1st century in Roman Britain

1st century in Roman Britain

Events from the 1st century in Roman Britain.


* 7 CE
** Cunobelin of the Catuvellauni defeats the Trinovantes, and establishes a capitol at Colchester.
* 9
** Cunobelin becomes king of the Catuvellauni.
* 39/40
** A succession crisis erupts at Cunobelin's court and his exiled younger son Adminius flees to the court of Emperor Caligula in Rome.
* 40
** Caligula plans an invasion of Britain but turns back before reaching the coast of Gaul.
* 42
** Rough date of the death of Cunobelin. His sons Caratacus and Togodumnus expand Catuvellauni territory into the Atrebates, driving out king Verica.
** Verica travels to Rome to appeal to Emperor Claudius to help him regain his throne.
* 43
** May - Roman legions, under Aulus Plautius, invade Britain, landing near Richborough.
** General Vespasian captures the River Medway and forces Britons back across the Thames.
** September - Emperor Claudius brings reinforcements and captures Colchester; Britons surrender.
** Aulus Plautius becomes the first Roman Governor of Britain.
** Foundation of London.
* 44
** Construction of Watling Street, Ermine Street, Stane Street, and Fosse Way begins.
** Conquest of south-western Britain and the Isle of Wight begins.
** Vespasian captures the Dorset hill forts.
* 47
** Aulus Plautius is received as a hero in Rome.
** Roman allies the Iceni of East Anglia are ordered to surrender their weapons by new Roman Governor of Britain Ostorius Scapula. Some tribesmen resist and are quickly put down. Prasutagus takes over as king of the Iceni at about this time.
* 48
** Romans defeat the Deceangli tribes of north-eastern Wales.
* 49
** Silures tribes of southern Wales attack the Romans, but are held back by newly constructed forts.
** Roman citizen-colony is founded at Camulodunum (Colchester).
* 51
** Caratacus leads the Ordovices of north-western Wales against the Romans, but is defeated and captured.
** Foundation of Verulamium (St Albans).
* 52
** Governor Aulus Didius Gallus builds a legionary base at Wroxeter.
* 58
** Governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus launches an invasion of Wales.
* 61
** Paulinus captures Anglesey, the last stronghold of the druids.
** Boudicca leads a rebellion of the Iceni against Roman rule.
** Iceni and Trinovantes burn Colchester, and massacre civilians.
** Rebels sack London.
** Paulinus defeats rebels, and imposes wide-ranging punishments on native Britons, but removed from office after an enquiry.
* 68
** Governor Marcus Vettius Bolanus unsuccessfully attacks the lands of the Brigantes.
* 69
** Cartimandua, Queen of the Brigantes, is overthrown.
* 71
** Governor Quintus Petillius Cerialis conquers the Parisii and Brigantes tribes of the north-east.
* 74
** Governor Sextus Julius Frontinus completes the conquest of the Silures, and constructs a fort at Caerleon.
* 78
** General (later Governor) Gnaeus Julius Agricola completes the conquest of the Ordovices.
* 79
** Legionary fortress constructed at Chester; subjugation of north-west completed.
** Grand opening of civic centre in St Albans. [http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/launch_tl_british.shtml British History Timeline] , BBC]
** Local aristocrats are encouraged to abandon ancient British culture.
* 80
** Agricola advances to the River Tay, and fortifies Carlisle and Corstopitum.
* 82
** Agricola subdues and occupies Galloway.
* 83
** Roman army campaigns against the Caledonii tribes of the north; constructs a base at Inchtuthil.
* 84
** Battle of Mons Graupius: Romans defeat the Caledonii, and advance to the Moray Firth.
* 85
** Agricola recalled to Rome.
** Construction of Dere Street and Stanegate begins.cite book |last=Palmer |first=Alan & Veronica |year=1992 |title= The Chronology of British History|publisher= Century Ltd|location=London|pages= 16-20|isbn= 0-7126-5616-2]


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