Hill reagent

Hill reagent

Discovered in 1937 by Robin Hill , these reagents allowed the discovery of electron transport chains during photosynthesis.These are dyes that act as artificial electron acceptors, changing color when they are reduced.Ex : 2,6 - dichlorophelindophenol (DCPIP)


*cite journal
title = ‘And whose bright presence’ – an appreciation of Robert Hill and his reaction
author = David Alan Walker
journal = Photosynthesis Research
volume = 73
issue = 1-3
pages = 51-54
year = 2002
url =
doi = 10.1023/A:1020479620680

*cite journal
title = Discoveries in Oxygenic Photosynthesis (1727–2003): A Perspective
author = Govindjee and David Krogmann
journal = Photosynthesis Research
volume = 80
issue = 1-3
pages = 15-57
year = 2004
url =
doi = 10.1023/B:PRES.0000030443.63979.e6

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