- 2003 Boumerdès earthquake
title=2003 Boumerdès earthquake
date=May 21 2003
magnitude = 6.7 Mw [http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/world/newsid_3049000/3049101.stm Algeria hit by earthquake] "BBC News "] [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/leicestershire/2931414.stm Sniffer dogs sent to Algeria] "BBC News"] [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/gloucestershire/3050949.stm Rescue team return from quake zone] "BBC News"] [http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/05/22/quake.algeria/ Quake rescuers race against time] "CNN "]
depth=convert|10|km|mi|0 [http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/eq_depot/2003/eq_030521/ Magnitude 6.8 Northern Algeria] "United States Geological Survey "]
countries affected = ALG
casualties = Approximately 2,266 dead and 10,261 injured.The 2003 Boumerdès earthquake occurred on May 21, 2003 in northern
Algeria .Harvnb|Oliveira|Roca|Xavier|2006|Ref=CITEREFOliveiraRocaXavier2006|p=444] Harvnb|Keeping Schools Safe in Earthquakes|2004|Ref=CITEREF2004|p=36] Theepicentre of the earthquake was located at the town ofThénia Harvnb|Dean|Ref=CITEREFDean|p=177] inBoumerdès Province , approximately 60 km east of the capitalAlgiers . The quake was the strongest to hit Algeria in more than twenty years [http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/world/newsid_2936000/2936340.stm Search for Algeria earthquake survivors ends] "BBC News"] [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/2059330.stm History of deadly earthquakes] "BBC News"] since 1980, when a magnitude 7.3 earthquake resulted in 3,500 deaths. [http://mceer.buffalo.edu/research/reconnaissance/Boumerdes5-21-03/ The Boumerdes (Algeria) Earthquake of May 21, 2003: Preliminary Reconnaissance Using Remotely Sensed Data] "Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering"]Tectonics
The northern Algeria is situated at the boundary between the
African Plate and theEurasian Plate , thus creating a zone of compression. This zone of compression manifests itself by severalthrust and faults. [http://www.caee.uottawa.ca/Svetlana.pdf Building performance in the Boumerdes, Algeria, Earthquake of May 21, 2003] "Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering"] Due to this location between twotectonic plate s, many earthquakes occurred in the region. The mechanism of the earthquake on May 21 corresponds to a northeast-striking thrust fault named Zemmouri fault which was identified for the first time after this earthquake. According to theUnited States Geological Survey ,Damages and casualties
Approximately 2,266 people killed and 10,261 injured in the earthquake. More than 1,243 buildings completely or partially destroyed and nearly 150,000 people became homeless. Infrastructure was damaged in Algiers,
Boumerdès ,Réghaïa and Thénia. Atsunami was generated by the quake which damaged boats off the coast of theBalearic Islands . East of the capital Algiers was affected most and theBoumerdès Province was the hardest-hit region. According to officials, in Algiers only roughly 400 people were killed. In the Boumerdès Province, several cities were heavily damaged including Thénia, Zemmouri and Boumerdès, which were the worst affected cities.Harvnb|Keeping Schools Safe in Earthquakes|2004|Ref=CITEREF2004|p=37] Many buildings built in the earlytwentieth century during the colonial rule suffered heavy damage in the Belcourt, Bab-El-Qued and El-Casbah areas inAlgiers Province . According to the Algerian Ministry of Housing, in the Algiers Province only approximately 554 schools suffered light damage, nearly 330 schools received moderate damage and 11 were heavily damaged or completely destroyed.Harvnb|Keeping Schools Safe in Earthquakes|2004|Ref=CITEREF2004|p=38] The University of Boumerdès was severely damaged and many buildings collapsed. The University of Science and Technology located inBab Ezzouar , which has the largest university campus in Algeria, was also damaged.A water treatment plant in
Boudouaou , which provides more than 90% of the treated water to theBoumerdès and Algiers, suffered light damage to the clarifiers and clear water storage tanks. The water pipeline from the Keddara Dam to the water treatment plant was broken at a concrete junction structure at the dam and at the treatment plant. The main power plant in Cap Djenet suffered minor to moderate damage. A high voltage switch yard located near Réghaïa had heavy damage.Harvnb|Edwards|2004|Ref=CITEREFEdwards2004|p=2]Societé Nationale des Transports Ferrovaires, Algeria's state-owned railway company, suffered track damage near the town of Thénia. Some tracks were also blocked by debris of destroyed buildings. Eighteen bridges in the affected region had minor to moderate damage. Cracks developed in some roads and highways. The port of Algiers, which at that time handled approximately 40% of the national cargo traffic, suffered light to moderate damage due to
soil liquefaction and settlement caused by the earthquake. Port operations was reportedly reduced by 30% immediately after the quake. The minor ports in Zemmouri andDellys received little damage. The airportcontrol tower and terminal were moderately damaged.Harvnb|Edwards|2004|Ref=CITEREFEdwards2004|p=3]The earthquake had significant effect on local communication. An 8,000 switch central office in the
El Harrach area of Algiers completely destroyed and another 20,000 switch office was heavily damaged. Central offices inBoumerdes , Zemmouri and Tidjelabine were damaged.Harvnb|Edwards|2004|Ref=CITEREFEdwards2004|p=2-3] Submarine telecommunication cables also suffered damage. Two underwater fiber optic cables between Algeria andSpain received heavy damage due to undersea landslide caused by the quake.Relief efforts
Many nations sent rescue teams to help in the search for earthquake survivors. International teams of relief workers went to the spot and became involved in rescuing people still trapped under rubble. International relief agencies engaged in supplies like shelter, food and water to the people who became homeless due to the quake. Sniffer dogs sent to Algeria to find survivors trapped under rubble. The
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement co-ordinated the relief efforts. Medical and rescue teams were dispatched from European countries. The Red Cross of thePeople's Republic of China donated $50,000. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/2934080.stm Aid en route to Algeria] "BBC News"] Trucks were called into service to remove dead bodies from Algiers and surrounding towns and villages. Army units were deployed to assist the relief effort. Prime MinisterAhmed Ouyahia announced an aid of $7,000 for each victim. The government dispatched several ambulances, police personnel and electrical workers into the affected area. Tents, ambulances and engineering equipment were brought by the army. Water trucks were dispatched to the quake affected villages. [http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2003-05-23-algeria-quake_x.htm Algeria earthquake death tolls reaches nearly 1,600] "USA Today "]Response from other countries
*flag|Canada: Canada pledged approximately $150,000 for search and rescue works to find survivors.
*flag|Egypt: Egypt sent a a team of physicians and medicines to Algeria. [http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-23365168_ITM Earthquake -ridden Algeria receives aid from around the world] ]
*flag|Germany: Germany sent 25 rescue workers to the affected region.
*flag|Morocco: Morocco sent a medical team along with medicines to Algeria.
*flag|Pakistan: Pakistan sent relief goods for the earthquake victims. A special flight containing 2,500 blankets, 200 tents and 31 cartons of medicines was dispatched to Algeria. [http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-4507352_ITM Pakistan s relief goods for Algeria's earthquake victims] ]
*flag|People's Republic of China: The People's Republic of China dispatched a team of rescue workers from the China International Search and Rescue (CISAR), PRC's main organization for international earthquake rescue work, to Algeria to search for survivors. [http://english.people.com.cn/200608/07/eng20060807_290904.html Nation fulfils its obligations in rescue work] "People's Daily "]
*flag|Russia: Physicians and rescue workers were dispatched fromMoscow .
*flag|Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia sent aircraft carrying 102 tons of foodstuffs and tents.
*flag|South Africa: South Africa sent recovery teams to Algeria.
*flag|Sweden: Sweden sent sniffer dogs to Algeria.
*flag|Switzerland: Switzerland sent sniffer dogs to search survivors. A 90-member recovery team was dispatched to the Boumerdès area. [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,87726,00.html Epidemics, Looting Loom as New Threats to Algeria Earthquake Survivors] "Fox News "]
*flag|United Kingdom: United Kingdom sent nearly 100 rescue workers.
*flag|United States: US PresidentGeorge W. Bush assured Bouteflika of "the support and friendship of the United States".Public anger
There was anger among the survivors over the fact that the local authorities did not provide them with temporary shelters. Government officials virtually did not take part in the relief efforts, but Islamic charities tried to provide quick assistance. The inability of the state to effectively respond to the disaster led to widespread criticism.Harvnb|Freedom House|2004|Ref=CITEREFFreedom House2004|p=15] The effects of the earthquake became worse because the construction industry in Algeria did not apply rigorous safety standards to build earthquake-proof buildingsHarvnb|Oxford Business Group|Ref=CITEREFOxford Business Group|p=92] and several buildings lacked the architecture to withstand earthquakes. New housing blocks constructed by the government and by individual builders were destroyed by the quake,Harvnb|Evans|Phillips|2008|Ref=CITEREFEvansPhillips2008|p=273] Harvnb|Elsheshtawy|2004|Ref=CITEREFElsheshtawy2004|p=54] but private building from the French period withstood the earthquake. This was another cause of public anger. Some people claimed that officials saved money by using below-standard material in construction projects. Many angry protesters threw debris when President
Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Minister of State for the Interior and Local Authorities, Noureddine Yazid Zerhouni, tried to visit some affected regions. A crowd kicked and stoned the car of Bouteflika when he visited Boumerdès shouting "pouvoir assassin". Prime Minister Ouyahia expressed the view of possibility of corruption in the construction sector. A commission of inquiry was set up by the government to investigate the faulty construction of several buildings which collapsed in the quake.ee also
List of earthquakes
*List of earthquakes in Algeria
*2004 Morocco earthquake Notes
*Harvard reference
Surname1 = Edwards
Given1 = Curtis L.
Surname2 =
Given2 =
Year = 2004
Title = Zemmouri, Algeria: Mw 6.8 Earthquake Of May 21, 2003
Publisher = ASCE Publications
ID = ISBN 0784407460
*Harvard reference
Surname1 = Oliveira
Given1 = Carlos Sousa
Surname2 = Roca
Given2 = Antoni
Surname3 = Xavier
Given3 = Goula
Year = 2006
Title = Assessing and Managing Earthquake Risk
Publisher = Springer
ID = ISBN 1402018274
*Harvard reference
Surname1 =
Given1 =
Year = 2004
Title = Keeping Schools Safe in Earthquakes
Publisher = OECD Publishing
ID = ISBN 9264016694
*Harvard reference
Surname1 = Dean
Given1 = Lucy
Year =
Title = The Middle East and North Africa 2004
Publisher = Europa Publications
Edition= 50th
ID = ISBN 1857431847
*Harvard reference
Surname1 = Freedom House
Given1 =
Year = 2004
Title = Freedom in the Middle East and North Africa
Publisher = Rowman & Littlefield
ID = ISBN 0742537757
*Harvard reference
Surname1 = Oxford Business Group
Given1 =
Year =
Title = Emerging Algeria 2006
Publisher = Oxford Business Group
ID = ISBN 1902339436
*Harvard reference
Surname1 = Evans
Given1 = Martin
Surname2 = Phillips
Given2 = John
Year = 2008
Title = Algeria: Anger of the Dispossessed
Publisher =Yale University Press
ID = ISBN 0300108818
*Harvard reference
Surname1 = Elsheshtawy
Given1 = Yasser
Surname2 =
Given2 =
Year = 2004
Title = Planning Middle Eastern cities
Publisher =Routledge
ID = ISBN 0415304008
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.