Field with one element

Field with one element

In mathematics, the field with one element is a suggestive name for an object that "should" exist: many objects in math have properties analogous to objects over a field with q elements, where q = 1, and the analogy between number fields and function fields is stronger if one includes a field with one element. [ [ On the field with one element, by Christophe Soulé] ] [ [ F1-schemes and toric varieties, by Anton Deitmar] ]

An actual field with one element does not exist (the axioms of a field assume 0 ≠ 1, and even if they didn't, the zero ring (the ring with a single element) does not have the desired properties), but generalizations of fields do exist which have the required properties, for instance as a particular monad: [ [ New Approach to Arakelov Geometry, by Nikolai Durov] ] :Thefield with one elementis the free algebraic monad generated by one constant (p.26), or the universal generalized ring with zero (p.33)

The idea of a field with one element goes back at least to Jacques Tits in 1957. [ [ David Corfield, Philosophy of Real Mathematics, 8 November 2005.] ]

This object is denoted as mathbf{F}_1.


Under the philosophy of "the field with one element":
* Fields mathbf{F}_q are quantum deformations of mathbf{F}_1, where q is the deformation.
* Finite sets are projective spaces over mathbf{F}_1
* Pointed sets [ [ Noah Snyder, The field with one element, Secret Blogging Seminar, 14 August 2007.] ] are vector spaces over mathbf{F}_1
* Finite sets are affine spaces over mathbf{F}_1
* Coxeter groups are simple algebraic groups over mathbf{F}_1
* mbox{Spec},mathbf{Z} is [ [ F1-schemes and toric varieties, by Anton Deitmar] ] a curve over mathbf{F}_1
* Groups are Hopf algebras over mathbf{F}_1; indeed, for anything categorically defined over both sets and modules, the set-theoretic concept is the mathbf{F}_1-analog
* Group actions ("G"-sets) are projective representations of "G" over mathbf{F}_1 (this agrees with the previous: "G" is the group Hopf algebra mathbf{F}_1 [G] )


* Given a Dynkin diagram for a simple algebraic group, its Weyl group is [ [ This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics, Week 187] ] the simple algebraic group over mathbf{F}_1


Various structures on a set are analogous to structures on a projective space, and can be computed in the same way:

; Points are projective spaces : The number of elements of mathbf{P}(mathbf{F}_q^n)=mathbf{P}_q^{n-1}, the (n-1)-dimensional projective space over the "n"-dimension vector space over the finite field mathbf{F}_q is the "q"-integer [ [ This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics, Week 183, "q"-arithmetic] ] : [n] _q := frac{q^n-1}{q-1}=1+q+q^2+dots+q^{n-1}Taking q= 1 yields [n] _q =n.

The expansion of the q-integer into a sum of powers of q corresponds to the Schubert cell decomposition of projective space.

; Orders are flags : There are n! orders of a set, and [n] _q! maximal flags in mathbf{F}_q^n, where [n] _q! := [1] _q [2] _q dots [n] _q is the q-factorial.

; Subsets are subspaces : There are n!/m!(n-m)! "m"-element subsets of an "n" element set, and [n] _q!/ [m] _q! [n-m] _q! "m"-dimensional subspaces of mathbf{F}_q^n. The number [n] _q!/ [m] _q! [n-m] _q! is called a q-binomial coefficient.

The expansion of the q-binomial coefficient into a sum of powers of q corresponds to the Schubert cell decomposition of the Grassmannian.


External links

* [ Conference at IHES on algebraic geometry over mathbf{F}_1]
* [ New Approach to Arakelov Geometry, by Nikolai Durov] : constructs a generalized theory of rings and schemes, including mathbf{F}_1 and other "exotic" objects.
*John Baez's This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics: [ Week 259]
* [ The Field With One Element] at the "n"-category cafe
* [ The Field With One Element] at Secret Blogging Seminar
* [ Looking for Fun] and [ The Fun folklore] , Lieven le Bruyn.

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