- Maceration (bone)
Maceration is a bone preparation technique whereby parts of a
vertebrate corpse are left torot inside a closed container at near-constant temperature, to get a cleanskeleton . It is a form of controlledputrefaction , thedecomposition of a corpse by bacteria in anaerobic conditions. The temperature is best maintained in anincubator at around 35degrees Celsius (95degrees Fahrenheit ).Fact|date=February 2007 Maceration generates very strong and distasteful odors, and is therefore usually done in a closed container, in a non-enclosed area.Maceration is an alternative to the "
Dermestes " method in whichskin beetle s are used to strip the flesh off of the corpse, a method which is used with corpses of smallmammal s, smallbird s,reptile s, andamphibian s, because these animals' bones tend to fall apart in many tiny parts. With afish corpse, maceration is an unsuitable method to get a clean skeleton because of their poorly articulated, pliable skeleton.In the proces of maceration, the corpse is first skinned and defleshed as much as possible, and all internal organs are removed. In this process, extra care istaken when removing the eyeballs, ears and jugular muscles, because some bones are shallow and brittle, such as the thickened external acoustic opening of many mammals. The tongue is usually left in place, because of the tongue and
hyoid bone s. Severed parts of the corpse are sometimes kept in nylon panty hoses. Water (not warmer than 50 °C) is then put in a container, depending on the size of the corpse, with some optionalwashing powder withenzyme s (like Biotex) added, as it will soften the tissue (but take care with nails, as these are softened). A milddetergent oremulsifier is sometimes used to remove fatty acids from the bone. When the corpse is put in the container, bacteria automatically convert the flesh to their nutrients, and will continue to do so as long as the temperature remains constant. After a few days, the water is replenished to maintain the bacteria, and some adittional flesh may be cut away. Most medium sized animals (likedog s) are macerated within about ten days.Lipid s andfatty acid s in the bone and in thefat tissue s tend to stain the bone brown. Biotex can be used to whiten the bone, but if too much is used theperchlorate can destroy the bone.
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