National Family Week

National Family Week

National Family Week originated in Canada and takes place the week before Thanksgiving every year. It was proclaimed an official week by the government of Canada in 1985.[1] National Family Week is celebrated throughout the country with special events put on by community organizations. National Family Week also exists in The United Kingdom, The United States and Australia.

It is a distinct event from Family Day which is a statutory holiday created by the provincial governments of Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan.



National Family Week has two different main purposes. The first is to celebrate the contribution that families make in our lives, and the second involves the distribution of resource materials/kits. These kits contain activities and ideas related to the annual theme and are available to families as well as those who work with them. They are developed by FRP Canada in partnership with other national partners.


The Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (FRP Canada) is a non-profit organization that aims to help families by providing resources, national leadership and consultation to those who care for and support them. Their vision is "to build a Canada that cares for its children, its families and its communities." [2] There are over 2000 family resource programs in Canada serving approximately 500,000 families.

For more than 10 years, Family Service Canada coordinated National Family Week activities. At the invitation of Family Service Canada, FRP Canada took on the lead role in 2007.

Government Perspective

National Family Week offers an opportunity for the federal government to honour families and to introduce new legislation or modify existing laws in ways that it deems will help families.

In 2007, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, Monte Solberg, stated that "Canada's New Government is proud to celebrate National Family Week and to recognize the important role that families play in this country. Families are the building blocks of our society, and we will continue delivering on our commitment to support and strengthen them.”[3]

National Family Week UK

National Family Week takes place during the Summer half term holiday and is backed by over 180 not-for-profit organisations [4] and has broad political support [5] is organized by Family Week Ltd, part of the Henley Media Group. Although it received Lottery funding in its inaugural year it receives no government funding and operates through commercial sponsorship and support by not-for-profit partners.[6]

National Family Week United States

National Family Week in the United States takes place the week of American Thanksgiving. It was first proclaimed by Ronald Reagan on November 19, 1987.[7] It is organized by the Alliance for Children and Families.

National Families Week Australia

The Australian Government, through the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, sponsors National Families Week with Families Australia. Centrelink also promotes National Families Week and provides support through its national network.



1.Barry Devolin M.P. Retrieved June 3, 2008 Magazine Retrieved June 3, 2008
3.Family Service Canada
4.FRP Canada
5.National Family Week UK
6.National Family Week USA
7.Public Law 100-166; Joint Resolution to Create National Family Week
8.Parents Matter

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