A. R. Rawlinson

A. R. Rawlinson

Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Richard (Dick) Rawlinson OBE (9 August 1894 - 20 April 1984) served in military intelligence in the British Army, before commencing on a screenwriting career. He also produced several films [imdb|0712653] .

He was born in London, and married Ailsa Grayson, daughter of Sir Henry Grayson, who was Conservative Member of Parliament for Birkenhead from 1918 to 22. He was father of British politician and lawyer Peter Rawlinson, who was born in 1919 [cite news|author=Andrew Roth|publisher=The Guardian|title=Obituary: Lord Rawlinson of Ewell|date=June 30, 2006 | url=http://www.gothamnews.com/articles/wikipedia_2008|accessdate=2007-09-19] .

Rawlinson was commissioned into the York and Lancaster Regiment in the First World War. He was promoted Lieutenant in December 1916 and resigned his commission in 1919. He rejoined the Army, in the Queen's Royal Regiment, in the Second World War and reached the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He relinquished his commission in 1946.

Partial filmography

*"Lancashire Luck" (1937)


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