2nd century in Roman Britain
- 2nd century in Roman Britain
Events from the 2nd century in Roman Britain.
* 118
** Governor Quintus Pompeius Falco suppresses a revolt by the Brigantes.
* c. 120
** Car Dyke constructed over newly drained East Anglian Fens.
* 122
** Emperor Hadrian visits Britain and appoints Aulus Platorius Nepos as Governor.
** Construction of Hadrian's Wall begins.
** Construction of London forum completed.
* 130
** Town centre of Wroxeter re-developed.
* 139
** Newly appointed Governor Quintus Lollius Urbicus advances to the Clyde-Forth line, re-constructing Corstopitum as a base.
* 142
** Emperor Antoninus Pius orders the construction of the Antonine Wall.
* 154
** Governor Gnaeus Julius Verus suppresses a revolt by the Brigantes.
** Antonine Wall overrun.
* 155
**Fire destroys much of central St Albans.[ [http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/launch_tl_british.shtml British History Timeline] , BBC] ]
* 158
** Re-fortification of Hadrian's Wall begins.
* 160
** Antonine Wall re-occupied.
* 163
** Antonine Wall abandoned. Governor Sextus Calpurnius Agricola re-builds forts along Hadrian's Wall.
* 175
** 5,500 conscripted Sarmatian cavalry stationed in northern Britain.
* 180
** Northern tribes breach Hadrian's Wall and ravage the countryside.
** Governor Ulpius Marcellus launches punitive campaigns to the north.
* 185
** Marcellus forced to retreat to Hadrian's Wall.
** Roman army in Britain mutinies. Helvius Pertinax appointed as Governor, and suppresses mutiny.
* 187
** Pertinax resigns, after becoming unpopular with the army.
* 192
** Clodius Albinus, Governor of Britain, briefly proclaimed Emperor, but instead acquiesces to the rival claim of Septimus Severus.
* 196
** Albinus proclaims himself "Augustus" and invades Gaul, seeking to overthrow Severus.
* 197
** Albinus defeated at the Battle of Lyons in Gaul; Severus appoints Virius Lupus as Governor.[cite book |last=Palmer |first=Alan & Veronica |year=1992 |title= The Chronology of British History|publisher= Century Ltd|location=London|pages= 20-22|isbn= 0-7126-5616-2] ]
** Maeatae launch raids against Hadrian's Wall.
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