Pater Familias

Pater Familias

Infobox Television episode | Title = Pater Familias
Series = Ghost Whisperer
Season = 3
Episode = 18
Airdate = May 16, 2008 (US, Canada)
Production = 318
Writer = John Gray
Director = John Gray
Episode list = Episode chronology

Caption =
Prev = Stranglehold
Next = Firestarter

"Pater Familias", or "Pater Families" is the third season finale of "Ghost Whisperer", it originally aired on May 16, 2008 on CBS in United States. All main cast appears in the final episode of season three.


A series of bodily possessions reveals the truth behind Melinda's family, including why her father vanished and why her mom kept the truth a secret.


Main Cast

* Jennifer Love Hewitt as Melinda Gordon
* David Conrad as Jim Clancy
* Camryn Manheim as Delia Banks
* and Jay Mohr as Professor Rick Payne

Guest Starring

*David Farkas as Young Tom Gordoncite web |url=;ep_title;17 |title=Ghost Whisperer 3.18 episode information from |accesseddate=May 17, 2008]
*Haley Alexis Pollos as Young Melinda
*Kirk B.R. Woller as Dr. Farrington
*Corin Nemec as Masked Man/Paul Eastman
*Anne Archer as Beth Gordon
*Nick Jameson as Sean
*Sarah Jaye as Young Beth Gordon


*Afemo Omilami as Archivist
*Martin Donovan as Tom Gordon
*Chris Sanders as Ned Banks

Production notes

The series is based on the work of "Spirit Communicator" James Van Praagh, [] who is co-executive producer [] and constantly updates a blog about the show through CBS. [ [ Ghost Whisperer on Ghost Whisperer on CBS ] ] The stories are also said to be based in part on the work of "Spirit Communicator" Mary Ann Winkowski. [ [ Real-lifeGhost Whispererinspires CBS - TV dramas - ] ] . Development of the show dates back to at least two years before its premiere. [ [ Ghost Whisperer on Ghost Whisperer on CBS ] ] The show is currently produced by Sander/Moses Productions in association with CBS Paramount Network Television (originally CBS Productions in season 1) and ABC Studios (originally Touchstone Television in the first 2 seasons). The show is filmed on the Universal Studios back lot in Hollywood. [ [ Universal Studios Hollywood - What's New ] ] One area on the lot is Courthouse Square from the "Back to the Future" trilogy, though it has been drastically modified to portray Grandview. For example, the clock tower present in "Back to the Future" has been completely covered up. Cast and crew members also believe that the set gets visits from real spirits. [ [ SCI FI Wire | The News Service of the SCI FI Channel | SCIFI.COM ] ]

Sound effects are completed at Smart Post Sound [ [ Ghost Whisperer Television Show-Mix Checks in on Creating Audio Sounds for Ghost Whisperer TV Show ] ] and special effects at Flash Film Works. [ [ Flash Film Works - Ghost Whisperer ] ]

The hair stylist for the shows protagonist, Melinda Gordon (played by Jennifer Love-Hewitt), was 5 time Emmy award nominated hair designer Michael Reitz.

After the season one finale, John Gray, the show's creator, signed a two-year contract with CBS, which would all but guarantee a third season. [ [ Sci-Fi / Fantasy ] ] Season three is also supposed to bring about new executive producer P.K. Simonds. [ [ SCI FI Wire | The News Service of the SCI FI Channel | SCIFI.COM ] ]


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  • pater familias — [patɛʀfamiljɑs] n. m. invar. ÉTYM. XXe; mots lat. « père de famille ». ❖ 1 Hist. Chef de la famille romaine. 2 Littér. Père de famille autoritaire. ♦ Par plaisanterie : 0 (…) j ai eu la sensation d être le père idéal qui sait répondre pleinement… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • pater familias — лат. (патэр фамилиас) отец семейства. Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина. М: Русский язык, 1998 …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

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  • pater\ familias — [ patɛrfamiljas ] n. m. inv. • 1831; mots lat. « père de famille » 1 ♦ Hist. Chef de la famille romaine. 2 ♦ (1907) Littér. Père de famille très autoritaire …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Pater familias — for the episode of Ghost Whisperer, see Pater Familias. The pater familias (plural: patres familias ) was the highest ranking family status ( status familiae ) in an Ancient Roman household, always a male position. The term is Latin, literally,… …   Wikipedia

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