- Far right leagues
Far right leagues ("Ligues d'extrême droite") gathered several
French far right movements opposed toparliamentarism , which mainly dedicated themselves tomilitary parade s, street brawls, demonstrations andriot s. The term "ligue" was often used in the 1930s to distinguish thesepolitical movements opposed to parliamentary parties. After having appeared first at the end of the 19th century, during theDreyfus Affair , they were common in France in the 1920s-1930s, and famously participated in the6 February 1934 riots which overthrew the second "Cartel des gauches " (a center-left coalition government). For a long time, the French left wing had been convinced that these riots had been an attempted "coup d'état " against the Republic. Although contemporary historians have shown that, despite the riots and the effective overthrow of the governing left wing, there had been no organized plan to overthrowEdouard Daladier 's Radical-Socialist government, this belief led to the creation of the anti-fascist movement in France, and later to the dissolving of these leagues in 1936 by the Popular Front government headed byLéon Blum .A "French fascism"?
The debate on a "French Fascism" is closely related to the existence of these anti-parliamentary leagues, of which many adopted at least the exterior signs and rituals of fascism (
Roman salute , etc.) and explicitly imitated on one hand Mussolini's "squadristi s" or, on the other hand, Hitler'sNazi party 's organization — one should bear in mind, when analyzing "French fascism",international relations : in the 1930s, conservative president of the CouncilPierre Laval initiated relations with Mussolini's Italy and theUSSR againstGermany , seen as the "hereditary enemy" of France. After Laval's meeting with Mussolini in Rome on4 January 1935 , this policy led to the signature of theStresa front in 1935 [ See for example [http://www.herodote.net/19350104.htm "Laval meets Mussolini in Rome"] on4 January 1935 ] . Thus, the French far right was split betweenItalian fascism ,Nazism andnationalism , which forbade them from allying themselves with Hitler and pushed towards an alliance with Mussolini. Individual trajectories duringVichy France , when some far right members ultimately chose the Resistance against the German occupant, illustrate these ideological conflicts.Leagues created in the 1920s from
veteran s' associations are usually distinguished from those created in the 1930s, such asMarcel Bucard 's "Francisme ", which were more explicitly influenced by Fascism or Nazism — one of this reason being the commonanti-militarism ,pacifism and opposition to colonial expansion present in several veterans' associations of the 1920s. Leagues however quickly broke with this left wing anti-militarism and anti-colonialism. Both "Cartel des gauches " (Left Wing Coalition, the first one was from 1924 to 1926 and the second one from 1932 to the6 February 1934 riots ) saw the appearance of many leagues intent on overthrowing them through street demonstrations. Thus,Pierre Taittinger 's "Jeunesses Patriotes " (JP) were founded during the first Cartel, headed byEdouard Herriot , in 1924, as well asGeorges Valois 's "Faisceau " (1925) andcolonel de la Rocque 's "Croix-de-Feu ", founded a year after Herriot's fall. On the other hand,François Coty 's "Solidarité française " andMarcel Bucard 's "Francisme " were both founded in 1933, duringEdouard Daladier 's left-wing government. Daladier was replaced after the6 February 1934 riots by conservativeGaston Doumergue , whom included in his cabinet many right wing personalities close to the far right leagues, such asPhilippe Pétain and Pierre Laval.Most of the debate on the existence of a "French fascism" in between the two wars period has focused on these
paramilitary leagues, although most French historians agree in stating that as Fascism is by definition a "mass movement", these leagues don't qualify as such. This, of course, has been debated, since some of them, such ascolonel de la Rocque 's "Croix-de-Feu " were very popular and quite big. De la Rocque, however, who later went on to found the "Parti Social Français " (PSF, the first French mass party of the right-wing, which would be later imitated byGaullism [ SeeRené Rémond 's "Les Droites en France", 1982, Aubier ] ), has often been said not to be fascist, an assertion which based itself in particular on his respect for constitutional legality during the 6 February 1934 riots. Others observers argue that both Fascism and Nazism formally respected legality, and that this factor, in itself, doesn't sufficiently set de la Rocque's movement aside from other types of fascism.Famous leagues and common denominators
Far right leagues were characterized by their
nationalist ,militarist ,anti-Semitic ,anti-parliamentarist andanti-Communist opinions. Beside, in particular in the 1930s, they often took model onMussolini 'sBlackshirts and favored military parades,uniforms and display of their physical might.The most famous far right leagues included:
Paul Déroulède 's "Ligue des patriotes " (founded in 1882, revived in 1896 during the Dreyfus Affair and finally dissolved soon afterwards)
*Edouard Drumont 's "Antisemitic League of France " (founded in 1889, disappeared before World War I)
*"Camelots du Roy ", founded in 1908. Youth organization of the royalist "Action française ", which was involved in the6 February 1934 riots.
*"Jeunesses Patriotes ", founded in 1924 byPierre Taittinger . Claiming the legacy of Déroulède's "Ligue des patriotes", it also took part in the February 1934 riots. Presenting itself as a movement in favor of moreexecutive power and with official aims of "defending institutions from the left wing", the "Jeunesses Patriotes" adopted many ritual signs of fascism (Roman salute , etc.) but conserved, on the whole, areactionary program distinct from fascism.
*"Défense paysanne".
*"Front paysan", founded byHenri Dorgères .
*"Frontisme", founded byGaston Bergery .
*"Le Faisceau ", founded in 1925 byGeorges Valois . Heavily inspired by Mussolini's fascism, the "Faisceau" claimed to make the synthesis betweensocialism and nationalism, which is at the basis of theNazi ideology. It was at its summum in 1926, with 25,000 "Blue Shirts" (on the model of theBlackshirts ), before dissolving on internal dissensions [Zeev Sternhell , « Anatomie d'un mouvement fasciste en France. Le Faisceau de Georges Valois », "Revue française de science politique", vol. 26, n°1, février 1976, p. 25-26. fr icon ] .
*"Croix-de-Feu ". Veteran association, founded in 1927. Headed byColonel de la Rocque , it made a calm rally in the 6th of February 1934 and didn't take part in the riots. It became more and more moderate, transforming into a democratic centre-right party, theParti Social Français (1936-1940). During WWII, La Rocque used his party as an intelligence resistance network (Réseau Klan), linked with the British Intelligence service. It paved the way togaullism and not to fascism.)*"
Solidarité française ", founded in 1933 by wealthy perfumerFrançois Coty , which imitated the Nazi party's organization.
*"Francisme ", founded byMarcel Bucard in September 1933. Partly funded by Mussolini, it dissolved in 1936 with the Popular Front's prohibition, only to reappear in 1941 under theVichy regime . Its members were some of the most enthusiastic collaborators with the Nazis.Dissolution of the leagues
This context of street agitation led
Pierre Laval 's government to outlawparamilitary organizations on 6 December 1935 [http://www.mairie-athis-mons.fr/index.php?p=histoire/il-y-a-60-ans-le-front-populaire.php#chrononat Chronology] on the website of the municipality ofAthis-Mons fr icon] , and then to pass the 10 January 1936 law onmilitia s and combat groups. This law limited theright of association (resulting from the 1901 law on associations) if these groups organized armed demonstrations in the streets; if they presented aparamilitary or militia aspect; or if they attempted to overtopple the Republic or threatened the integrity of the national territory [ [http://www.senat.fr/rap/l99-131/l99-1312.html II. LA PROPOSITION DE LOI N° 79 (1998-1999) : PERMETTRE UNE DISSOLUTION RAPIDE DE MOUVEMENTS DANGEREUX EN CAS D'URGENCE] ,French Senate fr icon ] . The 10 January 1936 law was however only partially implemented, and only the monarchist "Action française " was dissolved on 13 February 1936 [http://cercle.jacques-decour.over-blog.com/categorie-1085012.html Cercle Jacques Decour (Chronology)] fr icon] .The Popular Front thus included the dissolution of the leagues in its 12 January 1936 electoral program. This proposition was implemented after the May 1936 legislative election which brought
Léon Blum to power.Marceau Pivert called for the dissolution of the leagues on 27 May 1936 in "Le Populaire " newspaper [Marceau Pivert , [http://www.marxists.org/francais/pivert/works/1936/05/pivert_19360527.htm Tout est possible!] , 27 May 1936, "Le Populaire " fr icon] .On 19 June 1936, the Minister of Interior
Roger Salengro had the PresidentAlbert Lebrun sign thedecree outlawing the major leagues ("Croix-de-Feu ", "Solidarité Française ", "Jeune Patrie " and "Francistes ") were dissolved [http://web2.radio-france.fr/reportage/cahiers/cahiers.php?rid=255000090&aid=265000133 Biographical notice] ofRoger Salengro , "Radio France " ] . Three days later,de La Rocque bypassed the dissolution of the "Croix-de-Feu" by creating the "Parti Social Français " (PSF) . Salengro's initiative led the far-right newspaper "Grégoire " (500,000 issues per week) to initiate a campaign ofcalumny against him, which finally pushed him to suicide on 18 November 1936 .References
See also
Boulangisme "
*Dreyfus Affair
*Both "Cartel des gauches " (1924-26, and 1932-34)
*February 6, 1934 riots organized by many far right leagues
*History of far-right movements in France
*Non-conformists of the 1930s
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