5 (chewing-gum) — 5 est une marque de chewing gum sans sucre par la Wrigley Company. Les publicités pour la gomme disent qu elle stimule les cinq sens humains. Son slogan est L appel des sens. [1] Les saveurs React prennent pour slogan : Une expérience… … Wikipédia en Français
Eclipse Ice — is a brand of pellet chewing gum by the Wrigley Company.A sugar free gum containing Sorbitol, Eclipse Ice comes in foil wrapped sticks of 10 pellets approximately .14 grams each (14 g nett).AvailablityEclipse Ice gum is sold in Australia and New… … Wikipedia
List of chewing gum brands — * Aidin Dadash Baradar, Iran * Airwaves (2000) Wrigley, USA * Bazooka Topps, USA * Big Red (1976) Wrigley, USA * Big League Chew Amurol Confections, USA * Black Jack Gum (1884) Cadbury, USA * Boomers Joyco, Spain * BrushRush EthixMedical, Canada… … Wikipedia
Eclipse (disambiguation) — Eclipse may refer to:Astronomy* Eclipse * Lunar eclipse * Solar eclipse * Eclipse cycleBiology* Eclipse plumage of birdsComputing* Eclipse (software), an integrated development environment for software * Eclipse Foundation, a non profit… … Wikipedia
Excel (chewing-gum) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Excel (homonymie). Wrigley s Excel est une gamme de chewing gums et de menthes disponibles au Canada depuis 1991. C est la gomme la plus vendue au Canada. Dix saveurs sont disponibles : tangerine givrée,… … Wikipédia en Français
Eclipse (mints) — NOTOC Eclipse is a brand of breath mint manufactured by the Wrigley Company of Chicago, Illinois in the United States. They are also manufactured by the Wrigley Company of Songjiang Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China DescriptionAn Eclipse mint is… … Wikipedia
Orbit (gum) — Orbit gum raspberry mint flavor Orbit is a brand of sugarless chewing gum from the Wrigley Company. In the United States, where it was re launched in 2001,[1] it is sold in cardboard boxes with 14 individually wrapped pieces of gum per package.… … Wikipedia
Ouch! (gum) — Ouch! is a type of sugar free bubble gum made by the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company under the Hubba Bubba brand name. The gum had previously been available in the flavors of grape, watermelon, and strawberry. Each stick of gum was wrapped with wrapping… … Wikipedia
Excel (gum) — Wrigley s Excel is a line of chewing gum and mints available in Canada since 1991. It is the best selling gum in Canada. The gum currently comes in ten flavors: Tangerine Freeze, Polar Ice, Peppermint, Spearmint, Winterfresh, Chlorophyll, Night… … Wikipedia
Acacia — For other uses, see Acacia (disambiguation). Wattles redirects here. For the author, see Wallace Wattles. For other uses, see Wattle (disambiguation). Acacia Acacia greggii … Wikipedia