

In legend and history, the following people are named Sarus:

*Sarus (Sörli), a son of the Norse mythological king, Jonakr. The story of this Sarus is based on:

*Sarus (Serila), a semi-historic figure who, in the fourth century, on behalf of his sister Sunilda, attacked Ermanaric, king of the Ostrogoths

*Sarus, a blood enemy and leading rival of Ataulf, king of the Visigoths, in the early fifth century

Other things named Sarus:

* Sarus River, the ancient name of the Seyhan River in Adana Province (Cilicia), Turkey

*Sarus (language), a language based on Solresol, created by Adam Phillips for the Brackenwood series of flash animations

* Sarus Crane, the world's tallest (6 ft/1.8 m) flying bird alive today

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  • Sarus — Sarus, mort en 412 en Gaule, est un aristocrate wisigoth, général de l armée romaine au début du Vème siècle, proche de Stilicon, le régent de l empereur d Occident Honorius (395 423). Biographie Sarus est le frère[réf. nécessaire] de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Sarus (language) — Sarus is an artificial language created by the Macromedia Flash animator Adam Phillips.ConstructionSarus consists of syllables which, when communicated, consist of symbols, tones, numbers, colors, gestures, or portions of a glyph. Its concept is… …   Wikipedia

  • Sarus (Römer) — Sarus († 413 in Gallien) war ein spätantiker römischer Offizier gotischer Abstammung. Im Jahr 407 diente er dem magister militum Stilicho, als dieser gegen den Usurpator Konstantin (III.) kämpfte, der von Britannien nach Gallien übergesetzt hatte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sarus Crane — Grus antigone antigone …   Wikipedia

  • sarus crane — indinė gervė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Grus antigone angl. sarus crane vok. Saruskranich, m rus. журавль антигона, m; индийский журавль, m pranc. grue antigone, f ryšiai: platesnis terminas – tikrosios gervės …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

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