By far

  • 51Far West — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Far West («lejano oeste») es un término inglés que puede designar : Geografía El Far West, nombre en inglés del Oeste de los Estados Unidos; El Australia; Far West, un asentamiento mormón en el estado de Misuri …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 52far´-out´-ness — far out «FAHR OWT», adjective. Informal. 1. a) far away from the ordinary; very unconventional; experimental; avant garde: »What began a few seasons ago as a real far out and rather random sport has achieved formal status and regular schedules… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 53Far North — is a colloquial term used to describe the northern regions of several countries and states. In some cases, however, it has a more specific or official meaning:*Northern Canada, especially the arctic region *Far North (Russia), a part of Russia… …


  • 54Far right leagues — ( Ligues d extrême droite ) gathered several French far right movements opposed to parliamentarism, which mainly dedicated themselves to military parades, street brawls, demonstrations and riots. The term ligue was often used in the 1930s to… …


  • 55Far East Prisoners of War — is a term used in the United Kingdom to describe former British and Commonwealth prisoners of war held in the Far East during the Second World War. The term is also used as the initialism FEPOW (spelled out when said, not pronounced as a word),… …


  • 56Far upstream element-binding protein 1 — Far upstream element (FUSE) binding protein 1 PDB rendering based on 1j4w …


  • 57Far Eastern Front in the Russian Civil War — Far Eastern Front in the Russian Civil WarDuring the Russian civil war, there was some extreme fighting in the Far Eastern part of the former Russian Empire. The fighting in this front expanded from Outer Mongolia, through Eastern Siberia, and in …


  • 58FAR Manager — Bildschirmfoto von Version 1.80 Basisdaten Entwickler FAR Group (bis 2000 Jewgeni Roschal) …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 59Far — (englisch für „fern“) steht als Abkürzung für: Failure Analysis Request, ein Prozess oder Formular zum Melden von Fehlern z. B. in Produkten Falschakzeptanzrate (auch False Acceptance Rate o. ä.), ein Begriff aus der Informatik Fasci d Azione… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 60Far breton — in der Auflaufform Far breton Far breton (Bretonisc …

    Deutsch Wikipedia