Bhusawal railway division

Bhusawal railway division

Bhusawal railway division is one of the five railway division of Central Railway (India) Zone of Indian Railways along with Mumbai CSTM, Nagpur, Solapur and Pune. There are 121 railway stations in Bhusawal railway division. [ [ rly stations] ]


It connects other railway division of central Railway Zone as
* Mumbai CSTM division at Igatpuri,
* Solapur railway division at Manmad Jn,
* Nagpur railway division at Badnera Junction.

It connects to other Zones of Indian railways as at

* Mamnad Jn to Nanded railway division of South Central Railway Zone,
* Jalgaon Jn to Mumbai WR railway division of Western Railway Zone,
* Khandwa Jn to Bhopal railway division of Western Central Railway Zone
* Khandwa Jn to Nanded railway division of South Central Railway Zone for Meter Gauge
* Akola Jn to Nanded railway division of South Central Railway Zone for Meter Gauge

Junction Stations and their routes

The Junction railway stations in the Bhusawal railway divisions areManmad Jn, Chalisgaon Jn, Pachora Jn, Jalgaon Jn, Bhusawal Jn, Khandwa Jn, Jalamb Jn, Akola Jn, Murtajapur Jn, Badnera Jn.Routeswise and gaugewise they are classified as 4B Manmad2B2M Khandwa Jn , Akola Jn , 2B2N Murtajapur Jn

Igatpuri railway station is not under Bhusawal division(Exclude), but is under Mumbai CR railway division.

Railway line and enroute stations

There are three main lines in this railway subdivision and many branch lines.

The railway line enroute station details are as follows

Igatpuri-Bhusawal line

*Igatpuri(Exclude)-Manmad Jn-Chalisgaon Jn-Pachora Jn-Jalgaon Jn-Bhusawal Jn
*Enroute station details- Igatpuri - Ghoti - Padli - Asvati - Lahavit - Devlali - Nasik Road - Odha - Kherwadi - Kasbe Sukene - Niphad - Ugaon - Lasalgaon - Summit - Manmad Jn - Panewadi - Hisvahal - Panjhan - Nandgaon - Pimparkhed - Naydongari - Rohini - Hirapur - Chalisgaon Jn - Vaghali - Kajgaon - Nagardevla - Galan - Pachora Jn - Pardhade - Maheji - Mhasawad - Shirsoli - Jalgaon Jn - Bhadli - Bhusawal Jn

**Chalisgaon Jn- Dhule
**Enroute station details- Chalisgaon Jn - Bhoras Budruk - Jamdha - Rajmane - Mordad Tanda - Shirud - Borvihar - Mohade P Laling - Dhule

**Pachora Jn- Jamner (Narrow Gauge)
**Enroute station details- Pachora Jn - Varkhedi - Pimpalgaon - Shendurni - Pahur - Bhagdara - Jamner

Bhusawal-Khandwa line

*Bhusawal Jn-Burhanpur-Khandwa Jn(Include)
*Enroute station details- Bhusawal Jn - Duskheda - Savda - Nimbhora - Raver - Wghoda. - Burhanpur - Asirgarh Raod - Chandni - Nepa Nagar - Mandwa - Saglhata - Dongargaon - Kohdad - bagmar - Badegaon Gujar - Khandwa Jn

Bhusawal-Badnera line

*Bhusawal Jn-Jalamb Jn-Akola Jn-Murtajapur Jn-Badnera Jn(Include)
*Enroute station details- Bhusawal Jn - Varangaon - Achegaon - Bodwad - Kolhadi. - Khamkhed - Malkapur - Wadoda - Biswa Bridge - Kumgaon Burti - Nandura - Jalamb Jn - Shegaon - Shrikshetra Nagzari - Paras - Gaigaon - Akola Jn - Yavalkhed - Borgaon - Katepurna - Murtajapur Jn - Mana - Mandura. - Kurum - Takli - Badnera Jn

**Jalamb Jn-Khamgaon
**Enroute station details- Jalamb Jn - Khamgaon

**Murtajapur Jn-Yavatmal(Narrow Gauge)
**Enroute station details- Murtajapur Jn - Murtajapur Town - Kinkhed - Vilegaon. - Bhadsivni - Pohe - Karanja - Karanja Town - Somthan - Sangwi. - Warudkhed - Darwa Motibagh - Tapana - Ladkhed - Ling - Lasina - Yavatmal

**Murtajapur Jn-Achalpur (Narrow Gauge)
**Enroute station details- Murtajapur Jn - Lakhpuri - Banosa - Lehgaon - Kokalda - Kapustalni - Anjangaon - Pathrot - Khusta Buzurg - Chamak - Nowbagh - Achalpur

**Badnera Jn-Amravati
**Enroute station details- Badnera Jn - Amravati

[ [ cnt-rly ] ]


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