particular one or object

  • 61To set one's teeth — Set Set (s[e^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Set}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Setting}.] [OE. setten, AS. setton; akin to OS. settian, OFries. setta, D. zetten, OHG. sezzen, G. setzen, Icel. setja, Sw. s[ a]tta, Dan. s?tte, Goth. satjan; causative from the root… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 62Abstract Syntax Notation One — In telecommunications and computer networking, Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is a standard and flexible notation that describes data structures for representing, encoding, transmitting, and decoding data. It provides a set of formal rules… …


  • 63Learning object — A learning object is a collection of content items, practice items, and assessment items that are combined based on a single learning objective .[1] The term is credited to Wayne Hogins when he created a working group in 1994 bearing the name [2] …


  • 64Learning object metadata — is a data model, usually encoded in XML, used to describe a learning object and similar digital resources used to support learning. The purpose of learning object metadata is to support the reusability of learning objects, to aid discoverability …


  • 65Plain Old Java Object — POJO is an acronym for Plain Old Java Object, and is favoured by advocates of the idea that the simpler the design, the better.The name is used to emphasize that the object in question is an ordinary Java Object, not a special object, and in… …


  • 66Data and object Carousel — The term Carousel was applied because the content of the transmission stream is provided in a cyclic fashion. Contents 1 History 2 Software Carousel 3 Usage and Applications 4 Carousel Management …


  • 67Field with one element — In mathematics, the field with one element is a suggestive name for an object that should exist: many objects in math have properties analogous to objects over a field with q elements, where q = 1, and the analogy between number fields and… …


  • 68Classical Kuiper belt object — The orbits of various cubewanos compared to the orbit of Neptune (blue) and Pluto (pink) …


  • 69Detached object (astronomy) — Detached objects are nonclassical trans Neptunian objects (TNOs) with a perihelion too far away from Neptune to be significantly influenced by it, and so appear to be “detached” from the solar system.cite journal | author= P. S. Lykawka; T. Mukai …


  • 70To look about one — Look Look (l[oo^]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Looked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Looking}.] [OE. loken, AS. l[=o]cian; akin to G. lugen, OHG. luog[=e]n.] 1. To direct the eyes for the purpose of seeing something; to direct the eyes toward an object; to… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English