The PROPT [cite book | title = PROPT - Matlab Optimal Control Software | first = Per | last = Rutquist | coauthors = M. M. Edvall | date = June 2008 | url = | location = 1260 SE Bishop Blvd Ste E, Pullman, WA 99163, USA | publisher = Tomlab Optimization Inc.] MATLAB Optimal Control Software is a new generation platform for solving applied optimal control (with ODE or DAE formulation) and parameters estimation problems.
The platform was developed by MATLAB Programming Contest Winner, [ Per Rutquist] in 2008.
PROPT is a combined modeling, compilation and solver engine for generation of highly complex optimal control problems. PROPT uses a pseudospectralcollocation method for solving optimal control problems. This means that the solution takes the form of a polynomial, and this polynomial satisfies the DAE and the path constraints at the collocation points.
* Text manipulation to turn user-supplied expressions into MATLAB code for the cost function and constraint function that are passed to a nonlinear programming solver in TOMLAB, ensuring that the code is compatible with [ MAD] (TOMLAB package for automatic differentiation to achieve floating point precision for derivatives).
* Functionality for plotting and computing a variety of information for the solution to the problem.
* Partial automatic linearization for the following scenarios: ** Minimal (or maximal) time problem ** Problems with a linear objective (pure feasibility problems are also handled) ** Linear systems with a fixed end time
* Integrated support for non-smooth [cite journal | title = Dynamic optimization of bioprocesses: efficient and robust numerical strategies | first = J. R. | last = Banga | coauthors = Balsa-Canto, E. and Moles, C. G. and Alonso, A. A. | date = 2003 | publisher = Journal of Biotechnology] (hybrid) optimal control problems.
The PROPT system uses equations and expressions to model optimal control problems. It is possible to define independent variables, dependent functions, scalars and constant parameters:
A variety of boundary, path, event and integral constraints are shown below:
expr.x1_i = '1'; % Starting point for x1expr.x1_f = '1'; % End point for x1expr.x2_f = '2'; % End point for x2eq.x3min = proptEquation('x3 > 0.5'); % Path constraint for x3eq.integral = proptEquation('quad_t *x2 - 1 = 0'); % Integral constraint for x2eq.final3 = proptEquation('x3_f > 0.5'); % Final event constraint for x3eq.init1 = proptEquation('x1_i < 2.0'); % Initial event constraint x1
Single Phase Optimal Control Example
Van der Pol Oscillator [ [ "Van Der Pol Oscillator - Matlab Solution", "PROPT Home Page"] June, 2008.]
Subject to:
To solve the problem with PROPT the following code can be used (with 60 collocation points):
problem = proptPhase(t, x, [] , eq, expr, 60);problem.cost = 'x3_f'; = 'Van Der Pol';problem.language = 'Matlab, vectorized';
solution = proptSolve(problem);
Multi Phase Optimal Control Example
One-dimensional rocket [ [ "One Dimensional Rocket Launch (2 Free Time)", "PROPT Home Page"] June, 2008.] with free end time and undetermined phase shift
Subject to:
The problem is solved with PROPT by creating two phases and connecting them:
Parameter Estimation Problem [ [ "Matlab Dynamic Parameter Estimation with PROPT", "PROPT Home Page"] June, 2008.]
Subject to:
In the code below the problem is solved with a fine grid (10 collocation points). This solution is subsequently fine-tuned using 40 collocation points:
* Aerodynamic trajectory control [cite journal | title = SOCS Release 6.5.0 | first = J. | last = Betts | date = 2007 | publisher = THE BOEING COMPANY] * Bang-bang control [cite journal | title = Solving Tough Optimal Control Problems by Network Enabled Optimization Server (NEOS) | first = J. | last = Liang | coauthors = Meng, M. and Chen, Y. and Fullmer, R. | date = 2003 | publisher = School of Engineering, Utah State University USA, Chinene University of Hong Kong China] * Chemical engineering [cite journal | title = A HYBRID METHOD FOR THE OPTIMAL CONTROL OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES | first = E. F. | last = Carrasco | coauthors = Banga, J. R. | date = September 1998 | location = University of Wales, Swansea, UK | publisher = UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 98] * Dynamic systems [cite journal | title = Second-order sensitivities of general dynamic systems with application to optimal control problems | first = V. S. | last = Vassiliadis | coauthors = Banga, J. R. and Balsa-Canto, E. | date = 1999 | publisher = Chemical Engineering Science | volume = 54 | pages = 3851-3860] * General optimal control * Large-scale linear control [cite book | title = Iterative dynamic programming | first = R. | last = Luus | date = 2002 | publisher = Chapman and Hall/CRC] * Multi-phase system control [cite journal | title = A Java Application for the Solution of Optimal Control Problems | first = B. C. | last = Fabien | date = 1998 | location = Stevens Way, Box 352600 Seattle, WA 98195, USA | publisher = Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington] * Mechanical engineering design [cite journal | title = MISER3: Optimal Control Toolbox User Manual, Matlab Beta Version 2.0 | first = L. S. | last = Jennings | coauthors = Fisher, M. E. | date = 2002 | location = Nedlands, WA 6907, Australia | publisher = Department of Mathematics, The University of Western Australia] * Nondifferentiable control [citation | title = Global Optimization of Chemical Processes using Stochastic Algorithms - State of the Art in Global Optimization: Computational Methods and Applications | first = J. R. | last = Banga | coauthors = Seider, W. D. | editor-last = Floudas | editor-first = C. A. | editor2-last = Pardalos | editor2-first = P. M. date = 1996 | location = Dordrecht, The Netherlands | publisher = Kluwer Academic Publishers | isbn = 0-7923-3838-3 | pages = 563-583] * Parameters estimation for dynamic systems [cite journal | title = Benchmarking Optimization Software with COPS | first = E. D. | last = Dolan | coauthors = More, J. J. | date = January 2001 | location = 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439 | publisher = ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY] * Singular control
External links
* [ TOMLAB] - Developer and distributor of the software. * [ MAD] - Automatic differentiation package used in software. * [ PROPT] - Home page for PROPT. * [ SNOPT] - Default solver used in PROPT.
Optimal control — theory, an extension of the calculus of variations, is a mathematical optimization method for deriving control policies. The method is largely due to the work of Lev Pontryagin and his collaborators in the Soviet Union[1] and Richard Bellman in… … Wikipedia
TOMLAB — Infobox Software name = TOMLAB reg; programming language = MATLAB (FORTRAN, C) developer = Tomlab Optimization Inc. latest release version = 6.1 latest release date = 11 June 2008 size = 23 MB (Windows) operating system = Windows 32/64 bit, Linux … Wikipedia
propti — PROPTÍ, proptesc, vb. IV. 1. tranz. A pune o proptea (sau mai multe) unui gard, unui zid etc.; a sprijini ceva cu o proptea. 2. tranz. şi refl. A (se) rezema de ceva. ♦ refl. A se sprijini de ceva în vederea unui efort. – cf. sl. p o d ŭ p r ĕ t… … Dicționar Român
William Benson — For the noted U.S.N. admiral, see William S. Benson William Benson (1682 2 February 1754) was a talented amateur architect and an ambitious and self serving Whig place holder in the government of George I. In 1718, Benson arranged to displace the … Wikipedia
Moly (herb) — Moly (Greek: μῶλυ) is a magic herb mentioned in book 10 of Homer s Odyssey.[1] In the story, Hermes gave this herb to Odysseus to protect him from Circe s magic when he went to her home to rescue his friends.[2] These friends came together with… … Wikipedia
proptea — PROPTÉA, proptele, s.f. Lemn, stâlp, par, bară, scândură etc. cu care se sprijină un gard, un zid, un pom etc.; proptă. ♢ expr. (pop.) Propteaua gardului = persoană leneşă. ♦ fig. Sprijin, protecţie (nemeritată); p. ext. persoană care dă cuiva un … Dicționar Român
proptă — PRÓPTĂ, propte, s.f. (reg.) 1. Proptea. 2. (În expr.) A se pune proptă sau a sta în proptă cuiva = a se opune, a se împotrivi. – Din propti (derivat regresiv). Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 PRÓPTĂ s. v. pop, proptea,… … Dicționar Român
БРАК — общественный, и в частности правовой, институт, заключающийся в продолжительном союзе лиц муж. и жен. пола, составляющем основу семьи. История человечества знает разные формы Б.: моногамный (Б. одного мужа и одной жены), полигамный (многоженство) … Православная энциклопедия