Boundary critique

Boundary critique

Boundary critique is the concept in critical systems thinking, that states that both the meaning and the validity of professional propositions always depend on boundary judgments as to what are "facts" or observation and "norms" or valuation standards. [Werner Ulrich (2002). "Boundary Critique". in: "The Informed Student Guide to Management Science", ed. by H.G. Daellenbach and Robert L. Flood, London: Thomson Learning, 2002, p. 41f.]

Boundary critique is among the array of general principles proposed for systems thinking, with concepts like multiple perspectives, organization, and interconnectedness. Boundary critique is in a way identical to distinction making as both processes cause one to demarcate between what is in and what is out of a particular construct. Boundary critique may also allude to how one must be explicit (e.g., critical) of these boundary decisions. Distinction making, on the other hand, is autonomicone constantly makes distinctions all of the time. [Derek Cabrera (2006). [ "Boundary Critique: A Minimal Concept Theory of Systems Thinking"] . ISSS research paper.]

In 1970 C. West Churchman argues that what is to be included or excluded for any analysis of a situation is a vital consideration. Something that appears to be relevant to overall project improvement given a narrowly defined boundary, nay not be seen as relevant at all if the boundaries are pushed out. Thus, he argues, as much information as possible should be 'swept in' to the definition of the intervention. Carolyn Kagan, Sue Caton, Amisha Amin and Amna Choudry (2005). [ "Boundary critique' community psychology and citizen participation"] Paper delivered to European Community Psychology Conference, Berlin, September 2004.]

In the 1980s Werner Ulrich extends this argument, and offers a detailed challenge to the idea that the boundaries of any system are given and linked to "social reality". They are social or personal constructs that define the limits of knowledge relevant to any particular analysis. From this position, pushing out the boundaries of an analysis, in the context of human systems, also involves pushing the boundaries of who may be considered a decision maker. In the practice of boundary critique, Ulrich in 2000 [Werner Ulrich(2000). "Reflective Practice in the Civil Society: The contribution of cirtically systemic thinking". in: "Reflective Practice;;, 1, (2) 247-268] distinguishes between different settings of BC within an action project:
* Self-reflective boundary questioning requires us to ask What are my boundary judgements?.
* Dialogical boundary questioning requires us to ask Can we agree on our boundary judgements?
* Controversial boundary questioning requires us to ask Don't you claim too much?


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