762 to 1,311 m), with some buttes up to convert|5000|ft|m|0. It is mostly rangeland and is sparsely populated, unlike regions to the west and east. It is flanked by foothills to the north and south and by the Magic and Treasure Valleys to the east and west. Today, it supports cheatgrass,crested wheatgrass , medusahead wildrye, Wyoming and basin big sagebrush, alkali sagebrush, andantelope bitterbrush . Stock carrying capacity is low. Native grasses are much rarer and vegetative regeneration capacity is more limited than in the cooler Eastern Snake River Basalt Plains, which has more available moisture. The second largest of the Snake River Plain subregions, it covers convert|2945|sqmi|km2|0 in southern Idaho, along the I-84 corridor between Boise and Gooding.Magic Valley (12i)
The Magic Valley ecoregion, named for the irrigation canals of the
Magic Valley that "magically" transformed the region in the early 1900s, is an agricultural valley underlain by alluvium, loess, and basalt flows. Elevation varies from 3,200 to 4,500 feet (975 to 1,372 m). The aridic soils require irrigation to grow commercial crops. Many canals, reservoirs, and diversions supply water to the region's pastureland, cropland, and residential, commercial, and industrial developments. Small grains, alfalfa, sugar beets, potatoes, and beans are grown. Livestock and dairy farms occur; dairying is more common than in the Treasure Valley. Dams, irrigation diversions, pollution, and channel alteration have affected water quality, and over-watering from sprinkler-irrigated portions of the Eastern Snake River Basalt Plains has raisedgroundwater levels and created artificialwetland s. Natural vegetation is mostly sagebrush and bunchgrass, but low terraces have salt tolerant plants. Wyoming and basin big sagebrush, alkali sagebrush, bluebunch wheatgrass, Thurber needlegrass, squirreltail, bluegrass, needle-and-thread, Indian ricegrass, and fourwing saltbush are present.Population density is greater than in the rangeland-dominated regions to the east and west. The region covers convert|1700|sqmi|km2|0 in the Twin Falls area of southern Idaho.Unwooded Alkaline Foothills (12j)
The Unwooded Alkaline Foothills ecoregion contains rolling foothills, hills, benches, alluvial fans, and scattered
badland s that are characteristically underlain by sandy,alkaline lacustrine deposits. Perennial streams are rare. At an elevation of 2,200 to 3,900 feet (671 to 1,189 m), the terrain is higher and more rugged than the neighboring Treasure Valley. The region is valuable as rangeland and wildlife habitat, and land use is generally distinct from the irrigated agriculture of the valley. However, scattered areas near rivers with enough water to leach salts from the soil support alfalfa or sugar beet farming. Natural vegetation is dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush and associated grasses, such as bluebunch wheatgrass, Sandberg bluegrass, Thurber needlegrass, and Indian ricegrass. Today, cheatgrass and crested wheatgrass are also common. Salt tolerant shrubs, includingblack greasewood , fourwing saltbush,inland saltgrass , shadscale,seepweed , occur on alkaline outcrops. The region covers convert|1598|sqmi|km2|0 in western Idaho and convert|489|sqmi|km2|0 in eastern Oregon, on both sides of the Treasure Valley.ee also
*Ecoregions defined by the EPA and the
Commission for Environmental Cooperation :
**List of ecoregions in North America (CEC)
**List of ecoregions in the United States (EPA)
**List of ecoregions in Idaho
**List of ecoregions in Oregon *The conservation group
World Wildlife Fund maintains an alternate classification system:
**List of ecoregions (WWF)
**List of ecoregions in the United States (WWF) References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.